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Pilot study on the effect of allopurinol on experimental murine trichinosis /
Hagar Adel Abdelmaged Abdelrahman ,
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / Hagar Adel Abdelmaged Abdelrahman
مشرف / Nadia Ali Eldib
مشرف / Azza Mostafa Fahmy
مشرف / Noha Mohamed Abdelrazek
Medical Parasitology
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
121 p. :
الكيمياء الحيوية (الطبية)
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة القاهرة - كلية الطب - Medical Parasitology
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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from 122


Trichinosis is one of the most common food-born parasitic infections
causing muscle damage and necrosis. This study was done to detect
the effect of allopurinol alone and in combination with albendazole
(ALB) on the experimental murine trichinosis. The study was
conducted on 80 mice that were divided into two sections; each
consists of 40 mice: Section I (Experiment I) is designed to evaluate
the effect of drugs against Trichinella spiralis in the intestinal phase.
Section II (Experiment II) is designed to evaluate the effect of drugs
against Trichinella in the muscular phase. The 40 male albino mice
included in each experiment were divided into the following groups:
infected untreated group and infected treated groups which was
further subdivided according to the received drug therapy. Drug
therapy effects were assessed by parasitological assessments in both
intestinal and muscular phase and histopathological assessments in
muscular phase . Evaluation of the effect of drugs during the intestinal
phase was done through counting of the adult worms present in the
intestine of all groups under study. Percentage of reduction was 69.41
% in treated group with allopurinol .The group treated with a
combined therapy of ALB and allopurinol showed a 98.76%
percentage of reduction. Whereas, the albendazole treated group
showed a 98.53 % percentage of reduction. All results of the above
mentioned treated groups were statistically significant compared to the
control infected group.
Parasitological assessment of the mean numbers of T. spiralis larvae
per gm muscle of (tongue, diaphragm and thoracic muscles) showed
the following reduction percentages 84.90%, 87.36%, 83.93%
respectively in treated group with allopurinol . The group treated with
a combined therapy of albendazole and allopurinol showed
percentages of reduction of 93.69%, 94.71%, 94.52% in muscles of
tongue ,diaphragm and thoracic muscles respectively. Whereas, the
albendazole treated group showed a 59.44%, 56.86%, 57.50%
percentage of reduction of larvae in muscles of tongue ,diaphragm
and thoracic muscles respectively. All results of the above mentioned
treated groups were statistically significant compared to the control
infected group. Histopathological assessment findings were in
correlation with parasitological results, the groups receiving combined
therapy showed the most marked improvement in degree of
inflammation and fibrosis. It can be concluded that allopurinol has
anti-Trichinella effect on both intestinal and muscular phase