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Effect of foliar application with kaolin and purshade on growth and productivity of olive trees under south egypt conditions /
hamam, Safa mohamed salim
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / صفاء محمد سليم همام
مشرف / علاء الدين ثابت أبو العز
مشرف / محمد السيد السيد
مناقش / سيد مجدي عثمان الحفناوي
مناقش / احمد مخلص عبده السيسي
مناقش / علاء الدين ثابت أبو العز
foliar application. olive trees.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
131 p. :
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة سوهاج - كلية الزراعة - بساتين الفاكهة
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The effect of plant protectants namely, kaolin at 0%, 3% and 5% and
Purshade at 0%, 2% and 3% on counteracting insufficient chilling requirements, high temperature and excess solar radiation, to improving growth and productivity of two olive cultivars namely, “Aggezi Shamy” and “Picual” grown in Horticultural Station Orchard, situated at Shandaweel region, Sohag Governorate, Egypt was investigated during 2012/2013 and 2013/2014 seasons. Trees received three sprays in mid-January, date of blooming start and one month after full bloom. Foliar aplication of Purshad at 2% in mid-January, Kaolin at 3% in date of blooming start and Kaolin at 5% or Purshad at 2% at one month after full bloom were very effective for reduced midday leaf temperature (Tlf; ≈ 3.49, 2.15 and 2.46 °C), respectively and fruit temperature (Tft; ≈ 2.46 °C) under high radiation and temperature stress. Enhanced growth (No. of leaves and leaf area cm.2). Improved bloom (No. of perfect flowers, sex expression and flower density %) and consequently fruiting (initial fruit set % and yield kg./tree) and fruit quality (fruit dimensions cm., fruit weight g., fruit moisture and oil content %). Effectively for counteracting the adverse effects of sunburn on yield and fruit quality of “Aggezi Shamy” and “Picual” olive cultivars. This study suggested that, kaolin and Purshad coating could be consider as a useful technology for improving vegetative growth and productivity of olive trees in an environment of insufficient chilling requirements, high temperature and excess solar radiation. Key words: Kaolin, Purshade, Aggezi Shamy and Picual cvs., growth, bloom, fruit set, yield, fruit quality.