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Similarity versus Singularity: An approach towards preserving the identity of cities :
El-Saied, Omnia Ashraf Ahmed.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / امنية اشرف احمد السيد بدوي
مشرف / مروة ابو الفتوح السيد خليفة
مشرف / عبير محمد رضا الشاطر
مناقش / مروة ابو الفتوح السيد خليفة
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
195 p. :
الهندسة المعمارية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية الهندسة - التخطيط و التصميم العمراني
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

from 195

from 195


Cities have developed distinct identities with unique characteristics that distinguish them from each other. However, rapid changes in urbanization are affecting the singular identity of cities. This thesis aims to propose a framework that preserves and illustrates the singular characteristics of cities through the process of development. The research analyzes the levels of identity and the function of each level to preserve, analyzes the reasons behind the similarity of cities, figures out the distinctive physical and non-physical characteristics of different international cities, and illustrates the areas of value at the national level and their distinctive characteristics. Additionally, the research introduces the stakeholders responsible for preserving the identity of cities at the national level.
The research conducted fieldwork on Heliopolis as a case study with valuable social, cultural, and historical assets. The study works to evaluate the effect of the 2019 development plan on the identity and singular characteristics of the district. The fieldwork depended on structured interviews with Heliopolis residents to gather physical and non-physical distinctive characteristics of the district, as well as their opinions about the latest development plan in 2019. Additionally, an online questionnaire was published to target Heliopolis users (residents and non-residents) to discover the probability of the gathered characteristics becoming singular. Furthermore, an online questionnaire was distributed to experts asking them to weigh the characteristics shaping the identity of cities based on the Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) method. Based on the research findings, it can be concluded that the development process of the Heliopolis district does not meet the preferences of its users that are essential for the development of historical areas.