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Improvement of cement blocks for use in nuclear technology
Yasser Ragaee Zaghloul
Zaghloul , Yasser Ragaee
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / ياسر رجائى زغلول
مشرف / سمير حسن عقبة
مشرف / محمد رشاد الدسوقى
مناقش / هشام فؤاد على
مناقش / السيد عبد الرؤوف نصر
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
الهندسة المدنية والإنشائية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية الهندسة - انشاءات
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

from 241

from 241


The main purpose of this dissertation is to improve the properties
of cement blocks to be used as shielding material for nuclear installation
as well as for safe storage of radioactive waste packages. In this concern,
various kinds of local additives which are produced with large volumes as
industrial wastes or byproducts, of mainly low cost value, are tested as
modifiers for cement to prepare improved cement blocks matrices.
The additives selected are; ilmenite, magnetite, barium carbonate,
lead slag and aluminum slag. In addition treatment of cement blocks with
a stream of CO2 gas (carbonation process), is also tested to show the
effect of carbonizing the cement constituents, specially Ca(OH)2
produced as a result of the hydration process.
Since this work is a link between civil engineering and radiation
physics, therefore, some basics on radiation and radioactivity together
with radiation measurements are presented. In addition, the properties of
cement and the effect of the additives under investigation on its physical
and mechanical properties together with their effects on cemented blocks
to be used as shielding materials are investigated.
The results obtained showed that, economically, both lead slag and
ilmenite are the most recommended additives to be mixed with cement to
improve the properties of the cemented blocks to be used as engineered
barriers for protection of man and his environment.