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a comparative clinical and experimental trial of some-anti-epileptic drugs in adult onset epilepsy with or without cerebrovascular disorder\
sallam khaled،
khaled، sallam.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / sallam khaled
مشرف / ashraf yatoun
مناقش / hussein fathy
مناقش / mohamed elmetwaly
neurology psyshiatry.
تاريخ النشر
2001 .
عدد الصفحات
الطب النفسي والصحة العقلية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة بنها - كلية طب بشري - نفسية و عصبية
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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from the previous two chapter we could summarize our results and
finding in the following.
I. Human part: ;
There were no significant effect of the 3 studied drugs on the
thyroid function.
As regards serum Ca it is only increased with carbamazepine
therapy with no changes associated with other drugs.
Na valproat was found to be the most drug studied at this thesis to
affect serum prolactin level so carbamazepine & vigabatrine are most
suitable used in females with low fertility. Vigabatrine was found to give
higher records of serotonin serum level so, it is not suitable for patients
with previous history of psychiatric disorder.
Na valproate is the most to decrease serum norepinephrine level
especially in stroked patient so it has the most protective effect on brain
cells in epilepsy after stroke.~gabatrine was highest among studied
groups to affect serum GABA level which proves that GABA mediation
is the main way of action vigabatrine had.
II. Experimental part:
Na, valproate Was found to have the lowest noreprephine level at
different brain areas with or without vascular disorder so, Na, Valproate
is the best anti-epileptic of our study in brain protection.
------------ ---- ------~~------- --- --._-------
Na, valproate one the most studied drug to affect 5-Ht cortical level
and this establishes its protective role in cortical brain injury while
vigabatrine was highest in thalamus and this supports its role in mode
disturbance at both epilepsy with or without vascular disorder.
Lowest effect on serotonin at all levels was produced by
The study of GABA levels at different brain areas show that brain
GABA inhibition is the maimrole of action of vigabatrin as anti-epileptic
followed by Na valproate who use GABA as one of its moods of actions
as anti-epileptic.
Carbamazepine. The least to affect brain GABA at different brain