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فاعلية برنامج بدني علاجي واليوجا للاعبي الدراجات المصابين بزيادة تحدب الظهر في بني سويف /
إبراهيم، هاجر عبد الحفيظ كيلاني.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / هاجر عبد الحفيظ كيلاني إبراهيم
مشرف / محمد قدري عبد الله بكري
مشرف / اشرف عبد السلام العباسي
الدراجات اليوجا. اليوجا الاستخدام العلاجى.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
1 مج.+
علوم الصحة الرياضية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة بني سويف - كلية التربية الرياضية - علوم الصحه الرياضيه
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 149

from 149


The vertebral column is considered one of the most important parts in the human skeleton, and it is the main substrate which connected directly and indirectly with all parts of the human skeleton as well as the large dorsal muscles which is responsible for straighten the back. Therefore, the postural alignment and consistency of all parts of the body depends on the protection and safety of this vertebral column and protect the muscles related to it, and if there is a defect or deviation in these muscles; the imbalance will occur therefore it will affect the natural curves of the vertebral column. It is well-known that the vertebral column injury starts small but grows big to be the reason for 50% of the back pains in general, and 70% of lumber vertebrae and lower back pain in particular.
Safaa El- deen El -Kharbutly (2000) indicates that the good posture is an urgent necessity to enhances the functional capacity of the vital organs of the body and reduces the body physical stress; whether on the muscles, joints or ligaments, which leads to delayed fatigue and lack of early stress. Many of the diseases associated with the muscular, nervous and skeletal systems are caused by defects and postural deviation.
Mohammed Sobhy Hasaneen (2003) emphasizes that the presence of deformities reduces the efficiency of the joints movement and agonist muscles in the deformation area whether functionally or mechanically.
Samiaa Khalil (2010) clarifies that the therapeutic exercises are type of exercises that is given to improve the general muscular performance of the body and strengthen the muscles, bones, joints and ligaments, which are therapeutic movements based on a scientific bases planned to be prescribed according to the injured person condition in order to restore the natural functions of the injured part or maintain its current state or increase its efficiency.
Kadry Bakry and Seham Ghamry (2005) points out that the treatment with regular targeted movement considered one of the natural means in the field of physical therapy and integrated rehabilitation of injuries to restore the basic functions of the body of the injured person, where the treatment and kinetic rehabilitation depends on various types of physical exercise.
Khayriyah Al-sukary (2006) mentions that the breathing techniques is the major axis of yoga sport, and the way you breathe has a direct effect on the mental state, emotions and behavior. Whenever the athlete can breathe better; the easier it will be to concentrate, relax, and learn.
Larine chabut (2010) explains that the benefits of yoga are that it helps to reduce the low back pain and stretching the major muscles that control the back and pelvic area, such as the lumber muscles (lower back) .
Research Problem
The researcher experience as a player in the Egyptian cycling team and through her readings, searching on researches and studies that dealt with using therapeutic exercises; she observed that lack of researches on using therapeutic exercises in the treatment of kyphosis for cyclists players. within the researcher’s knowledge limits.
Also, the researcher noticed the spread of kyphosis injury in the juniors’ cycling stage due to the long distance training and long sitting on the bike, which leads to injuries occurrence as well as the kyphosis resulted in: stretching and weaken the back muscles, shorten and contraction of the front chest muscles as a result of the convergence of the thoracic rib cage, decrease the vital capacity of the lungs, weakness in joints flexibility between vertebrae. Thus, it revealed that if these injuries did not treat from the beginning , it will lead to compensatory malformations such as protraction and rounded shoulder.
The Research Importance
The importance of the research is in using therapeutic exercises and yoga in repairing and adjustment the injury of kyphosis where the therapeutic exercises and yoga are used for muscles rehabilitation as there are many therapeutic exercises that prevent injury or treat it as long as it can be treated.
The Research Objective
The research aims to design the therapeutic exercises and yoga to identify its extent effect on improving kyphosis and vital capacity for cyclists.
1- Identify the effect of therapeutic exercises and yoga on the kyphosis of cyclists.
2- Recognize the effect of therapeutic exercises and yoga on the level of the vital capacity of the research sample.
3- Identify the effect of therapeutic exercises and yoga in restoring muscle strength of the back muscles.
Research Hypotheses
1- There are statistical differences between pre and post measurements between the experimental group of therapeutic exercises and yoga, and the control group in favor of the experimental group.
2- There are statistical differences between pre and post measurements of the control and experimental group of the therapeutic exercises and yoga, and its effect on the level of vital capacity in favor of the experimental group.
3- There are statistical differences between pre and post measurements between the control group and experimental group of the therapeutic exercises and yoga and its effect on restoring the muscular strength of the back muscles in favor of experimental group.
Research Methodology
The researcher used the experimental approach as it suits the nature of the research. The experimental design was used for two experimental group and control group, by using pre and post measurements.
Research Community
The research community was selected from cyclists in Beni-Suef governorate, aged between (13:16) years old . They are about (35) male players.
Research Sample
The researcher selected the sample deliberately, 20 male player from Beni-Suef club in Beni-Suef governorate. They aged between (13:16) years old. There were chosen (15) from them as a basic sample to apply the research, and (5) for the pilot study . The programs (therapeutic exercises -yoga) were applied on the basic sample of the research.
Conditions of Research Sample
• Approvals to participate in the study by the players after clarifying all the procedures for submission to the program as well as identify all the measurements that are measured before and after the application of the research.
• The players did not participate in previous researches.
• The sample was selected from those who suffer from first degree of kyphosis.
• Homogeneity between the variables of age, height and weight.
Means and Tools for Data Collection:
Data Collection Forms
 Data collection and registration form ( Name, age, height, weight).
 Variables collection form represented in ( vital capacity – kyphosis).
Tools and devices used to collect data:
 Stopwatch to calculate time.
 Flexible measuring tape.
 Medical weight scale.
 Restameter device to measure height in centimeters.
Lab tests and measurements used in research:
 Posture Screen Test.
 Electronic Spirometer device.
Developing the program
The researcher developed the proposed therapeutic programs ( therapeutic exercises - yoga), in order to achieve these programs, the researcher surveyed experts’ opinions and reviewed many of the references and studies that confirms the importance of the muscular strength development and balance in the vertebral column area between the muscles of the upper back ( increase its strength by shortening it) and chest muscles (increasing its elasticity by stretching ).
General Framework for Implementing the program:
The researcher designed the proposed treatment programs through the study of many researches and references, as well as previous studies that dealt with the role of yoga and therapeutic exercises in repair and rehabilitation of kyphosis and improve the vital capacity. The results were as follows:
- The duration of the program is three months.
- The program contains (36) unit,( 12) unit per month, (3) units a week, the unit period ranged between (30:45) minutes, taking into consideration the gradient in implementing the program.
The researcher conducted a pilot study on a sample of (5) players from the research community (Beni-Suef club), which were chosen deliberately. The pilot study was carried in (5) days from Sunday 04/02/2018 to Thursday 09/02/2018.
The Implementation of Research Measurements
The researcher conducted the pre-measurement of the research sample in the lab of health sciences at the Faculty of Physical Education, Beni-Suef University.
Rehabilitation Program Implementation:
The researcher applied the therapeutic programs (therapeutic exercises - yoga) on the experimental group during the period from Saterday 10/02/2018 to Saturday 12/05/2018 in three training units per week, the duration of the unit (from 30 to 45) minutes.
The researcher carried out the post-measurement of the research variables after the rehabilitation program completion on Sunday 13/05/2018.
Statistical Analysis
The researcher used the appropriate statistical transactions that suits the nature and need of the study using statistical packages program SPSS.
In light of the research results and within the research plan limit and its procedures, concluded the following:
1- Therapeutic exercises and yoga affect positively and effectively in improving the kyphosis in the research sample.
2- The use of therapeutic exercises and yoga improves the vital capacity for those suffering from kyphosis.
In light of the results of the study, the researcher recommends the following:
1- Use therapeutic exercises and yoga in kyphosis treatment.
2- Use therapeutic exercises and yoga to improve posture.
3- Developing therapeutic programs including yoga as an effective way to improve the various postural deviations.
4- Conduct more researches to recognize the effect of therapeutic programs and yoga on improving the health aspects of people with different diseases.
5- Conduct further studies on cyclists patients with different deformities.