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Evaluation of Beta Blocker Effects on Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury /
El Seidy, Nihal Shahat.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / نهال شحات علي الصعيدي
مشرف / ياسر إبراهيم فتحي
مناقش / مصطفي سعيد منصور
مناقش / ياسر إبراهيم فتحي
Critical Care. Brain Damage. Brain Injuries
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
102 p. :
العناية المركزة والطب العناية المركزة
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنوفية - كلية الطب - قسم طب الحالات الحرجة
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Traumatic brain injury is a major cause of death & disability in world wide, ever year TBI accounts 54 to 60 million people leading to hospitalization or mortality.
The G.C.S was developed to assess coma & impaired concious level. AIS score can be used to classify TBI
TBI severity can be misclassified when The G.C.S or AIS used alone. beta blockers differ in their relative affinities for B1, and B2 receptors. Propranolol are quite lipophilic &readily cross the blood brain barrier
Our study aims to assess the effect of propranolol on mortality & ICU length of stay in patients with traumatic brain injury.
Our study was done on (40) patients of TBI in critical care unit, Menoufia university hospitals during the period from october 2020 to march 2021.
The inclusion criteria were adult >16 years old with G.C.S > 10 AIS >3.
Exclusion criteria were allergy to propranolol, pheochormocytoma, brady cardia, cardiac problem (heart failure)
Intial CT brain was done immediatery after admission.
The base line data including demographic data, mechanism of injury &findigs of intial CT brain were entered.
Patients were randomly classified using closed envelops into two groups (20 patients each). Beta Blocker group who received loading 1mg of propranolol in 10 ml normal saline every 6 hours for 48 hours& placebo group who received 10 ml normal saline 0.9 % Our study revealed That There was increase in mortality & length of stay in ICU & hospital stud >14 days after TBI in placebo group while using of Beta blockers resulted in significant reduction in mortality & ICU stay
In our study Beta blocker significantly improved the mortality