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الخامات والصناعات فى كوش، (2500 ق.م.-900 ق.م.) /
ناهد أحمد محمود أحمد،
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / ناهد أحمد محمود أحمد،
مشرف / حندوقة ابراهيم فرج
مشرف / هند عبد المجيد الفقي.
مناقش / زكريا رجب عبد المجيد.
مناقش / طارق سيد توفيق.
الصناعات 369107997 النوبة، مصر.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
437 ص. :
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة القاهرة - كلية الدراسات الإفريقية العليا - التاريخ
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 248

from 248


The research contains an introduction, six chapters and a conclusion.
Herein is a list of the most important Arab and Foreign references from which the research was formed, and an appendix to the research which includes Shapes, Images, and Maps, as well as a hypothesis catalog.
In the introduction the Researcher presented the reasons for choosing the subject, the objectives of the study, and the curriculum on which was relied. The six chapters are as follow:
The First Chapter explains the factors affecting the richness of raw materials in Kush, then the study elaborated on the importance of the geographical location.
The influence of natural factors are explained such as the Nile, which was the lifeline of this civilization and its great role in providing water and silt. Other influences include the landscape, plus the climatic elements of rain, wind and temperature.
The Second Chapter reviewed the Raw Vegetation Materials and the industries based on them. This included Wood, Grains, and Fibers, and products derived from them such as cloth, linen, mats, carpets, baskets and incense, followed by gum and resin.
The Third Chapter’s subject is raw animal materials and the industries based on them. In this chapter the study highlights the most significant animals that linhabited Kush, and introduces the most important products derived from them. The importance and relevance of the products which the people of Kush relied on in their daily/spiritual lives as well as in their tombs. Such products as leather, ivory, bone, horns, skulls, feathers, ostrich eggs, stomachs and tails. Marine animals were also included for products such as seashells and pearls.
The Fourth Chapter is dedicated to minerals and metal artifacts, describing the most significant minerals and precious metals which were mined in Kush.
For example Gold types and its important uses, especially for commercial purposes.
Then: Copper and the most important industries dependant on it, plus Silver and its uses. Followed by bronze (which was widely used), Then Iron, and finally Mica (a mineral that the people of Kush excelled in exploiting, and how they were able to manipulate it to produce vast amounts of ornaments).
The Fifth Chapter Examined stones, such as sandstone and alabaster, plus diorite, granite, quartz, and quartzite. followed by faience, precious and semi-precious stones. Finally some other stones discovered with limited presence, such as blue marble, slate, black-lead and stone industries.
Then came The Sixth and Final Chapter with the title of Pottery, which began with an introduction about pottery and its importance. Then the raw materials used in pottery production and examination in detail of the pottery-making industry in Kerma (the capital of Kush), the types and the development stages it went through.
Finally the development of the style and design of pottery vessels in Kerma and its distinctive designs.
This last part, clarified and concluded the civilizational expansion of Kerma pottery in the Egyptian New Kingdom.