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Efficacy of Different Final Irrigant Activation Protocols on the Penetration Depth of a Calcium Silicate-Based Bioceramic Root Canal Sealer
Khalifa, Hager Ahmed Shetewy.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / هاجر أحمد شتيوي خليفة
مشرف / أ.د/ كريم مصطفي إبراهيم البطوطي
مشرف / د/ سارة حسام فهمي
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
xvi;(102)P .
طب الأسنان
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية طب الأسنان - علاج الجذور
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This study aimed to evaluate the effect of the final irrigant activation of ER: YAG laser with PIPS technique and ultrasonic irrigant activation by Ultra-X endoactivator device on the penetration depth of the bio-ceramic root canal sealer using the CLSM.
60 human mandibular premolars that were freshly extracted, were used in the study. The access cavities were opened. All teeth were instrumented with the crown-down technique, using a Protaper rotary instrument to achieve a size #40 apical preparation. Irrigation was performed using 3ml of 5.25 NaOCl after every change of instrument. After biomechanical preparation, teeth were divided equally into 4 groups (n=15) according to the final irrigant activation technique (laser-activated irrigation using PIPS technique), (passive ultrasonic irrigation), (manual dynamic activation), and (no activation group). The sealer was mixed with the Rhodamine B fluorescent dye for analysis of sealer penetration under the CLSM at 20x magnification. Obturation was carried out in a single cone technique. Then from each root, 3 slices were obtained representing the coronal, middle, and apical thirds.
The results of that study showed the superiority of the PIPS technique over the PUI on sealer intra-tubular penetration depth. Also, demonstrated that PUI significantly improved the sealer penetration into the dentinal tubules when compared to MDA.