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Histopathological evaluation of dental pulp response to laser and different dental pulp capping materials application in vivo /
Islam Abdelraouf Mahmoud Shalash,
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / Islam Abdelraouf Mahmoud Shalash
مشرف / Ali Mohamed El-Housiny Saafan
مشرف / Latifa Mohammed Abdelgawad
مشرف / Mohammed Hussein Zaazou
مشرف / Dalia Hussein El Rouby
Lasers in medicine
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
86 p. :
Dentistry (miscellaneous)
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة القاهرة - المعهد القومى لعلوم الليزر - Medical Applications of Lasers (Oral and Dental Medical Laser Applications)
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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This study evaluated the histopathological response of mechanically exposed dental pulps after application of Ca(OH)2, MTA or Biodentine as pulp capping materials with or without laser irradiation.
A total of nine dogs were included in this study from which 144 teeth were prepared and restored. Those teeth were randomly divided into three main groups according to the used capping materials; Ca(OH)2, MTA or Biodentine. In each dog 16 teeth were prepared. Each main group was subdivided into two subgroups according to the capping technique; either no PBM or with PBM. Each of these subgroups was further divided into three divisions according to the observation periods; 1 week, 8 weeks or 16 weeks.
Initial penetration of the tooth enamel was done using small carbide round bur. Then preparation was done using large size carbide round bur) driven by low speed micromotor. Prepared cavities for direct pulp capping were centrally exposed using sterile small round bur. Pulp capping materials were placed as recommended by manufacturers’ instructions.
Infra-red laser was used to irradiate half of the treated teeth on each dog using a therapeutic laser apparatus”soft-laser-SL-202” .The laser application was performed directly after restoration then at 48 hours and finally at 96 hours with a 48h interval between laser sessions Only teeth on the right side of each arch was laser irradiated while their contra laterals were not irradiated .
After restoration of the tooth, the laser beam was applied to the labial and lingual surfaces of each tooth for 20 seconds per tooth surface.
The method of irradiation was contact mode . The spot diameter was 2mm and the laser was irradiated in a continuous wave mode of power 50mW with an 870nm wavelength.
Under conditions used in this study, 870 nm PBM applied in consecutive sessions has a favorable effect in direct pulp capping procedures leading to significantly less intense inflammation at 1 week with Ca(OH)2, MTA or Biodentine and thicker dentin bridge formation at 16 weeks when MTA or Biodentine are used.
PBM has a positive effect on the outcome of dental pulp capping procedures.