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Enhancement of market operation in interconnected multiple microgrids systems /
Mohamed,Ahmed Mohamed Abdulmohsen
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / احمد محمد عبدالمحسن محمد
مشرف / محمد عبدالعزيز حسن عبدالرحمن
مناقش / محمد صلاح السبكي
مناقش / هشام كامل عبداللطيف تمراز
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
الهندسة الكهربائية والالكترونية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية الهندسة - كهربة قوى
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Transactive energy market models are developed to handle the conflicted interests of energy prosumers. The transactive energy markets are defined as combined financial and control mechanisms that enable the electrical system power balance focusing on the value of the market participants. The main objective of transactive energy markets is to obtain economic benefits for market participants considering the system’s technical constraints. The transactive energy market enables energy trading between market participants to achieve this objective.
The transactive energy markets introduce many opportunities and challenges for electric utility operators. The utility can benefit by reducing the need for transmission and distribution networks expansion and shaving the system peak. On the other hand, utility sales decrease when users depend on cheaper energy sources through the market, forcing the operators to raise the tariff to obtain the same return on investments. Eventually, the consumers will engage more in the market and ignore the utility as an energy source. Nonetheless, consumers still need the grid to provide a hoist of services such as voltage and frequency support, fast reserve and more. Therefore, the technical and financial sustainability of the utility operator is a prerequisite for market operation.
This work presents the design of a transactive energy market for a system consisting of multiple interconnected microgrids, energy prosumers, and unqualified customers. The proposed model divides the market clearing into day-ahead and balancing markets to clear forecasted and real-time energy trading. Also, an optimal bidding strategy is proposed for participants to compete and obtain the most value in the market. Then, the designed market model is used to study the financial impact of market transformation on the utility.
Furthermore, the work presents an optimal power bidding strategy for industrial participants. This strategy differentiates between flexible and rigid industrial demand when using renewable sources. The proposed strategy uses demand-side management to adapt the industrial process demand to the available source. In this case, flexible industrial processes will enjoy energy at low prices. On the other hand, demand-side management aims to minimize the overall market expenses in case a rigid industrial process fails to be adapted to the available source.
Finally, the work proposes restructuring the electric utility business model to allow the utility to compete in the market. The restructured business model splits the utility responsibilities between three entities to enter the market, compete, and get value from the market.
The proposed market models are implemented using multiagent systems to produce a complete market simulation package. Different case studies are performed to validate the proposed market models.