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فعالية الإرشاد الزراعي في النهوض بمحصول نخيل البلح بالواحات البحرية /
واصف، فيولة صبحي رفلة.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / فيولة صبحي رفلة واصف
مشرف / سامي أحمد عبد الجواد عفيفي
مناقش / محمد أبو الفتوح السلسيلي
مناقش / سيد عبد النبي محمد هيكل
نخيل البلح الواحات البحرية
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
145 ص.:
الزراعية والعلوم البيولوجية (المتنوعة)
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة بنها - كلية الزراعة - اقتصاد
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

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الباب الأول
مقــدمـة الدراسة
تمهيد: يشتمل هذا الباب على المقدمة، ويختص الأول بمشكلة الدراسة، وأهدافها، بينما الثانى تناول أهمية الدراسة، ومحدداتها، وخطتها.
لقد بات من المؤكد تاريخياً أنه لا توجد دولة انطلقت على طريق النهضة والتقدم الاقتصادى دون تحقيق قدر من الاهتمام والتقدم فى القطاع الزراعى، فله أهميته القصوى فى البنيان الاقتصادى وقطاع رائد للتنمية الشاملة، وتعد الزراعة مصدراً لرزق الغالبية العظمى من السكان فضلاً عما يساهم به القطاع الزراعى فى دعم الدخل القومى والصادرات ونمو وازدهار القطاعات الاقتصادية الأخرى (الهوارى، 1995، ص 95).
وباعتبار القطاع الزراعى أحد القطاعات الرئيسية المؤثرة فى الاقتصاد القومى المصرى فهو يساهم بنحو خمس إجمالى الناتج القومى ، فقد أوضحت استراتيجية التنمية الزراعية المستقبلية (1999- 2018) أن أجمالى الاستثمارات الزراعية سوف تبلغ 67,528 مليار جينة، لتحقيق أحيتاجات القطاع الزراعى وتلبية طموحات واحيتاجات السكان فى ظل الاستراتيجية المستقبلية، مما يتطلب ضرورة أستمرار تحديث القطاع الزراعى من خلال ثلاثة محاور رئيسية الأول البحث والإرشاد، والثانى البنية الاساسية المحفزة للتحديث ، والثالث توفير الالية القادرة على أنجاز المسارين السابقين (عبد السلام، ص ص 134-175،1998).
ومن المعروف أن صحارينا تشغل ما يزيد عن 96% من إجمالى مساحة جمهورية مصر العربية والصحارى المصرية تقع ضمن الحزام الجاف وشديد الجفاف، حيث تفتقر هذه الصحارى إلى كثير من أشجار وشجيرات الفاكهة المختلفة التى تجود فى منطقة البحر الأبيض، أو أنها توجد ولكن بأعداد قليلة جداً إذا ما قورنت بمساحة هذه الصحارى وما يجب أن يكون فيها، ولقد أطلق على نخلة البلح فاكهة الصحراء، لما تتمتع به من صفات ثمرية تجعلها تفوق كثيرا أنواع الفاكهة الأخرى التى تجود فى الصحراء، وما أجدرها أن تحظى باهتمام بالغ وكثيف ومستمر، حتى يمكنها أن تكون أحد العوامل الرئيسية فى حل مشكلة تناقص الغذاء، ويمثل الإنتاج الفاكهى جانباً أساسياً من الإنتاج النباتى، حيث يمثل مساحة الفاكهة فى مصر حوالى 1,165,395 مليون فدان، بينما تمثل مساحة نخيل البلح حوالى 6,3% من إجمالى المساحة المزروعة فاكهة فى مصر(هليل، 2005، ص 18).
Effectiveness OF Agricultural extension in the promotion the Date Palms Crop in MARINE Oasis
Guiding devices generally aim to bring about many desirable behavioral changes among the target audience, and these behavioral changes cannot take place easily, automatically or improvisedly. Behavioral changes are desirable economic and social.
The basic and essential role of agricultural extension is to help people through educational and practical efforts, which have a special character that differs from formal education, not only in the quality of teachers and target groups in the education process, and in order to be characterized by applying the knowledge obtained every day to solve the problems of farmers, so extension education Effective is the remainder of effective educational programs that are characterized by changing the behavior of the target groups, and this may take to change several forms, including the change in knowledge, attitudes and skills. Therefore, extension educational services must be based on the results of research and practical recommendations. In this way, there are similar and overlapping relationships between extension education and research. Scientific, which is the entity that develops, develops and adapts technology.
Through the field visit to the research area, it became clear that the low level of date palm farms in the Bahariya Oasis may be due to the low level of skills, knowledge and information of farmers on how to advance the olive crop, and how to deal with some of the recommendations items such as curving, gagging, slipping, combating the red palm weevil, and farmers’ adherence The traditional methods, customs and traditions inherited in the cultivation of date palms, as well as the weak role of agricultural extension in the region in simplifying and communicating the results of agricultural research to farmers, raising their awareness and educating them, which led to conduct this study in the advancement of the date palm crop and in order to promote the date palm crop, it must depend on a set of knowledge that the date palm growers must be familiar with, as well as a set of recommendations that they must apply in their farms, where the responsibility rests with the agricultural extension system, which He can play an effective role in bringing about desirable behavioral changes in the advancement of the date palm crop, taking into account the variation in the cultural, social and organizational factors affecting the work for guidance, It is able to provide farmers with the knowledge and skills necessary for them to increase their efficiency by applying the new technical recommendations related to the advancement of the date palm crop thus increasing production, which is reflected in raising their living standards.
Hence the importance of the effectiveness of extension work in bridging the gap between finding knowledge through research work and putting this knowledge into practice at the field, home and community levels.
The date palm crop must be promoted in the following recommendations. Controlling pests that affect the date palm crop, gagging, bending, and thinning, in order to avoid large losses in the date palm crop.
The results of most of the previous studies indicated that the date palm crop is one of the most important guiding areas that the date palm farmers in the Bahariya Oasis need to improve the crop, as most of them suffer from the problem of infesting the crop with numerous insects that they cannot effectively resist.
The agricultural extension is one of the most important devices to which the desired change is attributed to the Bahariya Oasis, and therefore it can have an effective and influential role in the advancement of the date palm crop, by bringing about desirable behavioral changes in the knowledge, skills and trends of date palm growers through the dissemination of ideas and recommendations The technical aspect of promoting the date palm crop, and persuading them to implement it in their fields.
Based on the foregoing, this study was conducted with the aim of
1-Identify the characteristics of the respondents
2- Determining the degree of effectiveness of agricultural extension in promoting the date palm crop through:
A- Determining the degree of knowledge and implementation of date palm cultivation for the specific technical recommendations for the advancement of the date palm crop through
B – Determining the sources of knowledge of date palm growers about the technical recommendations for the advancement of the date palm crop.
C - Determining the activities of the Agricultural Extension System in promoting the date palm crop
D- Determining the extent of the agricultural extension body’s ability to persuade the date palm growers to implement the technical recommendations related to the advancement of the date palm crop.
E - Determining the extent to which farmers benefit from the implementation of these recommendations in promoting the date palm crop.
3- Determining the relationship between the degree of effectiveness of agricultural extension in producing the date palm crop, and the studied independent variables.
4- Identifying the most important problems facing date palm growers in the study area.
5- Getting to know the surveyed farmers’ suggestions to overcome the problems they face.
Determining the relationship between the total degree of the effectiveness of agricultural extension in promoting the date palm yield as a dependent variable