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Structural studies on boron carbohydrate complexes utilized as nutritional supplements /
Abd-Allah, Menna-Allah Saad Abdel-Badea.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / منةالله سعد عبدالبديع عبدالله مصطفى
مشرف / جمعة محمد الدمراوي
مشرف / عمرو محمد عبدالغني
مناقش / سمير يوسف مرزوق
مناقش / محمد السيد عوض جعفر
Dietary supplements. Dietary supplements. Food additives. Dietary Supplements.
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online resource (136 pages) :
الفيزياء وعلم الفلك
تاريخ الإجازة
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جامعة المنصورة - كلية العلوم - قسم الفيزياء
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Purpose of the research : Present work aims to studying the effect of mixing specific concentrations from CaCO3 and ZnCO3 with H3BO3 to form safe borate composites with an intermediate boron release. Materials and methods : Using the chemical wet technique, a chemical product with various compositions based on the formula 13.4 H3BO3. 77.8 Fructose. x ZnCO3 (8.9-x) CaCO3 was prepare. The produced materials were investigated for their structure and biological uses using X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Raman Spectroscopy, Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (NMR), and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). Abstract : The neutral trigonal form of boron organic ester with fructose, under the solid form, has been prepared by the chemical wet technique. X-ray diffraction showed that an ideal strong amorphous forming material is obtained upon modification of boric acid with CaCO3 or ZnCO3. Raman spectroscopy interpreted the XRD results and explained the main reason for the presence of calcium fructoborate (CaFB) and zinc fructoborate (ZnFB) in the amorphous state. 11B NMR solution is developed to determine different types and the amount of borate derivative present in the products. The chemical shift of 11B NMR spectra of boric acid at 0 ppm is changed upon modification by CaCO3 and fructose due to the boron transformation to its derivatives. This means that the concentration of free boric acid in the prepared sample is limited. On the other hand, limited borate units can be formed upon modification by ZnCO3 and fructose. This means that the concentration of free boric acid in the prepared sample is very high. Mixing of two modifiers CaCO3 and ZnCO3 with boric acid and fructose solves the problem of boron transformation during the modification by ZnCO3 only. FTIR spectra of the samples that contain mixed modifiers were analyzed and all the derivatives of borate constituents are quantified. 1H NMR solution and 13C NMR solution are used to determine the different esters groups in the host samples. The spectra of 11B NMR solid have showed the same features of 11B NMR solution of both CaFB and ZnFB. This leads to the same conclusion which based on the above discussion, that CaCO3 has a high ability for H3BO3 transformation to its required derivatives. SEM micrograph showed specific types of apatite crystals which were formed upon addition of CaO and lower concentration from P2O5.