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تأثير إعادة هندسة العمليات الإدارية في تحقيق المناعة التنظيمية :
الشويحي، محمد رفعت ابراهيم.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / محمد رفعت ابراهيم الشويحي
مشرف / احمد محمد غنيم
مناقش / محمد عبدالله محمد الهنداوي
مناقش / علي يونس ابراهيم سيد
التنظيم الادارى.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
120 ص. :
الإدارة والأعمال الدولية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنصورة - كلية التجارة - قسم ادارة الاعمال.
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 120

from 120


This research seeks to address the impact of re-engineering administrative processes in all its dimensions (organizational dimension, human dimension, operations dimension, and technological dimension), which represent the independent variable of the research on both organizational immunity and its dimensions of (organizational learning, organizational memory, and organizational DNA), which represent the dependent variable in the research. Subject of study.
The field study was applied to the General Traffic Department in Mansoura. The field study community is represented by all employees of this department, numbering 496 employees. The research surveyed their opinions using a comprehensive survey method, and 355 employees responded, representing 71.57% of the research community’s vocabulary.For the purposes of analyzing the collected data, reliance was placed on the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences program, and one of the most important statistical methods used is the Cronbach’s alpha reliability test to measure the stability of the survey lists as a tool for collecting data, the Pearson correlation coefficient test, and finally multiple regression analysis in order to determine the relationship between the dimensions of administrative process reengineering and the dimensions of organizational immunity.