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Geophysical studies on the nubian sandstone aquifer at tushka area, western desert, egypt /
Mohamed, El­-Sayed Bedir.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / El­Sayed Bedir Mohamed
مشرف / Fouad Fawzy Shaban
مشرف / Taher Mohamed Hassan
باحث / El­Sayed Bedir Mohamed
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
156 p. :
علوم الأرض والكواكب
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنصورة - كلية العلوم - Geoligy Department
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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from 165


This hydrogeophysical thesis is considered as one of the important branches, which is the integration process among the geophysical data, petrophysical characteristics and the hydrogeological information for evaluating the groundwater potentialities of the Nubian sandstone aquifer at Tushka area that is the promising area in Egypt. In this study, several field measurements were carried out in the area such as geomagnetic, geoelectrical survey, well logging and groundwater sampling. The measured data were corrected, processed and interpreted using the most recent programs, which make assurances of the lithological, petrophysical and hydrochemical characteristics of the Nubian aquifer. It is worth mentioned that the results were shown in the form of computerized cross sections, cross plots, maps and diagrams. These results are summarized as follows: the aquifer thickness (saturated zone) ranges from 60 to 195 m b.g.l., the depth to basement ranges from 170 to 450 m b.g.l. as well as the total thickness of the sediments, depth to water, water salinity, outline of the aquifer boundaries, subsurface layer distribution and aquifer petrophysics that comprises shale content (8­37 %) and sand content (60­85 %) and consequently, the total porosity of the saturated zone ranges from (7 to 14 %) and the intrinsic permeability. According to these results, the main target of this study can obtain and it is concluded that the groundwater potentialities of the Nubian sandstone aquifer in Tushka area is considered as medium potentiality. Based on the present study, the following recommendations are suggested, it is possible to drill more productive wells in some localities. On the other hand, care must be taken in drilling in other regions due to its hydrogeological, structural and petrophysical characteristics. In addition, it is very important to control the consumption of the groundwater in Tushka area.