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برنامج تأهيلي قائم على القصص المصورة لتحسين بعض المهارات اللغوية للأطفال زارعي القوقعة /
فرغلي، سعاد محمود محمد.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / سعاد محمود محمد فرغلي
مشرف / جيهان أحمد حلمي
مشرف / أشرف صلاح أحمد
مناقش / عطيه عطية محمد سيد أحمد
مناقش / وليد فاروق حسن
القصة القصيرة.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
105 ص. :
العلوم الاجتماعية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة بني سويف - كلية علوم ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة - الإعاقة السمعية
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 114

from 114


The field of special education in general, and the education of deaf and hearing impaired in particular has witnessed a remarkable development. This development has been marked by progress in methods of examining and diagnosing the hearing disabled. Hearing aids are a modern technique aimed at reducing hearing impairment and developing linguistic growth, giving an opportunity for communication and integration, among the latest new global technologies. ”Cochlear transplant” is an electronic device designed to capture sounds and understand speech surrounding people with severe hearing loss, whether children or adults, who cannot benefit from traditional hearing aids, often with limited ability to better capture and understand speech.
Cochlear implants for children with very severe deafness have recently become the best option, and if cochlear implants lie firmly within the context of medical studies, their production shows linguistic, educational, psychological, social, and professional aspects.
It is evident from the role of rehabilitation programmes and linguistic and auditory training for cochlear farmers to provide a linguistic audio environment for the child, Promoting the linguistic interaction of the child, and involving parents in rehabilitation and training programmes, And not to ignore their role and help their child, because the child spends part of his time in school, And the larger time at home, if parents know the appropriate means and methods to communicate with their child, it helps to benefit from language training programs and use them in all aspects of life.
Study Problem:
The problem of The current Study emerged Fromethe research work with children cochlear growers, the researcher noted that children cochlear growers after five years of cultivation and rhetorical rehabilitation still have a decrease in expressive language at the wholesale and grammar levels compared to ordinary children, Although these children have a marked development in cognitive and expressive language, they still have obvious problems with sentences and linguistic structures. Some or most of these children understand and speak simple short sentences but find it difficult to express long sentences with a correct grammar composition. They also confuse a lot of simple rules such as ”The building of the unknown - pronouns - the names of the signs - the tools of questioning - the deletion of puppy letters, compassion - the confusion between masculine and feminine, especially the act - and luck
And the circumstance of time -- and the use of plural and flexible formulation -- the understanding of questions. ” They also have a problem with transmitting messages and ideas sequentially, which is called anecdotal narrative problems.
Hence, the study’s problem can be formulated in two main questions
(1) What is the im Pact of a rehabilitation programme based on the use of comics in improving some of the language skills of cochlear farmers’ children?
(2) What is the extent of The continuing effectiveness of a rehabilitation programme based on the use of comics to improve some of the language skills of cochlear farmers’ children?
Objectives of the study:
The Current Study aims to verifying The effectiveness of
(1) Effectiveness of a rehabilitation programme based on the use of comics to improve some of the language skills of cochlear-farming children?
(2) The continuity of The effectiveness of a rehabilitation programme based on the use of comics to improve some of the language skills of cochlear growers’ children?
The importance of the study:
• Theoretical importance:
- Providing information that helps workers with special needs in general and with cochlear implants in particular by using the art of storyboards that enable them to improve the language skills of these children.
- Enriching the research heritage and the Arab library in the field of communication, hearing impairment and mental health by studying the language deficiencies of children with cochlear implants and how to improve them.
• Practical relevance:
- Shedding light on the use of picture stories to improve the language skills of students A child with cochlear implants
- Children with cochlear implants who suffer from language problems and deficiencies need rehabilitation programs to improve these skills, so that they can interact with their normal peers.
- Providing benefits to families of children with cochlear implants using picture stories with their children to improve their language skills.
Study assumptions:
The present study seeks to ascertain the validity of the following hypotheses:
- There are statistically significant differences between the average grades of the children with Cochlear Implants in the tribal and remote applications on the ”real scale” test in favour of the remote test.
- There are no statistically significant differences between the average grades of the children with Cochlear Implants in two remote and tracking applications on the ”real scale” test
Study determinants:
• Methodological boundaries: the semi-experimental curriculum was used to suit the nature and objectives of the study, where it was blurred On one set design.
• Time limits: The programme shall be from (25) sessions, conducted through two sessions per week, in addition to 3 sessions of one tribal measurement prior to the programme’s commencement and the other of the dimensional measurement after the application of the programme and the last tracking measurement one month after the programme’s completion by 28 sessions between (1/6/2022) until (10/9/2022) of the school year (2022), with one session time ranging from 30-45 minutes.
• Human boundaries: the program was applied to a sample of 10 cochlear children aged between 7 and 12 years.
• Spatial boundaries: The test and program were applied in the center of addressing Dr. Ahmed Ali Abdulmenim in Beni Suef governorate.
Used equipments:
- The scale of the economic and social level of the Egyptian zfamily (prepared by / Ayman Salem, 2018)
- The real scale of evaluation of the receptive and expressive skills of the Arabic language, prepared by (Dalia Mostafa, 2014(.
- Qualifying program (prepared by the research)
The statistical methods used:
The statistical methods used The researcher processed the data obtained using a set of statistical methods based on the statistical software package for social sciences, known as SPSS. Parametric parameters to process the obtained data, where they are best suited to the nature of The variables of the current research, and the size of the sample. These methods were represented in:
- Wilcoxon test for two related samples, while testing the validity of the hypotheses.
- Pearson’s correlation coefficient
- Arithmetic mean.
- standard deviation
Results of the study:
(1) There are statistically significant differences between the average grades of the children of the research sample in the tribal and remote applications on the ”real scale” test in favour of the remote test.
(2) There are no statistically significant differences between the average grades of the children of the research sample in the two remote and tracking applications on the test ”real .scale