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التعليم في مدارس صعيد مصر في العصرين المملوكي والعثماني (648هـ / 1250م – 1213هـ / 1798م) /
أبو دهب، حسن عبد الحليم.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / حسن عبدالحليم أبو دهب
مشرف / مصطفى محمد رجب
مشرف / محمد ناجح أبو شوشة
مناقش / سلامة صابر العطار
مناقش / مجدي صلاح المهدي
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
318 ص. :
أصول التربية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة سوهاج - كلية التربية - أصول التربية.
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 355

from 355


Introduction to the study:
The schools، the largest educational institutions that were undertaken graduate scientists throughout the ages، schools have proliferated in Upper Egypt، widespread in the Mamluk era، as the spread of mosques in the territory level، and these mosques beside being a place of worship were also workshops for study and science.
The Ottomans also paid attention to science، scientific institutions، the army، military institutions and scholars and their respect for them. The Ottoman era falls within the Islamic Middle Ages and thus is a cultural extension of it، despite the disadvantages that marred the rule such as neglect of the Arabic language، and the looting of many bookcases in Mamluk schools.
Under these circumstances، schools in Upper Egypt did not stand still. Rather، it developed with the development of the Upper Egyptian society; Because it was a regional product from the core of the Upper Egyptian society.
The changes that have occurred in the education system in Egypt over the ages have occurred slowly، and the educational output effect does not appear in a tangible and clear way until after years. It has its effects on the learner and society، and the effect does not appear until after years and years، and thus the problems that our educational system suffers from in the present have Its roots are in the past.
The subjects that were taught in one of the schools are nothing but a mirror that reflects the economic، social، political، cultural and health conditions of this country، hence the subject of the study “Education in the schools of Upper Egypt in the Mamluk and Ottoman eras” to achieve constructive communication between members of
society and between History episodes.
Study problem :
The Mamluk sultans inherited their educational system from the Ayyubids. Schools in their era made great strides towards progress، and their interests varied and varied، and this was helped by several factors، including: the sultans’ sponsorship of these schools، in addition to their contribution and dignitaries in their community in establishing and financing others; Schools spread throughout Egypt، especially Cairo and the cities of Upper Egypt، where the researcher stood by reading a large number of schools in the Upper Egypt region in the late Mamluk era، and these schools were under strict and rational management، which had a great impact on the graduation of a large number of scholars and their brilliance in most specializations، which prompted many scholars from the countries of the Islamic world to travel to the cities of Upper Egypt to apprenticeship with the scholars of this region.
Through a review of the studies that dealt with the history of education in this time period (the Mamluk and Ottoman eras) and in that geographical and social environment of a special nature (Upper Egypt)، the researcher felt the existence of a studyable problem represented in studying the conditions of education in Upper Egypt schools in the Mamluk and Ottoman eras. Because these studies did not address the schools of Upper Egypt and the conditions of education in them، which calls for studies to cover and root them so that they can be used in planning to improve education in this region، which has been deprived - for long periods - of developing educational services.
Reasons for choosing a study topic :
The researcher has prompted several reasons to choose the subject of the study، including:
• A n study of the history of education in Egypt in general and in the province level، in particular، a passed is necessary to achieve successful communication between a individuals per home، and even have the e Wonsan more than just cued or vector cultural knowledge of heritage without identifying the factors that have a erupted in it.
• Need a J society - community level، like other societies - because to recognize cultural and civilizational history in full، which has the greatest impact in the formation of identity Apna cent and rooting affiliation.
• E. cupper and the reluctance of researchers from the period of Ottoman rule، especially the province level، which represents a transitional period in Egyptian history came t in Egypt from the Middle Ages to put it on the outskirts of the modern era، which characterizes the transition periods of conflict of the A. Awale historical writings that require considerable effort in Derive information from it.
Which has already demonstrated the need for a special study on the education level schools in the Mamluk and Ottoman، the researcher noted that level schools have not been serious in- depth study reveals a Ghawar of those schools and the conditions of education where، here is a Chtert subject of the study، which ”education in the schools of Upper Egypt in the Mamluk and Ottoman eras.
Study asks :
The current study sought to answer the following main ask:
What a NiCd education at schools level in the Mamluk and Ottoman? What are the benefits of it in our time?
To answer for this ask a Gap researcher for a number of asks that branch of it، namely:
1. What were the economic، political، social، and cultural conditions of the Upper Egypt region in the Mamluk and Ottoman eras? How did it affect education?
2. What is the reality of the geographical distribution of schools in Upper Egypt in the Mamluk and Ottoman eras?
3. What are the internal conditions of Upper Egypt schools (finance، libraries، housing، medical attention، nutrition، recreational facilities، graduation) in the Mamluk and Ottoman eras?
4. What were the financial and administrative systems for Upper Egypt schools (jobs، student admission and selection، study times and days، vacations and holidays، appointment of teachers، women’s education، education of other religious sects، curricula، educational methods، teachers’ wages، rewards and punishments ) in the Mamluk and Ottoman eras ?
Study objectives :
The current study aimed to:
1. Learn about the economic، political، social، and cultural conditions of Upper Egypt and their impact on education in Upper Egypt in the Mamluk and Ottoman eras.
2. To identify the reality of the geographical distribution of schools in the Upper Egypt region in the Mamluk and Ottoman periods.
3. Identify the internal situation of the schools level (funding، libraries، the E. population، medical attention، nutrition، and means of recreation، graduation) in the Mamluk and Ottoman.
4. Detection systems selection of teachers and E. Darién and appointment، admission of students and their choice، and school days، holidays، vacations، and the education of women، education and other religious communities curriculum، teaching methods، the wages of teachers and their rewards and punishment in Upper schools in the Mamluk and Ottoman.
5. To come up with an integrated vision of education in the schools of Upper Egypt in the Mamluk and Ottoman eras to benefit from it in planning to improve education in our contemporary educational system.
6. This study is a contribution to support research in the field of education history.
The importance of the study :
The importance of the study appears in the following points :
1. The schools of Upper Egypt in the Mamluk and Ottoman eras، and the prominent and important role they played in graduating a large group of scholars، did not receive sufficient attention، and did not single out a special study for them despite their great role in society.
2. Preserving the Islamic educational heritage and its manifestation for future generations is a very important matter، in an era in which the various educational systems have dominated the Islamic personality، to the extent that our personality was almost lost in the midst of various educational currents.
3. The study of level schools in the Mamluk and Ottoman episode of the evolution of our educational system and cultural، and the duty requires us not neglect the aspect of our scientific، so that our contemporary life is connected - without doubt - our lives in the past، and perhaps behind the Mamluk era and the Ottomans - which extended to nearly of six centuries - in our contemporary life from the effects of failure unless the previous Islamic eras combined.
4. Providing the educational library with an addition that may contribute to the rooting of contemporary Islamic education; Because it is an attempt to link the current educational reality with our Islamic educational heritage and planning for the educational future.
Study method :
The attempt to identify the conditions of education in Upper Egypt schools in the Mamluk and Ottoman eras requires more than one research method. Therefore، this study follows the historical research method and the descriptive method.
• Historical Research Methodology :
The researcher used the historical research method in analyzing the circumstances of the era، and the political، economic، social and cultural conditions of society and their impact on education in schools، and this was done through:
1- Hujjah ) plural of Hujjah which is a document of sale، purchase، ownership، assignment or will (
2- Manuscripts written in this period as possible.
3- The effects that have been studied in the archeology departments and are related to research.
5- The original sources for that era.
The researcher used the historical method by scrutinizing the topics covered in printed books and related to the subject of the study in order to understand the past، assimilate the present، and then predict the future.
• The descriptive approach :
In this study، in addition to the historical method، the researcher used the descriptive method with the intent of describing and interpreting historical events to benefit from their results in reforming our contemporary educational reality.
And that is by referring to the printed books that dealt with education in this era to analyze the educational reality in the schools of Upper Egypt in the Mamluk and Ottoman eras.
Study limits :
This study was limited to studying the conditions of education in the schools of Upper Egypt in the Mamluk and Ottoman eras by identifying the economic، political and cultural conditions of Upper Egypt، and how they affected education in that period and identifying the reality of the geographical distribution of schools in Upper Egypt during that period، as well as the architectural conditions of these schools، and the conditions The interior of these schools، and the financial and administrative organization that was followed in these schools، in order to come up with an integrated vision of education in these schools that can be used to develop our contemporary educational system.
The study found E. Li Some results are a concerned with :
• Economic life flourished in Egypt and at the top during the Mamluk era thanks to the efforts made by the sultans to develop the resources of Upper Egypt، and it was one of the manifestations of the revival of economic life in Egypt in the Mamluk era.
• Cultural and educational life flourished in Egypt and at its height during the era of the Mamluk sultans، which is considered the era of the cultural renaissance in all its dimensions for several reasons:
 the revival of the Abbasid Caliphate.
 Government encouragement for men of science and literature.
 Religious activity and the fight against Shiism.
 The nature of the Islamic religion and its desire for science and education.
 The size of the Mamluk economy and the abundance of funds، especially the first part.
 The Hawara tribes in Upper Egypt had the greatest impact in establishing religious and educational buildings and trying to recruit scholars to teach in Upper Egypt schools.
 Repel scientists to try the the assault on the endowment earmarked from the house of money.
• The emergence of schools in Egypt and their levels was linked to societal conditions، and the political factor is considered at the forefront of the factors that led to the emergence of schools in Upper Egypt، which was represented in the sectarian conflicts that arose as a result of the presence of the Shiite and Sunni sects، and the attempt of some to defeat the other.
• In the Ottoman era، Al-Azhar was the most prestigious and well-known institution in the field of education، and the mosques and schools in Cairo were famous for being semi-dependents of it with its independence in its endowments.
• The financing and management of education in the Mamluk and Ottoman eras was based on popular efforts، and endowments were the main source of funding for schools in educational institutions in all its aspects.
• The founders of the schools in Upper Egypt during this period realized the educational value of the library in the educational and educational process. There is no school in Upper Egypt that does not have a library that includes a large number of works in various branches of science.
• Feminist scientific activity was flourishing in Upper Egypt.
• Laid this period scientists relationship between teachers and students rules، was the friendliness and love Ictnvann the atmosphere، it was the teachers harbor of love and affection for their students، and the good relationship of mutual between each of the A Professor of the student.
• The relationship between Muslims and other religious sects in Upper Egypt in the Mamluk and Ottoman eras was characterized by a spirit of harmony and harmony. The Ottomans considered sectarian sects as groups in their own right، so they gave them freedom in their religious and educational affairs. Education was considered among the matters related to religions and sects، so all christian and Israeli sects were authorized to establish schools and its management.
• Schools in the Mamluk and Ottoman eras did not know the current methods of evaluation، so the method of evaluation used in these schools was ’ijazah’.
• The teachers and faculty members are taking regular monthly salaries according to the position of science teacher and reputation and conditions of stay، and these wages vary from one school to another and from one teacher to another، this is beside the courses in kind، whether daily or a Sbuaah or monthly or at events and a Ayad.
In light of the results of the study، the researcher recommends some recommendations :
• Paying attention to Upper Egypt and the conditions of education in it، and developing solutions to the problems faced by teachers and students of science in the cities of Upper Egypt.
• Demanding justice in distributing budget plans، including the establishment of a number of schools in all villages and hamlets in Upper Egypt، in a way that contributes to serving the educational process.
• Demanding the establishment of laws and regulations to preserve the rights of teachers at all levels of education، and on the other hand، setting strict penalties for anyone who violates the teaching profession.