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تأثير التدريبات الخافضة لنسبة الأكسوجين على بعض الاستجابات الوظيفية وعلاقتها ببعض مراكز اللعب للاعبي كرة القدم /
زيتون، محمد مـحمود حـسن فـتح الله.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / محــمــد مـحـمــود حـسـن فـتـح الله زيتون
مشرف / تـامــر حـســـين الشتـيـحـي
مناقش / أحــمـــد مـحــمـــد حـــيــــدر
مناقش / تـامــر حـســـين الشتـيـحـي
كرة القدم تدريب. التربية البدنية.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
158 ص. :
التدريب الرياضي
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة بنها - كلية التربية الرياضية - قسم التدريب الرياضي
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 158

from 158


The aim of the research is to identify the effect of oxygen- lowering
exercises on some functional responses and their relationship with some play
centers for football players. The effect of oxygen- lowering exercises on some
physical variables in football players under 16 years of age . Effect of oxygenlowering
exercises on some functional responses in footballers under the age of
16. And the differences between football players in various centers in the
physical and functional tests. The researcher used the experimental method to
design the group using the measurement (tribal and remote) The researcher
randomly selected the random sample of the football players from under (16)
The results of the training program for the oxygen depletion training applied
to the experimental experiment resulted in a significant improvement in the
physical variables and the functional responses (the circulatory system) and the
respiratory system . The results resulted in a positive correlation between the
physical characteristics and the functional responses in question, (Defender,
back, half-yard, wing, striker). The results also showed that there is no significant
development and there are no significant differences between different play
centers in the physical characteristics and functional responses under
The researcher also stressed the need to take care of the oxygen- lowering
exercises because they have effective results on the physical and functional
aspects of football players. And to conduct further research related to oxygenlowering
exercises on other samples of football players. And the need to inform
the operators of the training process in football on the proposed training program
to take advantage of in the areas of preparation of playe.