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Early warning risk management system to improve safety in aviation /
Amr Ibrahim Hefnawy ,
Amr Ibrahim Hefnawy
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / Amr Ibrahim Hefnawy
مشرف / Hegazy Mohammed Zaher
مشرف / Mohammed Said Elmaghraby
مناقش / Mohammed Said Elmaghraby
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
165 Leaves :
الإحصاء والاحتمالات
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة القاهرة - المكتبة المركزية - Statistical Quality Control and Quality Assurance
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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The first duty of business is to survive, and the guiding principle of business economics is not the maximization of profit, it is the avoidance of loss; (Peter Drauker) Said. [92] Aircraft systems have been classified as complex (long life systems) and critical systems because of the risk always around which is not easily expected causing unexpected crisis in some cases. As a result business will be lost in case of poor expectation to the potential risk existed in the place on contrary the organization desire to survive.Crises can strike any company at any time. Microsoft, Value Jet, chrysler, Pepsi and the tobacco industry are some of the most recent companies that can attest to this fact, but they are not the only ones. Crises do not discriminate based on a company{u2019}s size or reputation, and they can hit when a company least expects them. Tonello, Matteo (2007). [110] According to the Aviation Today website, 243,000 accidents annually occur in airplane hangars and on ramps, at a cost to airlines of $10 billion and it was found that man error acts about 60% - 80% factors considered incidents for accidents. Shappell & Wieg. [100] Major aircraft accidents are typically followed by intensive investigations to identify and address the range of factors that contributed to the event. The main research question was: 2How can dynamically change of accident potentials will be on focus?3 In order to synchronize future expectations challenges. The introduced systematic approach in which a total proactive risk management system can be achieved and Early Warning Risk Management concept can be handled on purpose of protecting (personnel, capacity, reputation{u2026}etc.) of probable harm occurring. The main research interest is to develop methodologies like Proactive Integrated Risk Assessment Technique, Reputation Risk Management, Mishap [58] and tools like SWAT analysis, brain storming, Pareto chart