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تأثير استخدام إستراتجيات التهدئة القمية على بعض االستجابات الوظيفية والبدنية وعالقتها بتطوير مستوي األداء المهاري لالعبي كرة القدم
زيـتـون، محـمد محمـود حسـن فتـح هللا.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / محـمد محمـود حسـن فتـح هللا زيـتـون
مشرف / خــالـد سـعــيـد صـيـام
مناقش / أحــمـد محـمـد حـامـد حـيـدر
مناقش / تامـر عـمـاد الـديـن درويـش
التدريب الرياضى.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
77ص. :
التدريب الرياضي
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة بنها - كلية التربية الرياضية - التدريب الرياضى وعلوم الحركة
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 187

from 187


s, but it actually indicates and confirms the opposite. The exercise throughout the sporting
season is a cumbersome and difficult process. The use of methods and methods developed in
the sports field is not only important but inevitable for the remarkable development of the level
of athletic performance in all aspects of preparation. This has an impact on improved
competitive performance. This evolution of the level of players has helped the tremendous
progress in using different methods and methods of training and also the identification of
different and different influences. Besides identifying impact aspects in every way and style
commensurate with the different potential of footballers.
Sports training is of great importance in the reformulation and development of human
capabilities in its various dimensions in order to detonate the potential of the human being in
the direction of the desired goal. Sports training according to biological and physiological
evolution is only energy training of all kinds and demonstrates the coach’s ability to release
those potential. Regular sports training also helps develop the level, which in turn makes
players able to reach the highest levels of sport by developing and developing an individual’s
physical, functional and psychological abilities)( .
Mohammed Al-Kat (2013) states that trainers and trainers around the world have given a
powerful boost to the research limits of training loads in order to achieve the highest
performance in key competitions and tournaments. This is significantly associated with the
reduction in sports training load during many days leading up to competitions)( .
Career adjustment is one of the main duties of the sports training process and one of the most
important indicators by which the level of impact and development of the training process can
be measured to the highest level of achievement The identification of the physiological effects
of sports training demonstrates the coach’s understanding of how different bodies respond and
adapt to carrying training, Which is one of the most important applied rules of physiology in
the field of sports Training programmers can be developed and planned to develop and
develop appropriate training load components and improve training methods This achieves
perfect achievement and does not lead to stress)(