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Rersonality Traits of the Infertile Couple =
Abou-Zeid,Azza Ahmed.
هيئة الاعداد
مشرف / عزه احمد ابو زيد
مشرف / انتصار يونس
مشرف / سوسن فهمى
مشرف / احمد الشربينى
Personality traits.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
123 p. :
المهن الصحية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة الاسكندريه - المعهد العالى للصحة العامة - Family Health
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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The aim of the present study was to measure two of the basic per­ Banality dimensions namely; neuroticism and extraversion-introversion of the infertile couples. Also, testing out the differences on the two dimensions among infertile and fertile couples. Some psychological facts and special problems of childless marriage represented the back­ ground of the study. It was a purposive cross sectional study involving both marriage partrers of the infertile couples and a control fertile couples group. The field work was done at the out-patient clinic of El-Shatby Mater­ .. nity Hospital. The study group undergo an objective personality test­ ing using Eysenck Personality Inventory (EPI, form A) for measuring neuroticism and extraversion-introversion personality dimensions. At the same time, an interviewing schedule was provided to them to collect data about age and social standard of the infertile and fertile couples. The interviewing schedule also was constructed to cover some parameters characterizing infertility as type, duration, partner responsible for infertility, main causes for the desire for children, some types of interpersonal relationships of the couple, and finally the degree of social pressure expressed by the infertile couple. The results of the present study revealed neurotic tendencies ~ong the infertile females. They recorded high mean score on neuro­ ticism as compared to the fertile females group and even as compared to their husbands. On extraversion-introversion dimension, although the infertile females recorded lower mean score than the fertile fe­ males, but unexpectedly this still describes them within moderate or balance position on the dimension. Both the infertile and the fertile female groups were matched as regards age and social standard but mean scores on neuroticism and extraversion-introversion is found to be cons­ tantly higher and lower respectively among all age groups and different social standards of the infertile females than the fertile ones. CODsidering the husbands of both groups on the neuroticism dimen­ sion they did not differ significantly, but on extraversion-introver­ sion dimension husbands of the infertile couples recorded higher mean than fertile husbands of different age groups and social standards. .. Some facts considering infertility were found to exert relations with the neuroticism and extraversion-introversion dimensions. Mean scores on neuroticism were found to increase by increase on infertility duration while the opposite recorded on extraversion-intro~ersion dimen­ s ion. The partner responsible for infertility may be the female, the male, or both partners. It is found that lower mean score on neuroti­ cism was recorded when both partners were responsible for infertility while the highest recorded when the male was the cause. On extraversion­ introversion dimension, the lowest mean was recorded when the female was the cause of infertility. The desire of having children showed differences among both in­ fertile marriage partners. The infertile females that showed marriage adjustment and familial pressure as main causes were high on neuroticism, while their husbands were high on meuroticism on considering family extension as a main cause for desire for children. On extraversion­ introversion, the females recorded the lowest mean when they have fear from loneliness when aging as a main cause, while husbands re­ corded this lowest mean on family extension. Also, mean scores on both dimensions were found to vary according to the interpersonal relationship of both members. The infertile fe­ males were found to be high on neuroticism when they expressed unstable relation with husbands and low on neuroticism on exerting dependency relation. The opposite was recorded on extraversion dimension. Hus­ bands were high on neuroticism when expressing unstable relation and the lowest mean was recorded when they experience an understanding re­ ~ lationship with their wives. The degree of social pressure that expressed by the attitude and behavior of family and friends due to the infertility state showed in­ crease by the increase on the neuroticism mean experienced by the in­ fertile females and decrease on the increase on extraversion mean. The husbands did not show such relation. Mean scores on both personality dimensions showed some relation with type of infertility. The primary infertile females group were found to be higher on neuroticism than the secondary infertile group. This finding was recorded also on considering the duration of inferti­ lity, on marriage instability, on expressing all types of relationship with husbands recorded and finially on experiencing all degrees of social pressure. Within the secondary females group, those who were infertile in other marriage found to be higher on neuroticism than those of the same marriage. In the light of the present study, recommendations were directed towards infertility prevention and counseling. Prevention of infer­ tility as a part of mental health program services should -be provided to newly married couples to be informed about facts in reproduction and sociocultural factors that may hamper fertility. The infertility counseling centres may deal with the physical and the psychological aspec ts. The physical services must provide skillful evaluation and treatment. Therapeutic services must also provided such as in vitro fertilization. Psychological services are important for identifica­ tion and assistance of vulnerable presonalities,and for individual and ~group psychotherapy. More specific personality traits testing for infertile patients is reconunended.