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Mansoura Fluroscopic Electrophysiological study and Ablation Registry at Time between March 2020 to March 2021 /
El-Manakhley, Fathalla Ahmed Fathalla.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / فتح الله احمد فتح الله المناخلي
مشرف / محمود محمد عبده يوسف
مشرف / ابراهيم السيد يسري ابراهيم
مناقش / نادر الشحات عوض عبدالنبي
Fluroscopic Electrophysiological.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
180 p. :
أمراض القلب والطب القلب والأوعية الدموية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنصورة - كلية الطب - قسم أمراض القلب والاوعية الدموية
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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The heart electrical system is critical to the function of the heart. The electrical system determines the heart rate (how fast the heart is beating), and also coordinates and organizes the beating of the heart muscles, so that the heart works efficiently with each heartbeat. Abnormalities in the hearts electrical system can lead to problems with the heart rate (too fast or too slow), or can entirely disrupt the normal functioning of the heart even if the heart muscles and valves themselves are entirely normal. Cardiac arrhythmias refer to any abnormality or disturbance in the normal activation sequence of the myocardium and can be classified by rate (tachycardia, bradycardia), mechanism (automaticity, re-entry, triggered), duration (isolated premature beats, couplets, runs) or site of origin. While some arrhythmias are of no particular clinical significance, others, may be indicative of structural heart disease, predispose to complications such as stroke or, result in deterioration of hemodynamics and cardiac arrest .
For most cardiac arrhythmias, medical therapy with antiarrhythmic drugs is not completely effective. In addition to having poor or sporadic efficacy, such drugs can be associated with a number of bothersome side effects, proarrhythmia, high cost, and inconvenience. For this reason, nonpharmacologic interventions—initially the use of a surgical approach and more recently catheter ablation—have played an increasingly important role in the management of cardiac arrhythmias .Catheter ablation is now a standard therapy for patients with cardiac arrhythmias. In recent years, catheter ablation system has significantly developed, including temperature monitoring, irrigated-tip catheter, new mapping technologies, balloon ablation, chemical ablation, ablation, and remote catheter ablation. Energy source is also developed using cryoablation, microwave, and laser. Aim of the work:The present study is designed to assess incidence and distribution of different types of cardiac tachyarrhythmias in the selected population and to assess of catheter ablation using results as success rate and complications in treatment of these cases in area supplying Mansoura University.Patients and methods:This study included 112 arrhythmias cases do electrophysiological study and ablation which diagnosed by clinical manifestions and such as ,Echocardiography,Lab and Holter monitoring follow up.Results:Among studied cases ; Regarding type of tachycardia incidence and distribution ,The current study displayed that; the most frequent type of tachyarrhythmias was AVNRT (59.8%),followed by AVRT (24.1%),WPW (11.6%),Atrial Flutter (2.7%) and Atrial Tachycardia (1.8%) . Likewise, Keegan and his associates reported that AVNRT was the most common type of arrythmia managed via catheter ablation in the Argentinian centers included in the registry, while other countries showed the superiority of accessory pathways over AVNRT.there was a significant association between type of tachycardia and age was observed (p≤0.05). AVNRT occurred more frequent among younger age, 90.7% of patients aged from 15 to 40 years had AVNRT as compared to 40.6% among age category from more than 40 years .success rate and the current study demonstrated that; Resolution of the preexisting tachycardia occurred in 109 patients, making our success rate 97.3%. In the only 3 patients (2.7%) failed ,previously published Latin American registry, the overall success rate was 92% (range, 84% - 100%). Additionally, Quesada et al. reportedcomplications in our study there was transient AV block in only one patient with complications rate about (0.9%). Respectively, Keegan et al. reported that the incidence of complications after catheter ablation ranges between 0% and 13%. A previous American report highlighted that the overall complication rate was 5.46%. Kusano et al. reported that complications were encountered in 2.8% of patients (major bleeding 1.1%, embolism 0.2%, and death 0.1%). Another study reported a low complication rate (0.7%), and these complications included 12 AV blocks, 11 vascular complications, 1 embolism, and 1 heart failure.