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مشكلات التنمية المهنية لمعلمي التدريبات العملية بالتعليم الثانوى الصناعي فى مصر وسبل التغلب عليها فى ضوء المداخل الحديثة للتنمية المهنية /
زھرى، جمعه شعبان الرفاعى.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / جمعه شعبان الرفاعى زھرى
مشرف / تودري مرقص حنا
مشرف / محمد السيد محمد الإخناوي
مناقش / عبدالودود محمود علي مكروم،
التعليم الصناعي.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
183 ص. :
أصول التربية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنصورة - كلية التربية - قسم أصول التربية
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 183

from 183


Despite the increasing call for attention to the professional development of teachers because it is linked to educational reform plans and programs in Egypt, the professional growth programs for teachers of industrial education do not receive enough attention from professional development institutions for teachers, and that there is a large gap between the actual needs of teachers and what institutions provide Professional development programs, which result in bad repercussions that negatively affect the performance of teachers, and consequently weakness in achieving the objectives of the educational process. Numerous studies and research have indicated that there are many problems that prevent the achievement of professional development for teachers in general and teachers of industrial secondary education in particular. Reality for teachers to attend educational conferences and panel discussions, and the lack of current training programs in achieving professional development for teachers, and weak methods of cooperation among colleagues due to their lack of awareness of the importance of this cooperation in their professional development. Therefore, it is necessary to reveal the problems facing teachers of practical training in industrial secondary education that prevent their professional development, as these problems result in low levels of teachers’ performance, which calls for the necessity of practical research to contribute to the detection and identification of these problems through a scientific field study. and then envisioning a set of ways by which these problems can be overcome in light of modern approaches to professional development. Hence the importance of this study and the need for it Based on the foregoing, the problem of the current study crystallizes in the following questions:1- What is the conceptual framework for the professional development of teachers of practical training in industrial secondary education? 2-What is the reality of professional development for teachers of practical training in industrial secondary education in Egypt?3- What are the most important modern methods and approaches to professional development for teachers of practical training in secondary education industrial?4- What are the problems facing the professional development of teachers of practical training in industrial secondary education in Egypt?5- What is the proposed scenario to face the problems of professional development for teachers of practical training in industrial secondary education in Egypt in the light of modern approaches to professional development?Study Objectives:The current study aimed to try to develop a proposed vision to overcome the problems of professional development for teachers of practical training in industrial secondary education in the light of modern approaches to professional development, through the following:1-Identifying the conceptual framework for the professional development of teachers of practical training in industrial secondary education?2- Identifying the reality of professional development for teachers of practical training in industrial secondary education in Egypt.3- Identifying the most important methods and modern approaches to professional development for teachers of practical training in industrial secondary education.4-Identifying the most important problems facing the professional development of teachers of practical training in industrial secondary education in Egypt.Study Importance:1- The current study gains its importance from the importance of the topic of professional development for teachers in general and teachers Practical training in industrial secondary education in particular, and its urgent necessity in this era where the rapid explosion of knowledge, in addition to the lack of studies that dealt with the professional development of teachers of practical training in industrial secondary education. 2- The current study deals with one of the most important educational stages, which is the industrial secondary stage, as it is the stage of facing the future and real support for building industry in any country. 3- This study may benefit those responsible for industrial secondary education and its workers in identifying the problems facing the professional development of practical training teachers, and trying to present a proposed scenario to overcome these problems, which contributes to the development of the educational process.4- This study may benefit the teachers of practical exercises themselves in order to develop the professional development programs provided to them, which helps the teacher in facing the successive and rapid challenges facing him in his work. professional.Study Method: The current study relied on the descriptive approach, due to its relevance to the nature of the current study, as it is based on describing what is already in place, analyzing it and diagnosing it with defining the conditions and relationships that exist between the facts (Jaber, 1999, 184), by identifying the reality and problems of professional development for training teachers The process of industrial secondary education, and an attempt to develop a proposed vision to confront these problems in the light of modern approaches to professional development. Study tool:The current study relied on designing a questionnaire addressed to a sample of practical training teachers in industrial secondary education in Dakahlia Governorate in order to identify the problems of the professional development programs presented to them.The limits of the study: The current study was limited to a sample of practical training teachers in industrial secondary education in Dakahlia Governorate who have work experience in industrial education for at least ten years.Study Procedures:First, the theoretical framework: where research literature and previous Arab and foreign studies related to the subject of the study were reviewed, and then the theoretical rooting of the study problem and its various parts, which was presented through a theoretical framework that included the following research chapters:Chapter one: the general framework of the research.The second chapter: the conceptual framework for the professional development of teachers of practical exercises in secondary education industrial.Chapter Three: Modern approaches to professional development for teachers of practical training in secondary education industrial. Second: The field study: where the researcher applied a questionnaire to a sample of practical training teachers in industrial secondary education to identify the problems of professional development and arrive at the proposed vision to overcome these problems.Results:The study reached many results, the most important of which are:1- The teachers of practical exercises do not provide them with the scientific basis that helps them to start practicing the teaching process.2- There are many problems faced by teachers of practical exercises who still use traditional methods and methods in teaching that focus most of the time on lecture and delivery, as well as practical exercises that are presented traditionally without using modern training methods. 3- Professional development contributes to the development of education in general, and the development of technical education in particular, as teacher development is closely related to the development of students’ skills, and what technical education includes from the practical side rather than the theoretical side.4-Despite the multiplicity of institutions that offer professional development programs for teachers of practical training in industrial secondary education in Egypt, the opportunities for professional development for teachers of industrial secondary education are limited. or update.5- Although professional development has many methods, we find that professional development For teachers of practical exercises in industrial secondary education, they were limited to one method, which is training, which suffers from many problems. 6- There are many approaches to professional development, although they all revolve around one idea, which is that teachers turn into permanent learners, and therefore the idea of continuous learning is the central idea around which all professional development approaches revolve.7- Despite the multiple approaches to professional development, it is difficult to predominate a specific approach over the rest of the approaches, as all the approaches are integrated, and they all converge in many points such as preparing, planning, implementing and evaluating professional development programs.8- The results of the field study confirmed that there are many problems facing the professional development of teachers of practical training in industrial secondary education, and these problems were categorized into five Axes are:The first axis: administrative and organizational problems.The second axis: personal problems (related to teachers of practical exercises).The third axis: problems related to the lack of financial capabilities.The fourth axis: problems related to the content of professional development programs.Fifth Axis: Problems related to evaluation and follow-up of professional development programmers.The study ended with the development of a proposed scenario to face development problems for teachers of practical training in industrial secondary education in the light of modern approaches to professional development.