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الفروق بين الفصاميين والمستهدفين للفصام والأسوياء في الألكسيثيميا :
أبوحامد، سمر نظيم عبد الله.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / سمر نظيم عبدالله أبوحامد
مشرف / نرمين عبدالوهاب أحمد
مشرف / هشام صلاح زكي
مشرف / فؤاد محمد أبو المكارم
مناقش / سعيد رمضان خضير
الفصام - علم نفس.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
123 ص. ؛
علم النفس التربوى
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة بني سويف - كلية الآداب - علم النفس
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 153

from 153


The present study aims to identify the differences between Schizophrenics; Schizotypal(positive, negative); and normal in relation to dimensions of Alexithymia. In addition, it aims to identify the relation between schizotypal traits and positive, negative schizotypy and dimensions of alexithymia. The present study also aims to identify the ability to predict dimensions of Alexithymia based on the six characteristics of schizotypy and positive, negative schizotypy. In this study, we dealt with the concept of alexithymia and its dimensions, the characteristics of individuals with alexithymia, and some theoretical models that explain alexithymia. Then the concept of schizophrenia, its relationship to alexithymia, and some theories explaining it. Then we dealt with the concept of the schizotypal, the definition of the six predisposing features of schizophrenia under the current study, the dimensions of the schizotypal, and the basic perceptions in the targeting study for schizophrenia.
Then we moved to the heritage of previous studies and it was divided into three axes: the first included studies that dealt with the relationship between alexithymia and schizophrenia, and the second included studies that dealt with the relationship between alexithymia and vulnerability for schizophrenia, and this axis was divided into: the category of studies that focused on the relationship of alexithymia to schizotypal And the category of studies that focused on some features of vulnerability for schizophrenia in relation to alexithymia, and the third included studies that dealt with alexithymia and its relationship to some demographic variables, and then we presented the hypotheses of the study.
Then we explained the method used in the current study, which is the descriptive, correlative, comparative approach, and then a description of the study sample, which consisted of two groups: a group of schizophrenia patients, numbering 32 patients, and their ages ranged between (30-60), and the alexithymia scale was applied to them, And another group of normal, their number reached 203 individuals, and their ages ranged between (30-60), and they were divided into three groups: (vulnerability for schizophrenia with positive schizotypal, vulnerability for schizophrenia with negative schizotypy, and normal), and schizophrenia risk factors scales has been applied. The scales applied included Perceptual Aberration; magical ideation; physical anhedonia; social anhedonia; cognitive slippage; Impulsive-nonconformity. as well as Alexithymia scale. Then we presented the study tools used, namely: schizophrenia risk factors scales, and the Toronto scale for measuring alexithymia, then we mentioned the application procedures and data collection, and then the methods used in statistical analysis.
Then we reviewed the results of the study, which revealed the existence of statistically significant differences between the schizophrenic, Schizotypal (positive, negative), and normal in the dimensions of alexithymia, and the results also revealed that there is a medium positive correlation between the traits (Perceptual Aberration; magical ideation; physical anhedonia; social anhedonia; cognitive slippage; Impulsive-nonconformity) and the three dimensions of alexithymia (difficulty of emotional expression, difficulty of emotional identifying, externally-directed thinking), and there is a medium positive correlation between the positive schizotypy and the alexithymia dimensions (difficulty of emotional expression, difficulty of emotional identifying, externally-directed thinking), and there is a medium positive correlation between negative schizotypy and alexithymia dimensions (difficulty of emotional expression, difficulty of emotional identifying, externally-directed thinking). The findings also revealed the ability of cognitive slippage; Perceptual Aberration; and physical anhedonia to predict the two dimensions of difficulty of emotional expression and difficulty of emotional identifying. positive schizotypy and the characteristics of Impulsive-nonconformity, physical anhedonia, social anhedonia and magical ideation have also predicted the dimension of externally-directed thinking.
Then, these results were discussed in light of the extent to which the results support the hypotheses of the study, and the extent of consistency and difference between the results of the current study and the results of previous studies, and in light of some theoretical frameworks, with reference to some recommendations and questions that can be tested in future research.