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رؤية مقترحة للدور التربوي للمرأة بصعيد مصر في مواجهة تحديات الإعلام الإلكتروني /
عثمان، حنان عيد محمد.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / حنان عيد محمد عثمان
مشرف / مصطفى محمد أحمد رجب
مشرف / سلوى حلمي علي يوسف
مشرف / فتحي محمد الحسيني عصفور
مناقش / مراد صالح مراد زيدان
مناقش / مروة عزت عبدالجواد
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
324 ص. :
أصول التربية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة بني سويف - كلية التربية - أصول التربية.
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

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from 284


The media, with all its audio, printed and visual means, constitutes an important and effective means in bringing about the great transformations and changes that happens in society, Positive at times and negative at other times, and the technology that was added to it became a revolution known as the new media that has a serious impact on the family and all groups and community institutions.
Recently, the world has witnessed a struggle between real and virtual life, which has become a refuge for people to achieve their aspirations with little cost, time and effort, and without social, moral, or even legal and security barriers.
Electronic media dominated and affected its users, with its various media, political, cultural and educational influences on a wide scale, until some people called our era (the era of information), not because the media is a new phenomenon, but rather because its modern means has reached far goals in the depth of impact, the power of guidance and the intensity of danger that led to fundamental transformations in the role of the media, and made it an essential axis in society.
This type of media, with all its means, represents a threat to the security and stability of the family and society, and women are suffering with their family members in order to carry out their educational role as it should be, because these means had negative effects on her and her family intellectually, physically and psychologically, and the problems accumulated and exacerbated to an extent that is too difficult to control.
Although women in any society represent one of the most basic criteria for measuring the degree of its progress, and societies cannot progress at a regular pace without the participation of women in development frameworks. She is the half of the productive capacity, and no society can advance with just one half of it and leave the other.
She also has her educational roles assigned to her towards her family and society, However, she still suffers from the restrictions and challenges that hinder her from carrying out her educational role, especially for women in Upper Egypt.
Examples of these obstacles are the cultural, social, economic and political challenges.
Also, the new media representing in social media and others do not deal with woman issues with sufficient attention, but rather exposes her in a manner that contains ridicule and disrespect for her traditions and customs that she has been suffering from for a long time.
Therefore, it is clear that the current study is important in identifying the educational role of women in Upper Egypt to face the challenges of electronic media, considering that women are the main axis and pillar within the family and the main element in development, in order to limit t38he aggravation of problems, the spread of bad morals and the commission of crimes as a result of the use of social media, which led to the abandonment of customs and traditions that were preserved and advocated by the heavenly religions within the family members and thus society.
Problem of the study:
The problem of the study was identified in the weakness of the educational role of women, especially in Upper Egypt, to face the challenges of electronic media, which have rapid effects on the Egyptian society and without effort or time either for education and enlightenment or to destroy ideas, minds and bodies, and because mother is the first building block and cell in which children are raised and the backbone of society, The study tried to identify the reality of the educational role of women in Upper Egypt to face these challenges in order to reduce the exacerbation of problems and limit the bad and negative use of various electronic media, preserve the proper structure of the family entity and strengthen the bonds of Interdependence and social fabric among members of society.
Questions of the study:
The problem of the study was determined in answering the following questions.
What is the educational role of women in Upper Egypt to face the challenges of electronic media? Several sub-questions branch out from this question as follows:
1. What is electronic media?
2. What are the intellectual bases for the educational role of women?
3. What is the reality of the educational role of women in Upper Egypt and the challenges they face?
4. What is the proposed vision for the educational role of women in Upper Egypt to face the challenges of electronic media?
Aims of the study:
The current study aimed at identifying the reality of the educational role of women in Upper Egypt to face the challenges of electronic media and developing a set of recommendations and proposals to support achieving this role played by women. This can be achieved through:
1. Identifying the nature of electronic media.
2. Identifying the intellectual foundations of the educational role of women.
3. Identifying the reality of the educational role of women in Upper Egypt and the challenges they face
4. Identifying a proposed vision to confront challenges of electronic media faced by women in Upper Egypt in a way that is compatible with the current situation of the family and society.
Significance of the study:
Significance of the study is apparent in the following:
1. The importance of the study subject that deals with the educational role of women, as well as electronic media.
2. Identifying the educational role of women in facing the danger of electronic media within the family.
3. Identifying the dangers caused by electronic media and its importance for the family, especially women and society.
4. This study contributes to the enrichment of the university library and the educational heritage in one of the most important educational fields, which is the educational role of women and electronic media.
5. The study may benefit many institutions such as: schools, youth and sports centers, as well as media institutions.
6. The study may benefit the Egyptian family to overcome the problems of electronic media.
Methodology of the study:
The researcher used the descriptive approach in order to be aware of the various dimensions of the study problem, given its relevance to the nature of the current study.
Tool of the study:
The tool of the current study was a questionnaire prepared by the researchers that included seven axes that represent identifying the reality of the educational role of women in Upper Egypt and the requirements for achieving this role in facing the challenges of electronic media, The questionnaire was applied to a sample of (380) women, including institutions of education, youth and sports, and the media, in some cities of Sohag governorate.
Delimitations of the study:
Subject delimitations: The study was delimited to women in Upper Egypt and electronic media, the educational role also includes the following dimensions: the family role, the cultural role, the social role, the economic role, the political role, and the educational role.
Spatial delimitations: the study was limited to the centers (Sohag; Maragha; Juhayna; Al-Monshah) in Sohag Governorate and included educational institutions, youth and sports centers, and the Nile Center for Media.
Time delimitations: The questionnaire was applied from 1/1/2023 to 30/3/2023.
Steps to proceed in the study:
The researcher proceeded in the current study according to the following steps:
The first step, the researcher dealt with the ”general framework of the study” from the introduction, the problem of the study and its questions, the aims of the study, its theoretical and applied importance, the methodology of the study and its limits, tools and terms, in addition to a presentation of the most important previous studies on this subject, this chapter concluded with presenting the steps of the study.
The second step: The researcher conducted a theoretical analytical study on electronic media in order to answer the first question of the study, which is what is electronic media? Under the title of ”electronic media, a conceptual framework”, in the second semester of the study.
The third step: The researcher conducted a theoretical analytical study on the educational role of women in order to answer the third question of the study, which is the reality of the educational role of women In Upper Egypt and the challenges they face? Under the title of ”the educational role of women, challenges and requirements ”, in the third chapter of the study.
The fourth step: the researcher dealt with the field study on assessing the opinions of an appropriate sample of some female workers in the institutions of education, youth, sports and media in some Sohag cities to identify the educational role of women in Upper Egypt to face the challenges of electronic media. The field study has been dealt with in terms of objectives and tools, and the results and interpretation of the study, in the fourth chapter under the title ”Field Study: Procedures, Results and their Interpretation.
The fifth step: In which the researcher dealt with providing a proposed vision for the educational role of women in Upper Egypt to face the challenges of electronic media and some recommendations, in order to answer the fourth question of the study, which is ”What is the proposed vision for the educational role of women in Upper Egypt to face the challenges of electronic media?” In the fifth chapter, entitled ”A proposed vision for the educational role of women in Upper Egypt in facing the challenges of electronic media.
Results of the study:
The study reached several results, the most important of which are:
1. The deterioration of relations between family members due to preoccupation with communicating with electronic media. Therefore, women in Upper Egypt work to improve these relations and develop a method based on dialogue as much as possible.
2. Behaviors that are devoid of values, morals, and religious scruples have spread on social media, and women in Upper Egypt are trying to modify these behaviors, develop children’s morals, and make them aware of phenomena that are alien to society when using these means.
3. The impact of what is published on social media and received from the West on the Ideas of individuals, which led to a change in their behavior and style to life, and women work to raise awareness of the necessity of preserving the Egyptian identity, and not to imitate the West, as appears in their media via electronic media.
4. Women in Upper Egypt suffer from the image in which they appear in the electronic media as (a weak character or domineering) and try to change that image.
5. Women in Upper Egypt need to educate their children about the importance of constructive thought to confront the superstitions and sorcery that exist on electronic media, and also take them to cultural and recreational courses to fill their free time, in addition to holding seminars in the workplace to raise awareness of the dangers of electronic media addiction.
6. The woman suffers from various types of verbals, moral or physical violence on different electronic media in a way that provokes her and tries to confront this violence.
7. The spread of destructive ideas through these means, which urge sabotage and destruction of the capabilities and institutions of the country, which requires women in Upper Egypt, as much as possible, to develop a spirit of loyalty and belonging to the homeland in order to confront these ideas and behaviors.
8. The electronic media negatively affected its participants, and one of its most important disadvantages is the violation of privacy. Therefore, women try to educate individuals to distance themselves from these negatives and to use them positively.
9. social media has clearly affected family relationships, work relationships, and interactions between individuals in society, and communication has become an addiction that poses a threat to family members and society, which requires women to raise awareness and publish that on those pages to show the seriousness of her addiction.
10. Women work to benefit from what the electronic media offers in many areas related to family or society.
11. In order to face the economic effects of electronic media, women need to allocate the appropriate time for their children to use these means, because they face difficulty in preventing them from them, as well as their preoccupation with their work or home duties, which causes the family some material damage from the children’s consumption of these means.
12. To overcome the high cost of living and high prices, women market handmade and other products through electronic media through work relations and the social media community, in order to benefit and generate revenue for the benefit of the family, but in a small way.
13. Advertising the commodity on social media has become eye-catching and tempting to buy it, and that exhausts the family financially, which requires women to develop the awareness of children and individuals to rationalize consumption in the purchase process from these means, and try to display their products of various types, so that society becomes a consumer and a producer together.
14. To some extent, women raise awareness of the importance of participating in the People’s Assembly or local elections in cities and villages through social media, and encourage their peers and assist them in political participation in all its forms through electronic media.
15. Women in Upper Egypt do not work enough to demand for issuance of strict laws and legislation to confront the dangers and dangers of electronic media to the family and society, to participate in civil society centers in villages and cities, and to rely on electronic media to clarify its importance.
16. Women participate in a small percentage in the demand for the enactment of deterrent laws against perpetrators of electronic crimes, especially female members of the People’s Assembly or local councils.
17. Women in Upper Egypt demand for improvement in their status in the family and at work in society.
18. Women in Upper Egypt, to some extent, cooperate with the school to clarify the seriousness of some negative behaviors and phenomena practiced by children and how to eliminate them. They also contribute to the development of innovation, communication and research skills among children to build a generation that is psychologically, mentally and physically insufficient.
19. Women’s role in Upper Egypt in raising awareness through various school activities of the dangers of electronic media is not sufficient.
20. There is no sufficient cooperation between school and parents through holding seminars to educate them by the concerned and clergy about the seriousness of the absolute freedom of their children in using social media.
21. The weakness of women’s role in Upper Egypt in developing problem-solving skills among students through the internet to develop appropriate, logical and objective solutions.
22. One of the most important challenges facing women in Upper Egypt is the lack of media coverage of women’s issues related to cultural legacies, customs and traditions that affect social upbringing.
23. The lack of awareness of digital culture, which limits the effective use of electronic media, is one of the most prominent challenges facing women in Upper Egypt.
24. Women in Upper Egypt face a problem because of the weak role of cultural and religious institutions in raising awareness of the dangers of electronic media.
25. The challenge of family preoccupation greatly affects children and leads them to use electronic media for entertainment or to occupy their free time.
26. The spread of moral deviation and violence on the electronic media affects children, which constitutes a challenge for women in Upper Egypt to confront.
27. The challenge of increasing consumption within the family, due to the interesting display techniques on the electronic media, appeared clearly because women in Upper Egypt suffer from it.
28. The spread of misconceptions about women’s inability to assume responsibility by these means was one of the most important challenges facing women in Upper Egypt.
29. The absence of the role of educational institutions in preparing woman-mother and encouraging them to practise their educational role constituted a burden on women to carry out their educational role, especially in light of the spread of new means of communication.
30. The spread of social media and its control over aspects of life without censorship or restriction in dealing with women’s Issues is a clear and major challenge facing them.
31. The prominent challenge among the challenges facing women is not spending on school activities that occupy the student’s free time and fighting the electronic media because of the lack of budgets in educational institutions.
32. There is still digital illiteracy among women in Upper Egypt, which is ”how to deal with social media”, which makes it difficult for them to play their role, especially towards their family members.
The study ended with a proposed vision of the educational role of women in Upper Egypt to face the challenges of electronic media.