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A study of the development of imagery in D. H. Lawrence{u2019}s Poetry :
Riham Atef Morshed ,
Riham Atef Morshed
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / English Language and Literature
مشرف / Mohamed M. Enani
مناقش / Mohamed M. Enani
مناقش / Mohamed M. Enani
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
137 P. ;
اللغة واللسانيات
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة القاهرة - كلية الآداب - English Language and Literature
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Essentially regarded as a novelist and often praised for, or attacked on account of the autobiographical traits in his writings, D. H Lawrence has rarely been regarded as a major English poet. However, recent studies of his works, especially those which rejected his denigration by the New Critics, have done much to rehabilitate his poetry. Going through his voluminous poetic output, one is struck by the variety of the technical qualities and the development of one or two leitmotifs in his poems. A preliminary study of his poetic imagery suggests that he was part of the ’spirit of the age’, developing from an initial romanticism to a solid vitalist stance, not detached from the existentialism of the 1920s and its repercussions over the entire interwar period. Since this era is characterized by the unprecedented developments that played an important role in shaping the ideology of many thinkers, the study will assign a chapter to shed light on the historical events and changes that contributed in rebelling against traditional beliefs as well as questioning the bases of the Age of Enlightenment; this will be done with specific reference to Lawrence. The study will scrutinize his ideas to show the effect of the theory of vitalism on his thought. The study will attempt to show how Lawrence{u2019}s poetry of the present can be poetry of Dasein. In answering these questions, the study will highlight the main features of existentialism in his later verse. The study will also study his mature poetry to show how it reflects solid beliefs in vitalism which eventually turned into existentialism.The study will try to determine if the free verse that he chose for himself was an appropriate medium for the causes he championed and the problems to which he sought solutions