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استراتيجية لتدعيم أدوار المؤسسات التربوية غير النظامية لتنمية ثقافة التأهيل التخاطبي في ضوء المتطلبات التربوية لمجتمع المعرفة /
أحمد، محمد صلاح على.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / محمد صلاح على أحمد
مشرف / فيصل الراوي رفاعي طايع
مشرف / محمد السيد محمد إسماعيل
مناقش / عبدالمعين سعدالدين هندي
مناقش / عبدالرحمن أبو المجد رضوان
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
269 ص :
أصول التربية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة سوهاج - كلية التربية - أصول التربية.
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 301

from 301


The study aimed to activate the roles of non-formal educational institutions in Egypt so that they can play an effective role in developing a culture of speech rehabilitation to enable community members to contribute to the process of speech rehabilitation for people with speech disorder.
The study used the descriptive approach as appropriate for this study by compiling the scientific material related to the roles of non-formal educational institutions and the culture of speech rehabilitation in Egypt and how to activate the roles of these institutions to develop a culture of speech rehabilitation.
The study community included some non-formal educational institutions and speech centers in Egypt and a sample of members of these institutions and speech specialists in speech centers and some parents in Sohag Governorate represents the south, Beheira Governorate represents the north, and Giza Governorate represents the middle, and the study also used the questionnaire as a tool to identify the reality of the culture of speech rehabilitation and obstacles to the roles of non-formal educational institutions and proposed mechanisms to support them as well as used the environmental analysis model to identify the internal and external environment of these Institutions to reach a strategy to strengthen their roles.
The results of the study resulted in deficiencies in the aspects of the culture of speech rehabilitation (cognitive, skill and value), a deficiency in the roles of non-formal educational institutions in the development of this culture, a lack of qualified cadres to contribute to the development of a culture of conversational rehabilitation, the lack of databases of specialists, materials, means and techniques used to improve communication, and the lack of financial resources and educational seminars in this field.