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الرمز والترميز في منظومة منطق الطير لفريد الدين العطار النيشابوري :
عليوه، بدر احمد عبدالرحمن.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / بدر احمد عبدالرحمن عليوه
مشرف / دعاء علي عبداللطيف البارودي
مناقش / احمد عبدالقادر سالم الشاذلي
مناقش / ناصر السيد محمود حجي
الادب العربي.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
246 ص. ؛
الآداب والعلوم الإنسانية (متفرقات)
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنصورة - كلية الآداب - قسم اللغات الشرقية وآدابها
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 246

from 246


The subject of this research is ”Symbol and Coding” in the ”Mantaq Al-Tayr System” by Farid Al-DinAl-Attar Al-Nisaburi. intellectual. The source of the study is ”Mantiq Al-Tayr” investigation and correction: Sadiq Goharin, thirteenth edition, ”Alami Farhang” publishing house, Tehran, 1377 AH.
As for the objectives and reasons on which the study in question was based: First: Farid al-Din al-Attar al-Nisaburi is considered one of the most prominent and important Sufi poets in the sixth and seventh centuries AH, and his famous composition made him among the great Sufi poets in the world. Second: This research seeks and aims to prove that the symbol and coding in the system is no longer that chapter that the researchers add as a topic within the investigations of the study, and that the symbol and coding in the system in itself is a major topic that deserves to be independent in its study. As for the sections of the research, I divided it into two chapters after the introduction and the preface. The preamble contained the research in which it dealt with a presentation of the Persian mystical literature since its inception up to Sheikh Farid al-Din al-Attar al-Nisaburi and his relationship and passion for Sufism and mysticism. The first chapter came under the title: Biography of Al-Attar and the symbolism of the bird logic system, in two chapters; As for the first chapter: I will study the biography of Al-Attar and the system of the bird’s logic, in which I will deal with: the biography of Al-Attar and his literary production, a detailed explanation of the system of the bird’s logic and its different versions, the narrative style of the system, its translations into Arabic and its various sources in the books of the predecessors such as the message of the bird to Sheikh Ibn Sina and its symbolism, and the message of the bird to the imam Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali and the influence of bird logic in mystical literature after Al-Attar. As for the second chapter: I will study in it the function of the symbol, its importance, and its relationship to gratitude, and the symbol in the system of bird logic and its various connotations, including: the bird symbol and its significance in the system, such as: the phoenix, the hoopoe, the pheasant, the bream, the nightingale, and others, and the animal symbol and its significance in the system such as: the pig, And the donkey, the dog, and others, and the color symbol and its significance in the system, such as: yellow, green, white, and others.While the second chapter came under the title: The Symbolism of Sufi Stories and Terminology, in two chapters; As for the first chapter: I will study the symbolism of the stories in the Bird Logic system, including: how to employ the symbol in the story of Sheikh Simeon, and employ the symbol in the story of our master Joseph, peace be upon him, and employ the symbol in the story of the Prophet Jesus, peace be upon him, and his attachments in the system, and employ the symbol in the story of the Sultan Mahmoud Al-Ghaznawi and Ghulamah Ayaz, and the symbol of Sufi terminology and the prophets in the system of the bird’s logic, including: the symbol in the use of “China”, the employment of the symbol of Satan, Pharaoh and Satan in their various connotations, the employment of the mountain symbol and its significance, the employment of the unity of existence symbol and others. As for the second chapter: I will study in it the employment of the symbol of the names of the messengers, prophets, and angels, such as: Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, Prophet Ayoub, peace be upon him, Prophet Jesus, peace be upon him, Al-Khidr, peace be upon him, and others. And how to employ the symbol of angels, and how to employ the symbol of women and its significance, such as: Mrs. Aisha, Mother of the Believers, may God be pleased with her, Mrs. Fatima Al-Zahra, may God be pleased with her, Mrs. Rabi’a Al-Adawiya, Mrs. Maryam Bint Imran, and Zulaikha, and dealt with the employment of the symbol of the Sufi rag and its significance, such as: the green rag , black, and others. This study relied on the descriptive approach based on collection, classification and analysis.... in an attempt to reveal the symbol and its dimensions of coding and what it aspires to in terms of psychological, intellectual and social significance. Then came the conclusion; It included the most important findings of the research, then the list of sources and references, and finally the index that included the content of this study.