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الكومكس على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعى ودوره فى تشكيل اتجاهات الجمهور نحو ظاهرة التعصب الرياضى :
عبدالله، عادل احمد محمد.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / عادل احمد محمد عبدالله
مشرف / اعتماد خلف معبد
مشرف / ايمان شكري عبدالحميد حجازي
مناقش / سامي السعيد احمد النجار
مناقش / ثروت فتحي كامل ميخائيل
الإعلام الرياضي - جوانب اجتماعية. التعصب الرياضي. التعصب في وسائل الإعلام. العنف في الألعاب الرياضية. برامج التليفزيون - جوانب سلوكية وأخلاقية.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
مصدر الكترونى (228 صفحة) :
العلوم الاجتماعية (متفرقات)
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنصورة - كلية الآداب - قسم الإعلام
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 228

from 228


Introduction: Sports activity is an important field of raising children and youth, and with the increase of competition, some individuals may show negative or positive emotional responses and behavioral manifestations that express their intolerance or belonging to a team and may show aggressive behavior. Perhaps one of the most prominent technologies that contributed and sanctified the concept of intolerance in the sports street, are social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. their teams and attacking opponents from competitors and waiting for them when defeat, which created an atmosphere of competition outside the real world and moved to the virtual world more free of restrictions. Problem of the study: The report of the Information and Decision Support Center in the Council of Ministers revealed that the users of social networking sites in Egypt increased by 2.5 million users in early January 2022, compared to the year 2021; It reached about 51.45 million users, and with the increasing importance of these sites in our daily lives, their influential role in both positive and negative aspects became clear in the sports arena through campaigns of encouragement and support for sports teams, and the researcher noticed that this encouragement and support began to move in a strong and influential way to the world The most unrestricted default. With the growth of this phenomenon, encouragement began to turn into ridicule, mockery and defamation, and the phenomenon of sports intolerance grew across those sites in light of the spread of what is known as satirical cartoons or comics, and sports fanaticism became a vital problem in interaction and social communication, so the study problem can be identified in: Studying the relationship between the exposure of users of sites Social communication of sports comics pages and the growth of the phenomenon of sports intolerance, by monitoring the motives of the public’s use of sports comics on social networking sites and the impact of this use on the growth of the pure sports comics, and the extent of their interaction with those fees and methods of this interaction, so the research problem crystallizes about the role of sports comics on sites Social communication in the growth of the phenomenon of sports intolerance and its role in shaping public attitudes towards the phenomenon of intolerance. the importance of studying: The importance of this study lies in being an attempt to identify the extent to which the new media represented in social networking sites contribute to reducing or reducing the phenomenon of sports intolerance through the following:- 1-The study deals with the subject of sports comics, which spread in a remarkable way after pages were devoted in this regar 2-The huge growth in the number of sports comics pages on social networking sites in the past few years and the increase in fans and followers of those pages. 3-The growing phenomenon of sports intolerance through social networking sites, which necessitates an examination of this phenomenon. 4-Shedding light on the issue of sports intolerance and trying to present proposals to reduce it in light of the growing number of users of social networking sites in Egypt. Objectives of the study: This study seeks to achieve a main goal, which is to identify the role of social networking sites in reducing or reducing the phenomenon of sports fanaticism among the public through:- 1-Highlighting the importance of using sports comics pages through social networking sites, as it has become widely spread across those sites. 2-Knowing the most important sports comics pages and revealing the degree of public interest in them. 3-Monitoring the relationship between the public’s use of sports comics through social networking sites and the phenomenon of sports fanaticism. 4-Monitoring the effect of the relationship between demographic variables (gender - age - type of education - economic and social level) and their awareness and awareness of the phenomenon of sports intolerance. 5-Measuring the cognitive, emotional and behavioral effects resulting from public exposure to comics on social networking sites and its reflection on the phenomenon of intolerance. 6-Diagnosing the phenomenon of intolerance and knowing the factors and causes of its spread among the masses.