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دور التسويق الالكترونى فى تفعيل الشمول المالى /
اسماعيل، شادي الصباحي السيد.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / شادي الصباحي السيد اسماعيل
مشرف / طلعت أسعد عبدالحميد البنا
مشرف / تامر إبراهيم السيد إبراهيم
مناقش / أحمد موسى السماديسى
مناقش / عبدالقادر محمد عبدالقادر
الأموال - قوانين وتشريعات. المالية - تحليل. التنمية الاقتصادية. التمويل.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
189 ص. :
الأعمال والإدارة والمحاسبة (المتنوعة)
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنصورة - كلية التجارة - إدارة الأعمال
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

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from 189


E-marketing is essential to the success of organizations as it focuses on a group of interrelated and integrated marketing systems that make up the entire e-marketing mix. In line with the current era and its variables, and in light of those changes, the current environment for banking services shows the effective role of electronic marketing and electronic means and the special need for them to ensure the survival of banking institutions and banks and ensure their continuity as it is the secret key to progress and is considered the basic pillar for the survival of banking institutions, and the importance of electronic means has emerged Banking services clearly in light of the great competitive atmosphere, as its strategic role appears during the 21st century as a result of the amazing revolution in the fields of communications and information technology, which turned the world into a small village, in addition to the diversity and different tastes and needs of customers and their rapid change, as well as the trend of most countries in the world. To free markets (Qasbawi, Hizam, 2022) The issue of expanding access to financial and financial services, or what is known as digital financial inclusion, has received wide attention over the past years at the level of financial and economic policy makers in various countries of the world. This is due to the great importance and role that financial inclusion plays in improving access to digital financial services and contributing to creating opportunities Work, promote growth and improve the standard of living, and this interest has been reinforced with the establishment of the concerned international institutions, led by the group of Twenty (G20), on financial inclusion as one of the main axes in the global economic development programme. Economic and material on the other hand, and there is no doubt that the current developments and the repercussions of the Corona virus (Covid-19) have clearly highlighted the great importance of financial inclusion and the need to enhance digital services and educate customers on the use of electronic financial services (Mirrod, 2022) Financial innovations have played a large and increasing role in the practice of services and activities of the banking sector in general, by eliminating problems resulting from traditional banking operations, reducing wasted time, business accuracy, and reaching marginalized groups that do not benefit from traditional commercial services. With its new mechanisms, tools and technological services, it is considered the main pillar in the development of current and prospective financial investments for all projects, through what is known as financial inclusion, which has become one of the most important concepts that have recently received attention from international organizations and central banks in general and the Central Bank of Egypt in particular. Financial inclusion is considered an important priority in recent years through the launch of many local and global initiatives to improve financial inclusion in Egypt (according to, 2021) Study problem and questions : The electronic marketing of banking services aims to enhance financial inclusion and expand the geographical scope of access to financial services easily and at the lowest costs. The importance of financial inclusion is not limited to the transformation of the national economy into a non-monetary economy, but rather it has become one of the pillars of economic growth and raising the efficiency of financial services that serve real or legal customers alike. Whether, as the shift to a non-monetary economy enhances integration into the global economy (Sudipta .et al, 2017, p.266), and in the light of the above, and after presenting the results of previous studies and the exploratory study, the researcher was able to formulate the problem and questions of the study as follows : What is the effect of using e-marketing tools on activating financial inclusion? The following questions arise from it : 1. What is the nature of the relationship between the dimensions of e-marketing and activating the financial inclusion of banks? 2. What is the impact of e-marketing dimensions on banks’ customers’ response to financial inclusion services? 3. Are there differences regarding bank customers’ perception of the impact of the study variables (the effect of e-marketing dimensions on activating financial inclusion services) according to demographic variables? 4. What is the role of electronic means in the quality of financial services to achieve financial inclusion? Study objectives : The main purpose of this study is to develop a proposed framework for the relationship between the impact of using electronic marketing tools and activating financial inclusion among customers. It can be said that the objectives of the study are represented in the following points : 1. Determine the nature of the relationship between the dimensions of e-marketing and customer response to activate financial inclusion in banks. 2. Studying the impact of e-marketing dimensions on customers’ response to e-banking services. 3. To identify the extent to which there are differences regarding bank customers’ perception of the study variables (the effect of e-marketing dimensions on activating financial inclusion services) according to demographic variables. Study assignments : Based on the objectives of the study, the study hypotheses can be formulated in the following forms : There is no significant effect of e-marketing dimensions (personality, confidentiality, e-customer service, e-community, website, security, sales activation) on activating financial inclusion. The following sub-hypotheses emerge from it : The first hypothesis : There is no significant effect of e-marketing dimensions (personality, confidentiality, e-customer service, e-community, location, security, sales activation) on customers’ access to e-banking services. The second hypothesis : There is no significant effect of e-marketing dimensions (personality, confidentiality, e-customer service, e-community, location, security, sales activation) on customers’ use of e-banking services. The third hypothesis: There is no significant effect of the dimensions of e-marketing (personality, confidentiality, e-service to customers, e-community, location, security, sales activation) on the quality of e-banking services provided to customers.
The importance of the study : Scientific importance : 1. The scarcity of Arab research and studies that dealt with the role of electronic marketing in activating financial inclusion, as this topic represents a modern area of interest at the level of Arab scientific research (within the limits of the researcher’s knowledge). 2. Opening the field of research on this topic and studying it in more depth using other dimensions in electronic marketing and financial inclusion. 3. Studying and clarifying the impact of electronic marketing in promoting financial inclusion, which achieves many benefits for society groups in general and for low-income people in particular, which contributes to reducing levels of unemployment and poverty, achieving economic and social development, enhancing financial stability, reducing financial default rates, and enhancing the financial performance of banks. 4. Determine the role of electronic marketing in activating the financial inclusion of banks. Practical importance : The importance of the study at the applied level is represented in the following : 1. Contribute to reaching an appropriate framework to take advantage of the dimensions of e-marketing to enhance financial inclusion, as the market provides the financial services that people demand, financial literacy stimulates the demand side, making people aware of what they can demand. 2. Helping banks, investors and users of financial information to realize the importance of electronic marketing to enhance financial inclusion. 3. Focusing on the pivotal role of financial inclusion on the financial performance of banks. 4. Clarifying the importance of electronic marketing for banking services, especially in light of the global financial crises. 5. Analyzing the indicators of e-marketing for banking services, to improve the access of services to the largest segment of people and institutions, and to attract those excluded from the financial system. Study population and sample : A- Study population : Know-how society is defined as : a group of vocabulary that has the characteristics of a certain phenomenon, from which a representative sample can be selected due to the difficulty of collecting data from all members of society, and the current society is represented by customers of commercial banks in Egypt b- The study sample : it includes : Sample size: The sample was determined using the STATS 2.0 program, given the size of the community, which exceeds 500,000 individuals, as bank customers include approximately 60% of the adult population of Egypt, at a confidence level of 95% and error limits +5%, and therefore the minimum sample becomes 384 items (Saunders, et al., 2019). The researcher used the online survey, and provided the questionnaire to the participants through: Face Book; WhatsApp; Telegram ; Twittwr), and the response rate was excellent. Type of sample : The snow ball sample was relied upon, due to the availability of the conditions for its use, namely : the presence of a large degree of homogeneity among the community’s vocabulary with regard to the characteristics to be studied, and the lack of a framework for the research community. Data collection tools : The process of collecting data is very important in any research, obtaining accurate results depends on proper testing of data collection tools. In this study, the researcher relied on two main tools : Investigation : The nature of the subject of the study and the methodology used necessitate the researcher to use specific tools that he relies on in collecting data and information necessary for the dimensions of the research problem and the compatibility of the study hypotheses and its variables. The questionnaire (form) was used as a main tool. The survey is defined as ””a form that includes a set of questions directed to individuals to obtain information about the subject of the study, and this tool was chosen as the most appropriate and most common means used in obtaining information (e-marketing from question 1 : 48, financial inclusion from question 49 : 63) ) Results : The current study concluded that there is a medium-strength significant effect with a positive moral significance between the dimensions of the study (personality, confidentiality, electronic customer service, electronic community, location, security, sales activation, access to electronic banking services, quality of electronic banking services, use of banking services electronic) through the opinions of a sample of Egyptian commercial bank customers, as it was statistically significant at the level of significance (0.001), and this means that the first hypothesis is completely valid. The current study concluded that there is a significant positive significant effect between the dimensions of e-marketing (location, sales activation, confidentiality) on customers’ access to e-banking services, and there is no significant effect for each of (personality, customer service, e-community, security). On customers’ access to electronic banking services in the banks under study, and then we partially accept the second hypothesis of the study. The current study concluded that there is a significant positive significant effect between the dimensions of e-marketing (security, location, confidentiality) on customers’ use of e-banking services, and there is no significant effect for each of (personality, customer service, e-community, sales activation). On customers’ use of electronic banking services in the banks under study, and then we partially accept the third hypothesis of the study. The current study concluded that there is a significant positive significant effect between the dimensions of e-marketing (security, e-customer service, confidentiality) on the quality of e-banking services, and there is no significant effect for each of (personality, website, e-community, sales activation). On the quality of electronic banking services in the banks under study, and then we partially accept the fourth hypothesis of the study.