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الاستدامة وعلاقتها بالتشكيلات النحتية المرتبطة بالتصميم الداخلي لحجرة الطفل /
الأدهم، أميرة جمال علي عبدالوهاب.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / أميرة جمال علي عبدالوهاب الأدهم
مشرف / محمد ابراهيم رجب
مناقش / عبدالواحد عطية
مناقش / ابراهيم احمد
الاستدامة. qrmak
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
267 ص. :
تربية فنية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنصورة - كلية التربية النوعية - قسم التربية الفنية
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

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from 267


Sustainability is a concept that refers to the biological environment with its diverse living organisms and natural factors that maintain its existence for the longest possible period of time. Sustainability is also defined as preserving the quality of life by adapting to the environment by exploiting natural resources for the longest possible period of time that leads to preservation. On the continuation of life. Another definition of the concept of sustainability is that it is a set of vital processes that provide the means of life for living organisms of various types, which helps them maintain the succession of their generations and develop the means of their growth over time. Research problem : The research problem was defined in the following question: • What is sustainability and its relationship to the sculptural formations associated with the interior design of the child’s room? research aims: The research sought to achieve the following aims: • Shedding light on sustainability and its standards in sculpture and interior architecture. • Shedding light on sustainability and its standards in interior design • Studying the relationship between sustainability and sculptural formations associated with the interior design of a child’s room. • Developing new methods and solutions for sculptural formations that suit the different environments of the child’s room and achieve sustainability. • A study of sculptural formations in the interior design of the children’s room that achieves sustainability and links it to the use of the Egyptian child. The research included four chapters, which are as follows: Chapter one: the general framework of the research In that chapter, the researcher presented the background of the research and presented the research problem in the form of a question as follows: What is sustainability and its relationship to the sculptural formations associated with the interior design of a child’s room? In the same chapter, the researcher presented the importance of the research, the objectives and hypotheses of the research, and also reviewed the limits, methods and tools of the current research. At the end of the chapter, she also touched on the research terminology. Chapter Two: The concept and origins of sustainability and its connection to environmental and manufactured materials for sculptural formations and children’s room design This chapter studied and analyzed the following set of topics: First - The concept of sustainability Second: The origins of the term sustainability - Third: Dimensions of sustainable development - Fourth: Sustainable development goals and their pillars - Fifth: Design standards for sculptural formations, architecture, and sustainable interior design - Sixth: Sustainable materials - Seventh: Sustainable manufactured materials - Eighth: The plastic and expressive values of the sculptural formations that enhance the design of the child’s room Chapter Three: A study of the determinants of sustainable sculptural formation for the interior design of a child’s room This chapter examines the following topics: First: the child’s psychology and its relationship to the components of his room. Second: The aesthetic and physiological factors affecting the sustainable sculptural formation of the child’s room. Third: The sculptural formation of the child’s favorite shapes and colors. Fourth: The sustainable sculptural formation of the child’s room design and its role in developing artistic and aesthetic ability. Fifth: The plastic and expressive values of the sustainable sculptural formations associated with the design of the child’s room. Chapter Four: Research Experiment, results and recommendations In this chapter, the researcher presented eight different models of designs, projections, sectors, and perspective as a personal experience for the researcher and dealt with them with artistic and aesthetic analysis. The researcher conducted these experiments in an attempt to realize the importance of keeping pace with the needs of children in Egypt in the interior design of the child’s room, through the philosophical and aesthetic aspect of creating sculptural formations for everything present in the child’s room so that they have plastic formulations that enrich the field of contemporary sculpture and interior design. Therefore, the researcher made designs for the child’s room that are directly related to the child and his behavior on the day. These designs represent aesthetic value and a visual image with cultural and heritage connotations. This is what the researcher confirmed in a group of her eight design works, which resulted as a result of her experience. This calls for the need for the artist to take from the needs of the child as a source for his artistic works, the researcher addressed these ideas with different plastic formulations that serve the content of the child’s needs, allowing the recipient to taste a variety of contemporary plastic formulations about the interior design of the child’s room with connotations of philosophical, aesthetic and expressive dimensions through which the artists can move in their artistic works and designs that express scenes. It has a high cultural, artistic and aesthetic value that reflects the civilization and culture of a people. In that chapter, the researcher reviewed the results of the research, the most important of which are: The success of sustainable development is represented in highlighting the values of justice and equality between generations, by rationalizing consumption to suit the capacity of environmental systems, aesthetic and human values, historical values, values of participation and cooperation, and original religious values. I also mentioned in the same chapter a set of recommendations that contribute to improving sculpture and teaching it to basic education students, and among the most important of these recommendations is: the necessity of using materials in sculptural formations and interior design that have the ability to have a positive environmental coexistence in accordance with the concept of sustainability as one of the alternatives to traditional materials so that they are not raw materials. High energy consumption, whether during the manufacturing, installation, or maintenance phase. In that chapter, the researcher also reviewed Arabic references, foreign references, and websites from the international information network.