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فاعلية برنامج معرفي سلوكي لتحسين بعض المهارات المعرفية والاجتماعية لدى أطفال اضطراب طيف التوحد /
قطب، منى محمد احمد.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / منى محمد أحمد قطب
مشرف / رأفت السيد عبد الفتاح
مشرف / أحمد خليفة عبد السلام
مناقش / محمد إبراهيم الدسوقي
مناقش / خالد محمد عبد الوهاب
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
225 ص. :
علم النفس التطبيقي
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة بني سويف - كلية الآداب - علم النفس
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 263

from 263


The autism spectrum is considered one of the strongest developmental disorders. It is one of the categories of special education that has unique independence, as autism spectrum disorder is classified as a disorder that includes an imbalance in neurological development, and this is evident in the negative impact on the development of communicative, social, and behavioral development milestones.
also negatively affects aspects of the child’s development, including the mental and cognitive aspect, and appears in the inability to cognitively process information. It also affects the social aspect, as they have difficulties in providing social knowledge and understanding the causes of emotions, and social interactions between children with Autism spectrum disorder constitutes a cycle of lack of awareness with others, as most of them have severe deficiencies in their relationships with others.
Therefore, a child with autism needs intervention to improve the cognitive and social skills that contribute to the formation and development of the personality, in accordance with the requirements of current social life, and also in accordance with the capabilities, capabilities, desires, and interests. The experiences that the child goes through and their diversity increase his cognitive and mental outcome, as The mental aspect is considered an aspect of a child’s development, and explains his mental abilities, thinking, perception, memory, attention, and creativity .
Both cognitive and social skills in children are considered to be the gradual construction of learning skills, as cognitive skills are represented in attention, memory, thinking and perception, and social skills are represented in communication and interaction. Thanks to these processes, children are able to process sensory information and then learn to evaluate, analyze, Remembering, comparing, classifying, and sequencing .
This cognitive and social structure can be improved through cognitive behavioral training. Because it is a therapeutic trend that includes a three-dimensional perspective (cognitive, emotional, and behavioral), it also depends on establishing a cooperative relationship between the specialist and the client to bring about therapeutic change by improving thoughts and achieving positive emotions and desired behaviors.
Cognitive behavioral therapy also places great emphasis on certain cognitive techniques that are designed to bring about changes in thinking. Thus, causing changes in behavior or mood. Cognitive-behavioral therapy for children includes a series of procedures based on behavior performance, and includes individual sessions and group sessions. The duration of treatment varies and depends on the severity of the difficulties or problems they are experiencing.
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