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Knowledge among Preparatory School Students regarding Sport Nutrition in Beni-Suef City, Egypt :
Abdel raof, Asmaa Magdy.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / أسماء مجدى عبدالرءوف
مشرف / إكرام محمد الشبراوي
مشرف / شيماء أحمد سنوسى
Food. Sports medicine. Sports Nutritional Physiological Phenomena
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
142 p. :
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة بني سويف - كلية الطب - الصحة العامة
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The study of nutrition dates back to over 200 years; however, sports nutrition is relatively a new discipline involving the application of nutritional principles to enhance the athletic performance. Nutrition affects a sports man in many ways. At the basic level, it plays an important role in achieving and maintaining health.
Adolescence is a transition period from childhood to adulthood. Sufficient intake of energy and nutrients during this period, in which the rate of growth and development increases ensures that the individual is at the same level of development as his/ her peers. Physical changes in this period affect and change the body’s nutritional needs. In addition to increasing need of energy, protein, vitamins and minerals, an increased appetite is observed, too.
Nutrition for adolescent athletes is important and necessary to ensure both sporting success and continuation of growth and development. Although nutrition problems of young athletes are thought to be parallel to that of adult athletes, nowadays, it is known that they have a variety of physiological and metabolic features that distinguish the growing children from adults and require specific nutritional factors.
Sports nutrition education is necessary to understand proper fueling before, during, and after sporting events and to avoid illness and injury.
It is important that adolescent athletes understand that their energy needs will be different based on age, growth rate, and level of activity, and it is vital to educate athletes on these increased energy needs to avoid deficiencies.
Inadequate nutrient intake can lead to decreased sports performance (delayed recovery and inability to adapt to training stimulus) as well as health problems (depressed immune systems and reproductive problems).
Several studies have shown that adolescent female athletes have inadequate intakes of calcium and iron. Both of these micronutrients are necessary to support proper body functions and normal growth. A diet without adequate calcium and iron can negatively affect the reproductive system and bone development.
Aim of the study
The aim of the study was to examine sport nutrition and dietary choices among preparatory students practicing sports, factors affecting and evaluate the effect of sport nutrition education program among preparatory school students in Beni-Suef city.
Subjects and Methods:
The study was conducted on preparatory school students of Beni-Suef City. 400 students were studied from randomly selected schools
A baseline assessment of general and sport nutrition knowledge among preparatory school students was conducted using (A-NSKQ) followed by an interventional study to examine the effect of sports nutrition education on their nutrition knowledge by conducting a post- intervention assessment after 3 months.
The mean age of studied studentswas 12.81 ± 0.84. 168(42%) of studied students were male and 232 (58%) of them were female. According to school 138 (34.5%) of studied students were in Arabic sport governmental school. 185 students were in first preparatory grade, 172 students were in second preparatory grade, 43 students were in third preparatory grade. Regarding Mother Education,293 students whose mothers received University education. And regarding Father Education, 337 students whose fathers received University education. The mean Weight of studied students was 48.33 ± 3.27 and the mean Height of them was 154.28 ± 3.16.
As regard type of sports practiced, 50%, 42% and 41.8% of students were practicing gymnastics, swimming and football respectively. As regard Place of practice, 272 (68%) of students were practicing sports in club. The mean Years of practice was 3.40 ± 1.07, the mean Number of hours was 3.97 ± 1.42.
According to Source of knowledge, 21.5% of students received their knowledge about sports nutrition from family physician.
According to pre- intervention knowledge score there were (99.5%) students with poor score and (0.5%) student with good score. While regarding post- intervention knowledge score, there were (51%) students with poor score, (47.2%) students with good score and (1.8%) students with excellent score. the mean Post intervention Nutrition knowledge score (16.44 ±4.67) was significantly higher than the mean Pre intervention Nutrition knowledge score (10.90 ±3.24).
The mean pre-intervention knowledge score was significantly higher among Female student, among Language governmental school students, among third Preparatory school students, among students who practice sport in school, and among students receiving their information from their coach.
There was a statistically significant difference between pre-intervention knowledge score of students and their mothers’ educationwith higher knowledge in students whose mothers were university educated.
There was a statistically significant difference between pre-intervention knowledge score of students and playing basketball, football and ballet.
Pre-intervention knowledge score of students had a significant weak positive linear correlation with age of students, Years of practice and number of hours of practice per week (r= 0.262, p< 0.001), (r= 0.267, p< 0.001) and (r= 0.362, p< 0.001) respectively.
There was high rate of change from pre- to post-assessment among the studied students (mean ±SD = 50.73% ±20.57).
Rate of Change in nutrition knowledge assessment from pre- to post-interventionwas significantly higher in Language private school students, among students of the third preparatory, in students who play handball, karateand horse riding, and in students playing in school.
- There was weak positive linear correlation between rates of change in students’ knowledge with their age.
Based on the previous findings this study recommended the followings:
On school level:
 Organizing weekly classes for students on the importance of healthy diet with the use of videos and social media.
 Organizing educational lectures and workshops for students and their parents on how to choose and prepare healthy meals and the appropriate types of food for different sports at different stages of life with a focus on meals that are easy to take during exercise.
 Organizing encouragement competitions for students and parents about the best healthy eating dish suitable for their sports activity.
On national level:
 Addressing the Ministry of Education and the Directorate of Education for the need of appointing a nutritionist in the school to be responsible for developing nutritional plans for the regular school day and also in the case of exercises and sports competitions.
 Addressing the Ministry of Education and the Directorate of Education for the need of providing appropriate school meals for students participating in sports activities, with supporting them with nutritional supplements and the necessary ingredients to ensure an outstanding level of athletic performance.
 Further studies can be carried out to investigate the 24 hours recall diet of students participating in different sports and their parents to study their dietary choices, dietary pattern and financial capabilityfor suitable meal planning that is individualized for each family.