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القيادة الخادمة وعلاقتها بالالتزام التَّنظيمي بالمدارس الثَّانوية العَامة :
شنودة، إيفون وليم اسحق.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / إيفون وليم اسحق شنودة
مشرف / محمد نمر علي أحمد
مشرف / نبيل سعد خليل جرجس
مناقش / محمد أحمد عوض البربري
مناقش / أحمد محمد غانم
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
277 ص. :
العلوم الاجتماعية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة سوهاج - كلية التربية - قسم التربية المقارنة والإدارة التعليمية.
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 314

from 314


The Objective of the Current Research is to Provide a proposed Conception for Activating the Relationship Between Servant Leadership and Organizational Commitment in Public Secondary School s in Sohag Governorate, and to Identify the Theoretical Framework for the Introduction of Servant Leadership in Contemporary Administrative Literature, and to Identify the Theoretical Framework for Organizational commitment in contemporary administrative literature, and to identify the reality of Leadership application. maid in public Secondary School s in Sohag Governorate to activate Organizational commitment.
The Research Relied on the Descriptive Approach that was used to Study and Clarify the characteristics of the Phenomenon or a Specific Situation as it Exists in Reality, Interpret it, and Determine its Relationship to its relationships and Surrounding stimuli. The questionnaire was also used as a main tool for data collection, and the study sample was (587), individuals The Research reached Many results, the most prominent of which are:
1. Some public Secondary School principals lack moral support for teachers and all School staff.
2. Ambiguity in the distribution of roles and responsibilities of some public Secondary School principals, teachers and all employees.
3. The absence of a community culture that encourages benefiting from the volunteer efforts offered by the School .
4. Some Secondary School leaders are far from being objective in distributing tasks and assignments.
5. Weakness in spreading and strengthening the culture of empowerment and focusing on personal factors more than focusing on work.
6. Weak Leadership methods and practices followed in General with the lack of powers granted to the School administration.
The Research Presented A proposed vision to Activate the Relationship Between Servant Leadership and Organizational commitment in public Secondary Education School s in Sohag Governorate, which included: : the Concept, Objectives and importance of the proposed Vision, its starting points, the axes of the proposed vision, proposed mechanisms to activate the relationship between Servant leadership and Organizational commitment in public Secondary Schools, the requirements for Implementing the proposed Vision, And potential obstacles to Implementing the proposed Scenario.