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Factors affecting student acceptance of technology in education and the effect of interactive learning on improving student performance /
Osama Mohamed Abdelwahab Amin Elboghdady ,
Osama Mohamed Abdelwahab Amin Elboghdady
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / Osama Mohamed Abdelwahab Amin Elboghdady
مشرف / Farouk Tamam Ali Shoaib
مشرف / Noura Anwar Abdelfattah
مشرف / Noura Anwar Abdelfattah
تاريخ النشر
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66 Leaves :
تكنولوجيا التعليم
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
اتحاد مكتبات الجامعات المصرية - Biostatistics and Demography
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The twentieth century witnessed a great change in the life of mankind, which is the revolution of highly developed science and technology in electronic and many other fields, and the information revolution had a pioneering role in this transformation, as it brought mankind to great heights and facilitated the many opportunities for him to impose his control on nature to the point of becoming a factor of evolution.Cognitive is more influential in life than other factors, physical and natural. Information has become an essential economic resource for many countries. It is a new strategic resource in economic life that complements natural resources. With the tremendous development of information systems, information technology has become one of the most important aspects of the development of the global economy.This revolution has brought about a series of transformations that affected the various aspects of society’s life, whether its economic structure, work relations, or the human-community relations surrounding it ..etc. Society, as well as the human being, who does not seek to keep pace with scientific and technological development, soon finds him incapable of entering the new society and contributing to it. And a country that does not realize that knowledge is today the most important factor for the transition from backwardness to development and from poverty to wealth will inevitably find itself on the sidelines of the march of progress