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الفراغ الكوني وفلسفته في الفن المصري القديم :
ابراهيم, هاجر نبيل منصور.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / هاجر نبيل منصور ابراهيم
مشرف / عبد الغفار شديد
مشرف / ريم عاصم عبد الحق
مناقش / محمد السيد العلاوي
مناقش / خالد غريب علي شاهين
الفن المصري القديم.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
5 ،277 ص. :
الفنون البصرية والفنون المسرحية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة حلوان - كلية الفنون الجميلة - تاريخ الفن
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 301

from 301


The Summary
The Cosmic space or the image of the universe is a ”panorama” of ancient Egyptian thought that conveys the sense of wealth and diversity. How ancient Egyptians have searched since time immemorial issues still occupy the world today, and the nature of the universe, the Man, the meaning of death and immortality, the essence of time, the basis of human society, astronomy, mathematics and others.
The cosmic vacuum was considered a concrete body by summoning the elements emanating from within this entity. Use symbol, faith and art to achieve the image of the universe. The symbol was considered the backbone of his doctrinal and cosmic vision. Its forms and examples were manifested in various ancient Egyptian arts, through which the ancient Egyptian tried to record his ideas and values, and even the elements of his immortal life before his life in painting, sculpture, architecture and small arts.
The ancient Egyptian beliefs regarding the idea of the creation of the universe and the beginning of time were influenced by the surrounding nature, which changed throughout the year. The plant was grown and harvested, then re-grown, and the waters of the Nile flooded and the water flooded the earth and fields. The earth emerges again between the water in the form of hills or elevations. The ancient Egyptian imagined that the universe was immersed in the eternal waters of the ocean by creation, and this water is similar to the flood waters where this water was infinite, but it was the basic material for the creation of the universe.
There have been many treatments for the elements of the universe, a specific element of the universe may show certain natural force and also it may appear in different forms according to the different circumstances and roles where each of them must play. Therefore, the mythical description can be represented in different forms, whether in different form or texts. In order to realize the image of the universe, it was necessary to preserve the Maat which was responsible for achieving them through justice and the maintenance of religious rituals because Maat is a religious, political and social system, whether in human beings as a miniature of the world or the great world that includes the universe in all its elements. Maat reflected the balance of the universe as a whole. It is time for the elements to coexist in harmony and interaction from its basic components such as the celestial movements, the sun’s punishment every morning; the religious rites that take place are only the universe and the moral system which are inseparable.