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COrneal thickness and intraocular pressure measurement same day after lucentis intra-vitreal injection /
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / علا عبدالفتاح السيد هيكل
مشرف / مصطفي كمال نصار
مشرف / أحمد إسماعيل رمضان
مشرف / نهي خيرت جابر
Eye Diseases therapy. Intravitreal Injections methods.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
75 p. :
طب العيون
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنوفية - كلية الطب - طب وجراحة العيون
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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Intravitreal injection (IV) of anti-vascular endothelial growth
factor (anti-VEGF) agents are increasingly used for the treatment of
retinal vascular diseases. Bevacizumab (AvastinTM) and ranibizumab
(LucentisTM) are the most frequently used anti-VEGF agents in
ophthalmology and which are both antibodies to VEGF. Despite the
fact that the safety of these agents is generally approved by many
physicians, some serious systemic and ocular complications can be
seen after the injections.
This descriptive prospective study was carried out to assess the
effect of intravitreal injection of ranibizumab on central corneal
thickness and intraocular pressure within one week after injection in
38 eyes by ultrasound pachymeter and goldman applanation tonometer
of 38 selected patients who attended the outpatient clinic of
Ophthalmology department of Menoufia University for intravitreal
injection of ranibizumab because of retinal venous occlusion (RVO),
diabetic retinopathy, macular edema and choroidal neovascularization
All Including patients are adult patients from 18 to 70 years of
age both gender with crystalline clear cornea devoided from any
corneal dystrophy and degenerations, corneal thickness more than 400
Excluding patients with glaucoma, patients less than 18 years
old, local eye disease and previous surgery, preoperative corneal
thickness less than 400 mm any type of corneal pathology as corneal
degeneration and, corneal dystrophy.
All patients underwent a complete baseline ophthalmological
examination, full medical and ophthalmic history, clinical
examination including BCVA, slit-lamp examination, fundus
examination by slit-lamp bio microscopy using 90D lens.
IOP and CCT examination performed before, same day, first
day,and one week after intravetreal injection.
Our study included 38 patients (11 males and 27 females) with
retinal vascular diseases and their ages ranged from 31 to 71 years
with a mean age of 59.87 ± 9.88 years.
More than half patients (55.3%) had their left eye affected. Out
of 38 patients, 57.9% were diabetic and 28.9% were hypertensive.
The most common indication for ranibizumab injection was
proliferative diabetic retinopathy in 34.2% of the studied patients
followed by CNV in 26.3% then BRVO and CME, each elicited by
15.8% of patients.
Before ranibizumab injection, the mean IOP was 15.84 ± 2.75
mmHg which was increased the same day after injection to be 24.18 ±
4.22 mmHg, started decreasing after 1 day and one week with a mean
of 16.34 ± 2.36 and 15.18 ± 2.32 mmHg respectively.
Before ranibizumab injection, the mean CT was 525.03 ± 43.99
μm which was increased the same day after injection to be 555.08 ±
47.39 μm, started decreasing after 1 day and one week with a mean of
543.55 ± 44.83 and 525.32 ± 42.59 μm respectively.