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The Role of Al-Azhar in the Cultural and Political Life from 1930 to 1961 AD /
Mahmoud, Abdel Rahim Hamed Ahmed.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / عبدالرحيم حامد أحمد محمود
مشرف / نبيل الطوخى
مشرف / إيناس فارس يحيى
Islam and politics - Egypt.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
294 p. :
السياحة والترفيه وإدارة الضيافة
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنيا - كلية السياحة والفنادق - الإرشاد السياحي
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

from 298

from 298


It consists of an introductory chapter and four chapters in addition to the conclusion, appendices, images and list of bibliography.
The Introductory Chapter: The Role of Al-Azhar in the Political and Cultural Life by 1930 AD: dealt with The Fatimid dynasty and the establishment of Al-Azhar, Al-Azhar under the rule of the Ayyubids, the Mamluks and the Ottoman rule of Egypt. It also deals with Al-Azhar’s role in resisting the 1798 French campaign in Egypt, Al-Azhar’s role after the French departure from Egypt and Muhammad Ali’ accession to power, Al-Azhar’s stance on Fraser’s expedition to Egypt in 1807 AD, Muhammad Ali’s dependence on Azharite students, the British occupation endeavors to weaken Al-Azhar, then the reform laws in Al-Azhar and its role in the Egyptian Revolution of 1919 AD.
Chapter (I): The Role of Al-Azhar in the Cultural Life from 1930 AD to 1952 AD: dealt with Al-Azhar’s stance on Taha Hussein’s book entitled ”Fel She’r al-Jahili” or ”On Pre-Islamic Poetry”, the book entitled ”Al-Hidayah Wal-Irfan Fi Tafseer al-Qur’an Bil-Qur’an or ”Commentary on the Qur’an with the Verses of Qur’an”, “Al-Fann Al-Qasasi fel Qur’an al-Kareem” or “The Narrative Art in the Holy Qur’an”, christianization and orientalism in Egypt, the establishment of Al-Azhar University in 1930, Al-Azhar missions for da’wah abroad as well as the Islamic missions in Al-Azhar and their importance.
Chapter (II): The Role of Al-Azhar in the Cultural Life from 1952 to 1961 AD. It dealt with Al-Azhar’s role towards the Arab press, Al-Azhar magazine and its impact on the cultural life, the official newsletters of Al-Azhar mosque, the Farooqi Tafseer of Qur’an, Farouk I Academy of Islamic sharia, modern al-Azhar library, appeal for Al-Azhar from Indonesia, founding the independent university of Al-Azhar in 1961 AD and the eligibility of women to join Al-Azhar.
Chapter (III): The Role of Al-Azhar in the Political Life from 1930 to 1948 dealt with Al-Azhar Al-Sharif under the rule of King Fuad, its stance on Tripoli and Cyrenaica events, the persecution of Muslims in Russia and the problem of Al-Azhar in 1935 AD, as well as the strike of Azharite students, suspending the study at Al-Azhar, Azharites’ clashes with the opposition parties. It also shed light on Al-Azhar students and their mediation between the political parties, Al-Azhar during the Second World War in 1939 AD, Al-Azhar and the incident of February 4, 1942 AD and enforcing King Farouk to accept a Wafdite cabinet as well as the infringements of the King in jobs appointments at Al-Azhar.
Chapter (IV): The Role of Al-Azhar in the Political Life from 1948 to 1961 AD
It dealt with Al-Azhar’s stance on the Palestinian issue, the appointment of Sheikh Abdul Majid Selim a Sheikh of al-Azhar, Al-Azhar’s stance on the abolition of the Anglo-Egyptian Treaty of 1936 AD, Al-Azhar and the 23 July Revolution, 1952 AD, then Al-Azhar’s stance on the 1953 events of Marrakech, Al-Azhar and the Muslim Brotherhood and its stance on some national issues.
Conclusion: dealt with the most important results and recommendations concluded by the researcher.