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Utilization of Lucaena (Lucaena Leucocephala)Leaves in Tilapia Fish Feeding/
Alex-uni F.O.Agri.(Saba Basha)-Fish Production
Mohamed,Heba Yehia Abdul-Aziz.
Tilapia Fish Feeding Lucaena
تاريخ النشر
, 2007 .
عدد الصفحات
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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from 62


The study was carried out at the animal production department, Faculty of Agriculture, Alexandria University. The objective of this study was to investigate the replacement of Leucaena leaf meal instead of soybean meal on growth performance and feed efficiency of Nile tilapia (O. niloticus) and Tilapia zillii.
Experimental diets:-
In this study nine experimental diets were formulated where the soybean meal was replaced by 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100% of leucaena dried or silage leaves.
The diets were isonitrogenes and isocaloric. The experimental period was 112 days and the diets were applied two times daily. The fish were weighed weekly and the feeding levels were corrected according to the fish weight and at the end of the experiment all of every treatment fish were frozen till analyses.
This study included to two experiments:-
Experiment 1
The experiment investigated the effect of various levels of Dried leucaena leaves (DLL) or Silage leucaena leaves (SLL) on growth performance, feed efficiency and chemical analysis of Nile tilapia (O. niloticus).
This experiment was carried out in 18 glass aquaria 100×30×40Cm with a total volume of 120 liter. The glass aquaria were provided with good aeration. Ten fishes from Nile tilapia with average weight (1.604 ± 0.263) were stocked in each aquarium.
Experiment 2
This experiment aimed to examine the effect of various levels of dried leucaena leaves (DLL) or Silage leucaena leaves (SLL) on growth performance, feed efficiency and chemical analysis of T. zillii.
This study was carried out in 18 glass aquaria 100×30×40Cm with a total volume of 120 liter each. The glass aquaria were provided with good ventilation. Every aquarium was stocked with 10 fishes from T zillii with average weight (1.613 ± 0.131).
The results indicated that (SLL) was lower in neutral-detergent fibre (NDF), acid-detergent fibre (ADF) and total phenols (TP) (538.41, 344.24, and 49.95) respectively when compared to dried leucaena leaves (543.06, 350.99, and 57.20), respectively which were significant and related with the improvement on growth performance, feed utilization.
Results of Experiment 1
1- The lowest body weight was obtained by Nile tilapia fed the diet in which the soybean meal was completely replaced with the (DLL) (diet 5) or (SLL) (diet 9).
2- Fish fed diet 2 (25% DLL) exhibited better body weights than fish fed diets containing