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Effect of Clomiphene citrate on peri implantation endomaterial estrogen receptor level/
,Safaa Mostafa Hindawy
.Hindawy, Safaa Mostafa
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / Safaa Mostafa Hindawy
مشرف / Ayman A. Azazy
مناقش / Ahmed Salem
مناقش / Ayman A. Azazy
Obestetric and Gynaecology
تاريخ النشر
. 1996
عدد الصفحات
أمراض النساء والتوليد
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة بنها - كلية طب بشري - النساء والتوليد
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Anovulation is a common problem which presents in 8 variety of clinical
manifistations, including amenorrhea, irregular menses lind hirsuusm. One of the serious consequences of chronic anovulation is infertility, Normal ovulation
requires. coordination of the controlling endocrine system of menstruation at all
Clomiphene citrate, a triphenyl ethylene derivati ••e.. IlUlI steriodal synthetic
compound with both estrogenic and anti-estrogenic activity, is the most common
agent in clinical me for ovul ation iad tl etion with minimal side effects of a clinically acceptable frequency Its application for induction of ovulation has resulted in high
success rates of 55 % to 99 %, however, conception rates of patients are only
between 25 % and 43 %.
This discrepancy between ovulation and conception rates lias been attributed
to several clomiphene citrate induced factors, including inadquate maturation of the
: endometrium. The effects may involve steroid receptor mechani ”til,
Several studies has heen done to study the effect of clomiphene citrate
treatment on endometrial estrogen receptor levels with controversal results,
The present study aimed to study the effect of clomiphene citrate 011 late
secretory endometrial estrogen receptors level and its effect on endometrial dating
to find out a possible came fur the discrepancy between the incidence of induction
of ovulation using it and the occurrance of pregnancy.
Thirty females were the subjects ofthis study. They were classified into two
groups. The first group was included (10) normally ovulating volunteers who were
using barrier contraceptive methods or having tobal ligation, The second group was
_included (20) infertile non ovulating females, who were given 1S0 mg CC. at the
fifth day of the cycle for f days. Monitoring uf ovulation was done by basal body
temperature records and by llhn:18L)!UC Iolliculomerry and was confirmed by the
endometrial biopsy,
Premenstrual endometrial biopsy (day 25 ·28) war, taken from the uterine
fundus for each participant, R - HCG estimation was done [Of women Oil Cc. and
women who use barrier contraceptive methods to roll out fertilization before taking
the biopsy.