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Effect of Aromatherapy Massage on Restless Leg Syndrome and Quality of Life among Patients undergoing Hemodialysis /
Elkady, Tawheda Wagdy Ibrahim.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / توحيدة وجدي إبراهيم القاضي
مشرف / جيهان حمدي فتح الباب سليمان
مشرف / سناء إبراهيم عبد الغفار
مشرف / شيماء عادل محمد
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
150 p. :
التمريض (متفرقات)
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنوفية - كلية التمريض - علوم التمريض
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Restless leg syndrome (RLS) stands as a prevalent neurological complication within maintenance hemodialysis patients. RLS is a common sensory-motor disorder characterized by an irresistible urge to move the legs. Reports indicate that 20 to 80% of CKD patients, particularly those undergoing HD, experience RLS. This sensory-motor disorder can significantly impact patients’ quality of life by affecting their psychological and physiological well-being and daily activities. More than two-thirds of RLS patients also suffer from sleep disturbances (Zhou et al., 2024). Aromatherapy is a non-pharmacological approach and falls under the umbrella of phytotherapy, which involves using plant-based treatments. It entails the inhalation or massage application of herbal essences to alleviate symptoms. Approximately different types of essential oils are employed in aromatherapy, with lavender essential oil being a noteworthy and extensively used option due to its perceived suitability for managing various mental and physical complications while posing minimal toxicity risks. Lavender essential oil, containing components like linalyl acetate and linalool, is recognized for its pain management. Aromatherapy is cost-effective and carries fewer side effects compared to conventional medicine. Aromatherapy massage also stimulates the amygdala and hippocampus within the limbic system of the brain, leading to improvements in physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing. So, aromatherapy massage, as a non-pharmacological and alternative method, is effective in reducing the severity of RLS and improving QoL among patients undergoing hemodialysis (Zhou et al., 2024; and Izard et al., 2024). The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of aromatherapy massage on restless leg syndrome and quality of life among patients undergoing hemodialysis Setting: The current study was conducted at hemodialysis unit in both Menouf General and Fever Hospitals, Menoufia governorate, Egypt. Sampling: A consecutive sample of sixty-four hemodialysis patients with restless leg syndrome was selected randomly and divided alternatively into two equal groups (study and control group), 32 patients for each group • Study group (I): Patients received aromatherapy massage along with routine hospital care. • Control group (Π): Patients received only routine hospital care. Instruments of the study: Three instruments were utilized by the researcher for data collection Instrument I:- Structured Interview Questionnaire. Instrument II:- International Restless Leg Syndrome Severity Rating Scale (IRLSSRS). Instrument III:- World Health Organization Quality of Life-Bref (WHOQOL) questionnaire. The main findings of the present study were • There was a significant improvement of total knowledge score among study group than control group (II) post intervention (P=<0.001**). • There was a significant improvement of RLS score among study group (I) than control group (II) post-intervention (P=<0.02*). • There was a significant improvement of total QoL among study group (I) than controlgroup (II) post-intervention (p=<0.001**). Conclusions:Total restless leg syndrome and quality of life were significant improved amon hemodialysis patients who performed aromatherapy massage (study group) than those who exposed only to routine hospital care (control group Recommendations Supervised health education about importance of performing aromatherapy massage should be carried out for all hemodialysis patients to alleviate their restless leg syndrome and improve quality of life; and colored booklet about these aromatherapy massage should be available and distributed to all hemodialysis patients.