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أنماط التعلق وعلاقتها بالانحراف السيكوباتي لدى عينة من الأحداث الجانحين /
طانيوس، مريم منير حلمى.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / مريم منير حلمى طانيوس
مشرف / بدرية كمال احمد
مناقش / محمد حسين محمد سعدالدين
مناقش / بسام السيد رزق السيد
الانحراف النفسي.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
109 ص. :
علم النفس (متفرقات)
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنصورة - كلية الهندسة - قسم علم النفس
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 109

from 109


The human childhood stage is one of the most important and influential stages in the formation and successive growth of the individual through a series of experiences and experiences that he goes through. Many psychologists, led by pioneers of psychoanalysis such as ”Freud, Ericson, and Bowlby”, consider the early stages of an individual’s life to be the cornerstone or cornerstone in building and forming his personality. They stress the importance of the role of the family and its profound impact on the social upbringing of the child and the formation of his personality, and they also emphasize the role of each family member in the process of the child’s psychological and social development, where the child’s growth is formed under the love and care of parents or caregivers (Bowlby: 1982).The early relationship between the child and his two children or caregivers has an important impact on the child’s growth and subsequent development in all aspects of personality, and this was confirmed by Freud, who believed that the personality of the individual is determined during the first five years, and that it is affected by the nature and quality of the relationship between the child and the caregivers care for him. Freud spoke about the role of attachment in human life, and while he sees it as a secondary motive that grows and develops on the margins of the primary motives, Bowlby sees it as completely essential as the motives of hunger, thirst and sex (Fayez Nayef, 1991: 35).On the other hand the start of the moral and psychopathic deviation on the individual comes often in the early age as a result of wrong pedagogical methods that the person is affected with. The word “psychopathic” is always repeated but many of us do not know the real meaning of this character. One of the common thoughts the psychopathic is an insane person, but indeed this is wrong as psychopathy is a behavior disorder and deviation whereas the psychopathic is characterized by impulsivity, breaking the social rules, cyclothymia, blurredness, need to satisfy desires by any mean, and disability to make use any previous experience. Among the most important features of a psychopathic person is cheating, lying, and committing crimes without any sense of guilt, alcohol addiction, drug abuse, and sexual deviation. Psychopathy indicates the individual’s deviation from the normal behavior and engaging in antisocial behavior against its values, norms, morals, and rules; therefore psychopathy includes deviation of behaviors and manners and is often called “psychopathic deviation”.Study Problem:1-Is there a relationship between the attachment patterns and psychopathic deviation in the Juvenile Delinquents?2-Are there differences between males and females in the attachment styles?3-Are there differences between males and females in the psychopathic deviation?Objective of the Study:1-Knowing the relationship between the attachment styles and psychopathic deviation in the Juvenile Delinquents.2-Attracting attention to the dangerous upward-sloping curve that hostility phenomenon has taken in the delinquents within the segment of juveniles in our community.3-Providing information about the differences between males and females in the attachment patterns.4-Providing information about the differences between males and females in the psychopathic deviation.The Importance of Study:The importance of study is shown in its theoretical and applied aspects as follows:A) The Theoretical Importance:1-Enriching the psychological knowledge with the theoretical frameworks of some of the psychological variables represented in the attachment patterns and its relationship with the psychopathic deviation.2-Knowing the level of aggressiveness of the psychopathic juvenile delinquents.3-The extreme shortage of developing the social skills of the psychopathic juvenile delinquents and merging them into the society.B) Practical Importance:1-Assessing the level of psychopathic deviation of the psychopathic juvenile delinquents.2-Responding to the problem at hand and verify the hypothesis validity.3-The study results may lead clinical psychology specialists to prepare therapeutic activities and other programs similar to the therapeutic activities and steps followed in the current study in order to treat the other psychological disorders especially if the study results indicated the effectiveness of the activities used to treat and rehabilitate the psychopathic deviations.4-The study results may lead occupational psychology specialists also to prepare rehabilitating programs and activities to develop the social skills of the psychopathic juvenile delinquents which may help increasing their interactions with others and increasing the productivity accordingly.Study Thesis:1-There is an indicating statistical relationship between the attachment patters and the psychopathic deviation in a sample of the juvenile delinquents.2-There are indicating statistical differences between males and females in the attachment patterns.3-There are indicating statistical differences between males and females in the psychopathic deviation.4-The psychopathic deviation can be predicted by the individuals’ degrees in the attachment patterns in a sample of the juvenile delinquents.Study Sample:The study sample is consisted of (60) Juvenile delinquents (30 males and 30 females) in Ain Shams Youth Association for Social Care and Girls’ House in Al Agouza with an average age of (14 to 15) years and a standard deviation of (0.76).Study Tools:1-Attachment patterns scale (by the researcher)2-Psychopathic deviation scale (by the researcher) Study Results:1-There is a statistical significant relationship between the attachment styles and the psychopathic deviation in a sample of the juvenile delinquents.2-There are astatistical significant differences between males and females in the attachment styles.3-There are a statistical significant differences between males and females in the psychopathic deviation.4-The psychopathic deviation can possibly be predicted by the individuals degrees in the attachment patterns in a sample of the juvenile delinquents. The study resulted have been explained in the light of the theoretical frameworks and previous studies, and the researcher’s point of view. The researcher came up with some suggested recommendations and researches.