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أخلاقيات نشر مقاطع الفيديو عبر خدمة الفيسبوك لايف وإدراك الشباب الجامعي لها :
الكناني، هاني محمد ابراهيم محمد.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / هاني محمد ابراهيم محمد الكناني
مشرف / سحر فاروق الصادق
مشرف / أسامة عبدالرحيم علي
مناقش / ابراهيم محمد أبوالمجد فرج
النشر الالكتروني. اخلاقيات النشر.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
424 ص. :
اعلام تربوى
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنصورة - كلية التربية النوعية - قسم الاعلام التربوي
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 424

from 424


This study aims to identify the ethical reality of live streaming provided by social influencers on Facebook and their attitudes towards commitments to ethical controls, their level of awareness of the damages resulting from them, and the evaluation of the factors influencing ethical decision-making within the framework of the theories of social responsibility and planned behavior, and the extent to which viewers of live streaming perceive them. University youth and determine their position on exposure to ethical violations and their negative repercussions on society. It belongs to descriptive studies, as it relied on the media survey method by analyzing the content of live video clips provided by social influencers on Facebook, which amounted to 147 clips. It was applied to an audience of university youth in some Egyptian public and private universities, and another questionnaire related to social influencers for an available sample of (83) individuals who streamer live on Facebook, and their ages ranged from (18 to over 45 years).The study reached the following most important results:The results of the study indicated the superiority of the Facebook Live service among other social live streaming services, after YouTube Live and TikTok Live, in terms of usage intensity. Most of the influencers of the study sample came from young celebrities who have ambitions to reach fame and have cognitive energies (they have high qualifications), skill and creativity (they are professional), and they have a social personality style. Although live video clips have provided a space with viewers to disseminate and exchange information to achieve awareness of facts, they did not take into account some dimensions of responsibility due to the immediacy of the streaming live and the lack of control over the morally undisciplined content. As a result of the unprofessionalism of the influencers, and their lack of media personality capabilities, this contributed to the emergence of many ethical transgressions in light of the superficiality of the content, which made them turn towards social roles in order to reach a greater number of social support for the content in a way that exceeds their interest in functional roles. Although the interactive forms accompanying the live streaming included a large number of comments and likes and gave more freedom to exchange opinions and feelings, it gave a lot of controversy and concern about taking responsibility as a result of the viewer’s participation in the content industry, which caused a state of confusion and moral confusion at the level of words and linguistic expressions Especially inappropriate language used. On the other hand, there is a cognitive gap for the viewers in defining the responsibility for publishing inappropriate content, as a result of the lack of knowledge in defining their roles in front of members of society, which contributes to the spread of this type of content. The media pages came at the forefront of the specialized pages that most violate publishing ethics. The ”disrespect for my personal point of view” came at the forefront of the features of the respondents’ exposure to ethical violations during the live streaming, as a result of the live streamer’s independence in presenting the content for personal goals.The results revealed the motives behind the non-compliance of the live streamers with ethical standards on Facebook, foremost of which was the desire to obtain an increase in the rates of views and participation, and social fame. It was also found that influencers are well aware of the damages resulting from the violation of personal rights more than the damages of copyright infringement, foremost of which is the potential monitoring and control by individuals, and that the younger ones are less aware of these damages.The results showed the importance of the role of immediate comments in limiting the continuity in publishing live videos that offend the customs of society, and came at the forefront of these comments, reflecting a sense of responsibility. There is a powerful effect of instant feedback to reduce offensive content in two stages: (maintaining social support with the audience - shaping the content in an acceptable way). Among the most important results related to the factors influencing ethical decision-making according to the theory of planned behavior: the existence of a “behavioral gap” where the influencers of the study sample lack emotional control, basic skills and knowledge that hinder their efforts to move away from negative behaviors, and that the correlation between social norms and moral intention came Somewhat weak, as it shows that there is a lack of awareness of responsibility in front of others.