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Nursing Students’ Attitude toward Nursing Profession and its Relation to Peer Caring Behavior /
Mohamed, Ebtsam Baligh Nafea.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / ابتسام بليغ نافع محمد
مشرف / منى مصطفى شاذلي
مشرف / هناء محمد عبد ربه
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
238 p. :
القيادة والإدارة
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية التمريض - إدارة التمريض
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Attitude toward nursing profession is a summary of a person’s past experience; thus, an attitude is grounded in direct experience predicts future behavior more accurately. Attitude is something that lies between emotions and thought processing. Attitude can be a positive or negative evaluation of people, objects, events, activities, and ideas. It could be concrete, abstract or just about anything in environment, but there is a debate about precise definitions. Attitude is are readiness of the psyche to act or react in a certain way.
Peers as a contributing factor to the developing students caring behavior. The interaction that occurs in peer groups is a form of peer’s caring behaviour. Peer’s caring behaviours mentioned can help individuals in dealing with painful times and help instill a sense of caring in individuals. Peers contribute to developing caring behaviour through the mentoring process and model Therefore, the pivotal role of caring behavior is thought to be promoted by the perceived professional pride and loyalty of nurses.
The Study aimed to assess nursing student attitude toward nursing profession and its relation to peer caring behavior through assessing nursing students’ attitude toward nursing profession, assessing peer caring behavior among nursing students and finding out the relationship between nursing student attitude toward nursing profession and peer caring behavior. Descriptive correlational research design was used to achieve the aim of the current study. The study was conducted at Faculty of Nursing Al-Azhar University located at Nasr city, Cairo. The study subjects were 163 out from 281 of nursing students who enrolled in the second and fourth academic year (2022-2023) at the Faculty of Nursing Al-Azhar University.
Data were collected by two tools namely: Attitude toward nursing profession scale aimed to assess nursing students’ attitude toward nursing profession which consist of 60 items under five dimensions. And peer caring behavior scale used to assess peer caring behavior among nursing students which consist of 17 items divided into three dimensions. In addition to Personal characteristics of nursing students focus on collecting data pertaining personal characteristics of nursing students including “age, gender, grade, residence and marital status and second part
The main study findings revealed:
 More than two thirds of the studied nursing students aged less than 20 years old, all of them (100%) were female and more than half of them studied at fourth academic level. Also, more than two thirds of them (67.5%) live at rural area and most of them (96.9%) were single.
 Less than three quarters of the studied nursing students (71.1%) had high total attitude level toward nursing profession, while, minority of them (3.1%) had low total attitude level toward nursing profession.
 More than half of the studied nursing students (51.5%) had high total peer caring behavior level, while, minority of them (4.3%) had low total peer caring behavior level.
 All of the studied fourth year nursing students (100%) had low total attitude level toward nursing profession, while more than half of the studied second grade students (53%) had high total attitude level toward nursing profession.
 Majority of the studied nursing students at fourth grad (85.7%) had low total peer caring behavior level, while half of the studied nursing student at second grad (50%) had high total level of peer caring behavior.
 There was high statistically significant positive correlation between attitude toward nursing profession dimensions and peer caring behavior dimensions among nursing students in the study sample.
In the light of the present findings, it is concluded that: there was high statistically significant positive correlation between attitude toward nursing profession dimensions and peer caring behavior dimensions.
Based on the findings of this study the following recommendations were proposed:
 Organize training sessions and open discussion to improve nursing attitude toward nursing profession.
 Induct, train and retain qualified and expert instructors for promoting the nursing educational quality.
 Design nursing curricula and clinical experiences to promote student satisfaction with clinical environment.
 Conduct conferences for newly admitted students to guide them regarding the nursing profession and nursing education programs.
 Conduct training program for nursing students’ about peer caring and its effect on students’ performance.
 Enrolling students who had their interest to join the nursing profession and portray a positive image of the nursing profession through seminars, media advertisements and professional journals.
Further researches were recommended as:
 The perception of the nursing students about nursing as a profession and its effect on student’s adjustment.
 Nursing and non-nursing students’ attitude toward nursing profession and its effect on career choices.
 Replication of the study with large number to generalize the result.