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الدروس الخصوصية واثرها على المجتمع المصرى ”دراسة حالة على مجتمع القليوبية” /
عبد الحميد، ابراهيم عبد العاطى.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / ابراهيم عبد العاطى عبد الحميد
مشرف / زينب حسن حسن
مناقش / احمد ابراهيم احمد
مناقش / زينب حسن حسن
الدروس الخصوصية.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
306 ص. :
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة بنها - كلية التربية عام - اصول تربية
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 364

from 364


The phenomenon of the widespread of private lessons all over the different stages of education is considered as one of the most effective problems in our educational systems and which faces the society in Egypt nowadays. This problem also imposes itself strongly all over the educational and informational levels to the extent that it became the everyday talk of laymen. Thus it can not be neglected or ignored.Research Problem :The problem is summed up in the following main question : What are the socio-economic and educational dimensions of the phenomenon of private lessons? These sub-questions are also considered -What are the reasons behind private lessons ? To what extent has the problem spread What are the factors that increase and support private lessons ? To what extent are private lessons necessary? And what do they cost ? What are the relationships between private lessons and : Level of parent’s education ? Jobs of parents ?Students level of education? Gratis education. Additional classes. Educational programmes.Research Aims : The purpose of the present research is to diagnose the real situation of private lessons and to define the real reasons leading to their spread. The present research also tries to lay a clear-cut policy through which the passive effects of the phenomenon can be done away with:Limits of the study : Geographically : The area of Qalyobeya governorate and its state secondary schools. Subjects Sample of secondary school students and teachers as well as a Sample of parents during the academic year 1987/1988. Research Methodology : The research made use of the historical and statistical techniques (percnetage and relative weight.Sample ; The sample included 800 students of secondary schools, 700 secondary teachers and 800 of parents.Research Tools Th. .ot-larch mado utlt of A quootionnir,Field visitt.Interviews.These terms are’: private lessons, studying groups, textbodcs and T.V. educational programmes.Research Plan The research followed these steps 1-Chapter one : General framework.2-Chapter two : Private lessons : a historical approach.3-Chapter three : Socio-economic dimensions of Egyption society (1974-1987).4-Chapter four : Factors of spreading private lessons 5-Chapter five : Procedures of field study 6-Chapter six : Results and 7-Chapter seven : Conclusion and recommendations. Results :-It was found that 92.13 % of the sample (N=800) are given private lessons, 94.5 % of parents (N=800) provide their sons and daughters with them and 44.29 %of the teachers (N=700) practise giving private lessons. Teachers and parents agreed that only poor students receiVe these lessons. The secondary student who is given these lessons costs L.E. 194.48 yearly. Majority of students, teachers and parents said these lessons are due to defferent factors.The sample of the three sects said that student do not like often the additional classes at schools.There are few positive results for these lessons hut there are several passive ones.Recommendations : Students must be urged to tabulate their time of study and to depend on themselves• Teacher should be financially supported so as to live as satisfactorily as other people of other jobs.3- There must be tests of acceptance for university faculties. These tests are considered as complementaries to the secondary certificate and should be related to the faculty or the institute.