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النّموذج البنائي للعلاقات بين ما وراء الانفعال وكل من التّسامي بالذَّات ورأس المال النّفسي الأكاديمي لدى عينة من المراهقين ذوي الإعاقة البصرية /
عبده، آية مخلوف أحمد.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / آية مخلوف أحمد عبده
مشرف / يوسف عبد الصّبور عبد اللاه
مشرف / نعمات أحمد قاسم محجوب
مناقش / ليلى عبد الحميد عبد الحافظ
مناقش / إيمان محمد أبوضيف
الصحة النفسية.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
154 ص :
الصحة النفسية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة سوهاج - كلية التربية - الصحة النفسية
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 172

from 172


The study aimed to identify the direct effect of Meta-Emotion on Academic Psychological Capital among Visually Impaired Adolescent, and to Identify the direct effect of Self-Transcendence on Academic Psychological Capital, as well as to Identify the direct effect of Meta-Emotion on Self-Transcendence, and finally to reveal the structural model that explains the relationships between Meta-Emotion and Academic Psychological Capital in the presence of Self-Transcendence as a mediating variable among Visually Impaired Adolescent. The study sample consisted of (244) Visually Impaired Adolescent, their ages ranged between (11-21) years, with an average age of (15.09) years, and a standard deviation (2.79). The study used the Meta-Emotion scale and the Self-Transcendence scale prepared by the researcher, and the ”Luthans et al”scale for Academic Psychological Capital, (Translated and Arabization by Qasaby, 2022). The study concluded that there is a direct, statistically significant effect at the level of (o.o1) for the total score and for some dimensions of Meta-Emotion on Academic Psychological Capital among Visually Impaired Adolescent. There was also a direct, statistically significant effect at the level of (o.o1) for the total score and some dimensions of Self-Transcendence on Academic Psychological Capital in the study sample. There was also a direct, statistically significant effect at the level of (o.o1) for the total score and for some dimensions of Meta-Emotion on the total degree and some dimensions of Self-Transcendence among the study sample. Finally, there was a Structural model that explains the relationships between Meta-Emotion and Academic Psychological Capital in the presence of Self-Transcendence as a mediating variable for Visually Impaired Adolescent. According to these results, a set of recommendations had been presented.
Keywords: The Structural Model, Meta-Emotion, Self-Transcendence, Academic Psychological Capital, Visually Impaired Adolescent.