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استراتيجية مقترحة قائمةعلى التدريس التفاعلي لعلاج الأخطاء
الإملائيةالشائعة لدىتلاميذالصف الخامس الابتدائي/
الطحاوى،أيمن عبدالحميد صادق محمود.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / ايمن عبد الحميد صادق
مشرف / ثناء عبد المنعم
مشرف / رانيا شاكر
مناقش / ريم احمد
مناقش / جيهان عمارة
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
المناهج وطرق تدريس اللغة العربية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية البنات - قسم مناهج وطرق تدريس اللغة العربية
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

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from 376


يهدف هذا البحث إلى علاج الأخطاءالإملائيةالشائعةلدىتلاميذالصف الخامس الابتدائي
وذلك من خلال استخدام استراتيجية مقترحة قائمة على التدريس التفاعلي، ولتحقيق هذا الهدف :
تم أولا تحديد الأخطاء الإملائية الشائعة عن طرق تطبيق اختبار تشخيصي على مجموعة البحث من تلاميذ الصف الخامس الابتدائي. ومن ثم تم تحديد قائمة بهذه الأخطاء الإملائية الشائعة. ثم تم إعداد الاستراتيجية المقترحة تمهيدا لاستخدامها غي علاج الأخطاء التي تم حصرها في القائمة التي تم إعدادها في الخطوة السابقة.
كما أجريت دراسة نظرية للبحث تناولت ثلاثة محاور رئيسة :
1- الإملاء والتهجي: تناول مفهوم الإملاء، أهدافه، أهميته، أنواعه، صلته بالفروع الأخرى، أنواع الذاكرة الموظفة في تدريسه، طرق تدريسه، أشكال وشروط تقديمه، طرق تصويبه.
2- الأخطاء الإملائية،ويتناول مفهوم الخطأ الإملائي، وأنواع الأخطاء الإملائية الشائعة وأسباب الأخطاء الإملائية وعلاجها، وطرق تشخيصها وأهمية تشخيص الأخطاء، ومراحل دراسة الأخطاء.
3- التدريس التفاعلي، ويعرض مفهوم التدريس التفاعلي, فلسفته، ومبادئه، أهميته ومبرراته, وأهدافه, آليات تحقيقه، مراحله، خطوات وأساليب التدريس التفاعلي, الفرق بينه وبين التدريس التقليدي، صفات المعلم الفاعل ومهاراته، ثم الخروج من هذا الإطار بمجموعة من المعطيات تم من خلالها الإجابة عن أسئلة البحث النظرية والمتضمنة السؤالين الثاني والثالث من أسئلة البحث.
وقد تم إعداد الأدوات التالية :
1. اختبار إملاء تشخيصي– قبلي – فقط.
2. قائمة بالأخطاء الإملائية الشائعة .
3. اختبار الإملاء – قبلي – بعدي .
4. إعداد دليل المعلم لاستخدام الاستراتيجية المقترحة القائمة على التدريس التفاعلي .
5. دليل التلميذ.
ولإجراء تجربة البحث تم اختيار مجموعة البحث من تلاميذ الصف الخامس الابتدائي، وقد بلغ عددهم (26) تلميذا، وتم التدريس لهم باســتخدام الاستراتيجية القائمة على التدريس التفاعلي.
وقد توصل البحث إلى عدة نتائج أهمها :
1. تحديد قائمة بالأخطاء الإملائية الشائعة لدى تلاميذ الصف الخامس الابتدائي .
2. يوجد فرق دال إحصائياً عند مستوى (0.01), بين متوسطي درجات تلاميذ مجموعة البحث التجريبية في اختبار الإملاء – ككل – القبلي والبعدي، لصالح المتوسط الأعلى وهو للقياس البعدي. وهذه النتيجةأكدتصحةالفرضالأول.
3. توجد فروق دالة احصائيا بين متوسطات درجات تلاميذ المجموعة التجريبية مجموعة
4. البحث في التطبيق القبلي والبعدي في اختبار مهارات الإملاء – في كل مهارة على حدة – لصالح التطبيق البعدي.وهذه النتيجة أكدتصحةالفرضالثاني.
5. الاستراتيجيةالمقترحةالقائمةعلىالتدريسالتفاعلي .لهافاعليةمرتفعة،حيثبلغتفياختبارمهاراتالإملاءككل (1.25) وهذهالقيمةتخطتالواحدالصحيح،وتقعفيالمدىالذيحـددهبلاكمن (1 –2)،ممايدل على أن الاستراتيجيةالمقترحةالقائمةعلى التدريس التفاعلي لهافاعـــليةمرتفعة،والتي تؤكدصحةالفرض الثالث.
ويقدم البحث في النهاية مجموعة من التوصيات والمقترحات في ضوء النتائج التي تم التوصل إليها وكذلك مجموعة من البحوث المقترحة
• الكلمات المفتاحية :
استراتيجية مقترحة – التدريس التفاعلي – الأخطاء الإملائية الشائعة
Prosed strategy interactive teaching based to handle common writing errors of five elementary pupils
Language for the student is the tool that depends on him to communicate with the environment, gain direct experiences, and follow-up achievement, so his control over it in his early years was very important educationally. It is a coherent unit that is not separated or disjointed, especially in the educational situation, and that what the accustomed in the curriculum accustomed to dividing the Arabic language into multiple branches does not mean that the basis of language teaching is the organic separation between its branches, because the branches of the Arabic language eventually return to relate to each other , And to constitute the unity of the language, its integrity, and ultimately reaching the general purpose of its teaching, which is to enable the individual to express language and understanding.
Given the importance of the Arabic language, its education from the beginning of the primary stage aims to enable the learner from the tools of knowledge by providing him with the basic skills in reading, writing, and expression and helping him to acquire the correct habits and proper directions, and gradual development of these skills throughout the educational stages so that it reaches At the end of that stage, the learner learns to a linguistic level that enables him to use the language successfully, by speaking, writing or listening and reading, which helps advance the work of his choice and continue his studies. (Iman Zaki, 2003, 102)
Spelling is a complex process that is affected by many factors and requires many skills, some of which are kinesthetic sensations such as holding a pen or something of writing tools and controlling the movements of fingers, hand and arm, some of which are mental mental, such as listening, visual reading, understanding, perception, and remembering the forms of letters and their movements, spelling of words, etc. (Ahmad Qabash, 2008, 54)
Spelling writing is a tool of expression and translation of ideas that work in the human mind and an important means of communication between individuals and groups. In order for the individual to learn to write and use it correctly, he must achieve some capabilities such as: the ability to draw letters, the ability to pronounce letters, and the ability to form sentences , And the ability to express meaning and ideas clearly.
Correct spelling is related to three foundations: seeing the word, listening to it, and manual resilience to write it. Therefore, it is clear the importance of the spelling lesson, the importance of training the student to write at an appropriate time, i.e. after the growth of his muscular abilities and the importance of knowing the rules of writing, because the student’s lack of knowledge of the rules of spelling leads to error in them as a result of his ignorance of the rule. 0 (Firdous Awad, 2012, 111)
Defining the research problem:
In light of the foregoing, the current research problem is determined by the presence of some common spelling mistakes in the writings of fifth-grade primary students, and this may be due to the lack of prevailing teaching methods, which called for contributing to the treatment of this problem by proposing a strategy based on interactive teaching to treat common spelling mistakes among students Fifth grade primary, and to address this problem, the research starts from a main question:
Q: How can you prepare a suggested strategy based on interactive teaching to treat common spelling mistakes for fifth-grade primary students?
This main question is divided into the following questions:
Q1: What are the common spelling mistakes in the writings of fifth graders?
Q2: What are the principles for preparing the proposed strategy based on interactive teaching to treat common spelling mistakes for fifth-grade primary students?
Q3: What are the proposed strategy measures based on interactive teaching to treat common spelling mistakes for fifth-grade primary students?
Q4: What is the effectiveness of the proposed strategy based on interactive teaching in treating common spelling mistakes for fifth-grade primary students?
• search limits :
This research is limited to:
1- Some common spelling mistakes that will be determined by applying a diagnostic test
(Before me) on the research group, and limited to common spelling mistakes that have a frequency of (50%) or more.
2- A group of students of the fifth primary class, because this class is the basis upon which the following stages are built, in addition to that this class accumulated mistakes from previous years
3- The application takes a whole semester to be able to address common spelling mistakes.
4- Some schools in Cairo governorate where the place suffers from the problem.
Research Methodology and Its Variables:
This research follows the following two approaches:
First - the analytical descriptive approach: to review the literature and previous studies related to research variables, and to prepare a list of common mistakes, and to build a diagnostic test.
Second - the experimental approach: This is with regard to the research experience and controlling its variables, to identify the effectiveness of the proposed strategy based on interactive teaching in the treatment of common spelling mistakes among fifth-grade primary students, and the research used the quasi-experimental design based on the one group with pre and post application, because it fits the goal The nature of this research.
• Research hypotheses :
The following assumptions have been validated:
P1: There is a statistically significant difference between the mean scores of students of the experimental group, the research group in the pre and post application in the spelling skills test - as a whole - in favor of post application.
P2: There are statistically significant differences between the mean scores of students of the experimental group and the group
Search in the pre and post application in the spelling skills test - in each skill separately - for the post application.
P3: Teaching is characterized by using the proposed strategy based on interactive teaching with a high degree of effectiveness (according to the modified plaque gain formula) in the treatment of common spelling mistakes in students (research group).
Research Steps and Procedures:
To answer the research questions and ensure that its hypotheses are correct, the researcher follows the following procedures and steps:
To answer the first question related to identifying common spelling mistakes for fifth-grade primary students, the following steps and procedures were followed:
1. Preparing a diagnostic test in the light of spelling skills, and ensuring its accuracy and reliability.
2. Choose the research group from the fifth primary school students.
3. Apply the diagnostic test to the research group.
4. Extract results, list common spelling mistakes, and list them.
5. Display the list in its initial form to the arbitrators and specialists in the field of the Arabic language and methods of teaching it, to set it and finalize it.
To answer the second question related to defining the bases for preparing the proposed strategy based on interactive teaching, the following steps and procedures were followed:
1. Viewing the literature, studies and research related to interactive teaching.
2. Viewing the literature and previous studies related to teaching spelling in the elementary stage
3. Study recent trends in treating spelling difficulties.
4. Determine the foundations of the strategy based on interactive teaching.
To answer the third question related to defining the proposed strategy procedures and steps based on interactive teaching, the following steps and procedures were followed:
1- Viewing the literature and previous studies related to the research topic.
2- Using the foundations that were determined after theorizing the research variable.
3- Preparing the proposed strategy and defining its stages and procedures.
4- Preparing student worksheets.
5- Preparing the teacher’s guide and using the proposed strategy based on interactive teaching.
6- Presenting the teacher’s guide and student work papers to the arbitrators to confirm their validity.
To answer the fourth question, which is related to determining the effectiveness of the strategy based on interactive teaching in treating common spelling mistakes among fifth-grade primary students, the following steps and procedures were followed:
. Prepare a test in spelling (pre-post) for fifth-grade primary students, and present it to specialists in the Arabic language and methods of teaching it, to set it and pilot it on a group of fifth-grade primary students, to calculate its sincerity and then its stability.
2. Application of spelling skills test to the research group, pre-application.
3. Teaching the research group, where the experimental group is taught using the proposed strategy based on interactive teaching.
4. Apply the spelling test to the research group after completing the teaching - post-application
5. Monitor, analyze and interpret results in light of research hypotheses and questions.
Theoretical framework for research
The theoretical framework of the research deals with three axes, the first axis, entitled: Dictation and spelling, and deals with: the concept of spelling and spelling, the objectives of teaching spelling, types of spelling, and its relationship to other branches of the Arabic language, and aims to help in identifying the reality of teaching spelling in Egyptian schools, and recent trends in teaching spelling .
The second axis: entitled Spell Difficulties and Errors, deals with the concept of learning difficulties in spelling, the difference between error and difficulty, and the standard of common spelling mistakes, and aims to help the researcher to identify the most common spelling mistakes, and the characteristics of students who have spelling errors.
The third axis: entitled Interactive teaching, and presents the concept of interactive teaching, its advantages and principles, and justifications for its introduction, and aims to identify the theoretical foundations of interactive teaching, and the mechanisms of how to achieve interactive teaching.
Below is a presentation of each of the previous axes with some details as follows
Dictation is an important language skill because of its great influence on the process of written communication, and training young women to write what they hear, and to familiarize them with good listening and good listening.
Valamlae language: spelling single Amal, dictated the book and hope for the two languages came by the Koran ”Vlaketb and Imll, who has the right” Cow 282, and the Almighty said: ”They said tales of the ancients Aktaatbha they are dictated by the reel and authentic”: Criterion 5, and Astmlah book: asked him to dictate it, It came from Ibn Manzur, ”He filled the thing, filled it with fullness, and he was filled, and the people filled whatever they gathered, and he filled him if he helped him.”
As for the terminology, dictation is ”the conversion of understandable audible voices into symbols written in letters, provided that these letters are placed in their correct positions in the word, in order to establish the pronunciation and the emergence of the desired meaning (Olfat Muhammad al-Juju, 2004,116).”
Dictation and spelling are synonymous words for one concept, which is writing down or proving what is presented to the writer with a speedy understanding in general or detail, or they are together according to the willingness of the recipient or the dictator (Abdel-Fattah Hassan Al-Bajeh, 2002, 121).
It is also the words, phrases, and phrases of students or passages that students read and write (Abdul Majeed Al-Hur, 2001, 133).
The importance of spelling and its connection to other branches of the Arabic language.
Writing is the greatest invention of man in his present and past, because of it preserving knowledge and science, without which our lives would remain primitive and backward, so the importance of dictation comes from the importance of writing, and writing constitutes with listening, speaking and reading language communication skills. (Musa Hassan Hudayb, 2003, 33).
The importance of dictation comes from the value of the word as the container that contains the meaning, for a person cannot perceive any of the meanings without having a word or words containing it, and that man is unable to perceive the meanings without a verbal vessel which is the word, and if the word is a container of meaning, then it is a container Science, literature, cultures and the arts, so we have to do in order to improve it in a line and draw every care, because it preserved the intellectual heritage, and carried it to us, and therefore dictation was worthy of the attention of teachers, and the eagerness of the learners is because they have help in linguistic development, mental maturity, education of cultural capabilities, and artistic skills (Mahdia Bin Adnan, 2009, 14)
Dictation has a close connection with each branch of the language, and none of these branches is indispensable to dictation, and the start of dictation begins with reading from the beginning of education, where the student reads, writes and writes at the beginning of his teaching, then the writing process develops until it becomes free expressive writing, The relationship between reading and writing is a dialectical relationship. The existence of the former is related to the existence of the second, as each affects the other, and is affected by it, and there is no point in learning from one without the other, so learning to read is only by learning skills that enable us to solve written symbols, and vice versa with writing). Abd al-Fattah al-Hammuz, 1993, 39)
Dictation remained one of the branches of the Arabic language that is inseparable from other branches, influenced by strength and weakness, due to the complementarity and interdependence of the branches of the Arabic language, so the spelled superior student dies in all subjects, while the weak spelling student will delay the rest of the subjects, and faces many difficulties, due to the fact that writing Correct spelling is a necessity for correct understanding, proper language communication, and the assessment of a student’s level is mostly done through written language, whose drawing is the most important measure of her safety). Fahd Khalil Zayed, 2001, 102)
Based on the foregoing, the current study considers that writing goes hand in hand with reading, to benefit the student from its skills, and to employ it, while achieving its objectives for each of them. Of grammatical and spelling errors alike, mastery of reading skills helps to master spelling and vice versa, dictation is a condition for the integrity of written expression, which is the ultimate goal of teaching various linguistic branches, just as correction of expression reveals common spelling mistakes, and then work to Avoid them.
Dictation is related to grammar and morphology, as it is a means for the correctness of grammatical and morphological rules in terms of their linear image. Towards) our children (and waw on the subject of lifting, such as) your children must be faithful in your necks (, and singularly on the line in case of monument towards that our children are serious). Ayman Amin Abdul Ghani, 2012, 19).
Dictation has many goals that studies and literature seek to define
The goals of teaching spelling at the primary stage
One of the most important goals of the Arabic language is that it deals with the skills of the four language and its different branches, and dictation is a means and not an end in itself, but this means brings the student to multiple goals, and from these goals start mid-term and short-term educational goals (Hidaya Ibrahim Al-Sayed, 2008,48)
First: educational goals, which are:
Training students to draw letters and words correctly and in accordance with the technical principles, which control writing letters and words.
- Dictation is a branch of the Arabic language, and the language has several functions, which revolve around understanding and understanding, and one of the objectives of dictation is to contribute in this aspect, by increasing the student’s information, including the piece of colors of experience and the arts of culture and knowledge, and that he is able to visualize what is in himself written in writing Intact, the reader can understand it properly.
- The students ’refinement of the calligraphy, and if the teachers pay attention to this goal, several problems arise from the poor quality of the students’ lines.
Provide students with a wealth of vocabulary and phrases that are useful for their expression.
- Overcoming spelling difficulties that need more attention, such as drawing the words that are sung, or stamped with a thousand softness, ... (Hosni Radi Abdel Rahman, 1989,68)
Second: physiological goals, which are:
Raising the eye through observation and simulation in transmitted dictation. As for the second goal, raising the ear by familiarizing students with good listening, quality of listening, distinguishing the converging voices of some letters, and thirdly, goals related to moral and gustatory aspects, such as accustoming students to order, and making sure to provide beauty in writing, hygiene, and order (Ahmed Al-Sayed Abu Al-Majd, 1990, 101)
These are the objectives of dictation, as reported by some educational literature, as for the goals of teaching spelling in the elementary stage as seen by educators in the Ministry of Education, as it was mentioned in the document of educational goals for the study materials.
• To strengthen the student’s observation of the differences between the similar letters in the drawing.
• The student is accustomed to good listening and distinguishing between letter exits.
• That the student acquire the skill of holding the pen, the speed in writing, and its correctness and clarity.
• Apply key spelling rules and punctuation marks.
• To acquire sound writing habits such as: accuracy, order, and coordination.
• To grow his linguistic wealth, and expand his experiences and knowledge.
• To have a positive trend towards the importance of using the right writing skills.
• To avoid common spelling mistakes. (Ministry of Education, (2018
One of the most important goals of teaching dictation as it is noticed is that it focuses clearly on the skill side and this is in line with the nature of dictation, as it needs training and practice, as these goals did not neglect the cognitive and emotional aspects, and this is what is expected and expected from the teaching of dictation, and in some detail of the objectives Teaching spelling in the elementary stage according to its three fields (cognitive, skill, and sentimental). (Nawal Abdel Moneim, 1981, 213)
To achieve the spelling goals, I have identified the appropriate vocabulary, as these vocabulary was in the form of a bulletin, but due to the many complaints about the low level of spelling students, and that the presence of a scheduled book is one of the solutions to this problem, therefore I wrote books about the spelling course for each grade starting from the third primary class, Which is the actual beginning of teaching dictation as a separate subject according to the study plan for the dictation subject as stated in the primary education curriculum where two classes were allocated per week in the third and fourth grades, and one class per week for the fifth and sixth grades, and the Ministry of Education then determined the spelling skills for each class In the primary stage, starting from the academic year where writing and reading skills are taught in the first and second grades combined, while the rest of the primary grades from the third to the sixth have identified skills for each grade, then these skills were divided over the course of the two semesters, so that the skills that were previously studied In the past years, in addition to the skills of the new academic year, considering that the skills of spelling are cumulative, new ones are based on old ones. (Nahid Darwish, 1995, 87)
Given the importance of spelling, and its high standing among the branches of the Arabic language, it occupies an important position among the branches of the Arabic language, as the branches of the language rely heavily on it, whether in school classes or in the public life, and its teaching is not an end in itself as it is a servant of other branches of lessons . (Mustafa Ismail Khalaf, 69,2001)
Types of teaching spelling
• The familiar or well-known: meaning that the student knew the text before, and his words passed through it, and it is divided into two parts, which are transmitted and perspective.
Uncharacteristic or unknown: That is, the student did not see the text, but rather listened to it without having seen it before, and he had two listening and test sections (Hanan Mustafa Rashid, 2004, 202)
There are those who divide the spelling into four types:
Transferred or transcribed, the listening perspective, the test, and the self-dictation is another type of dictation, in which the student dictates the text on himself in the absence, after he has memorized it and sees it as useful and necessary, and the basic dictation is considered an educational activity for the student to acquire writing skills and new rules of spelling.
A) Replicated (or transcribed) spelling
It is the transfer of a selected spelling piece from a book, card or blackboard, after reading it and understanding it well, and training in spelling the difficult words it contains. This type aims to:
Steps for teaching movable spelling:
• Preface: That the teacher put the students in a suitable atmosphere, and raises their eagerness to study the spelling, whether with questions or discussion affecting the topic, or display a picture or remind them of the lesson from which the piece was taken, then display the text to the students, whether from the blackboard or on a medium and the text is required to be Written in a clear transcription line, set in shape, and the teacher’s reading of the text is a clear model reading, followed by the students ’reading of the text, then the teacher discusses the text with the students in terms of meaning and then chooses the words that represent the spelling phenomenon that the lesson aims to address and distinguishes them by laying lines under them or coloring them with a color Other students are asked to read, spell and analyze them to their letters, after which the teacher dictates the text to the students word by word using the pointer so that the pupils focus their attention before transferring the word, read the text again to correct the mistakes, and correct the pamphlets after collecting them in an organized and calm manner, and the teacher allocates enough time to discuss Students in their mistakes, and works to treat them in an appropriate manner such as re-explanation or display in paintings.
Among the important things during the spelling session: emphasizing some good habits and appropriate behaviors: such as the correct session, accuracy in transferring, lack of speed, correctness of holding the pen, how to put the book, and the cleanliness. (Ayman Abu Mandil, 2006, 105)
B) perspective dictation)
It means ”displaying the piece to pupils from a medium or book, then reading and understanding and referring to its difficult words, discussing and then blocking the piece and dictating to the pupils and calling dictation from close memory, as this type of dictation is suitable for pupils in the first grades also suitable for students of the third and fourth grades, however this is The type of dictation can extend to the fifth grade of primary school, and Al-Faisal in this is the level of students, and the extent of their progress in the skills of transmitted dictation. As for the steps of teaching visualization of dictation, the steps of dictation are the same, but the piece is obscured after discussion and during dictation. The view of the disciples, and that the meaning of the dictation here contradicts it being transcribed or visible because the words, if they are transcribed or written after they are considered, do not become dictation (Dawood Hilles 2004,308)
And to teach dictation prevailing methods, including suggested:
First: the prevailing methods, which are:
• Preventative method, manual oral auditory method, and our master’s method.
The preventive method depends on teaching the rules associated with mistakes that are common among students. This method takes into account two aspects: training students to pronounce words so that students can distinguish each of the voices of the word from the other: and training the student to write the correct image of what was wrong with the use of the blackboard. This training is not limited to dictation classes, but rather continues in reading, archives, expression and calligraphy classes, and in following up on homework, until students take control of the words in which a mistake occurs (Muhammad Duhaim Al-Dhafiri, 2006, 122)
As for the method of “our master”, it depends on the correct pronunciation of letters, the use of reward and punishment, and the performance of the noble pupil in the role of corporal in teaching weak students, following them and supervising their homework, and training them in good reading. In collecting some words from the books of different study materials, discussing these words in their meaning, and keeping them in a booklet prepared for that, this method also depends on memorizing the students some of the paragraphs that contain distinctive words, then conducting a written test after that in those paragraphs, and the reward that Prophets get it from the pupils, and it is restricted to recording the pupil’s name in a plaque prepared for that in the classroom, placing a mark on his chest, praising him from the teacher, applauding the pupils for him, and instructing him to follow up on some weak pupils. (Muhammad al-Dhafiri, op. Cit., 254)
And to teach dictation modern methods that have proven effective, including:
Remembering, reviewing, testing, relying on senses, self-education, and the following are detailed:
• With regard to the method of study and review, it depends on the study and learning of a spelling piece at school or home, and the next day the student’s degree of proficiency is tested orally or in writing. The basis of this method is to discover the words that are spelled incorrectly, and is based on the recall of two or three words per day in the lower classes, or five or six words in the upper classes, and this study begins with training in the proper pronunciation of the word and an understanding of its meaning, then comes after writing the word from memory, provided that this is done without haste and after the word becomes stable in his memory, this editorial spelling should be carefully reviewed by the child first, then by the teacher secondly. If he erred in spelling one or more words, he must test it in these words the next day, Then a weekly test is followed, followed by a recollection of the wrong words, and at the same time an organized review plan should be developed (Abdullah Radwan, 2002,58).
Common spelling mistakes - their causes - and their treatment
Visual Memory Disorder:
As it is difficult for the learner to remember the forms of letters and words and get to know them, this may be due to the firmness and unchanging of the use of imagination that is often common in early childhood, where imagination and inspirational play are common when it is unable to know the reality and its knowledge and this leads to difficulty in forming and writing letters, numbers and shapes and this Leads to
The student’s ability to write a word consisting of three or more letters, and replace the word with a word similar to it in the meaning and not the form, also the error in writing the solar lam and the lunar lam, and the word is rejected and refused to write it because it is long or new (Mustafa Ismail Musa, 2002,233) .
Examples of common mistakes students face in spelling and suggested ways to address them are
(1) The student’s fault in placing dots on letters.
The method of treatment: Training students to write diacritical and non-punctuated letters in their journals, preparing a class in the classroom with semicolon and non-punctuation letters.
(2) The student’s mistake in the lack of writing a letter and not completing the writing of the word correctly.
Method of treatment: students dictate words with highlighting the letters that compose them, i.e. dictating them letter by letter until they master the word in a healthy form
(3) The student’s mistake in the lack of writing one or more words in spelling.
The method of treatment: writing the spelling text on a board and reading the text to the students, numbering the words that are dictated to them as the first word and the second word.
(4) Not to distinguish between writing a letter and a letter when writing the word.
The method of treatment: showing the teacher the Tanween in the words when dictating them to the students, and giving the student an individual activity to write some words that contain Tanween and the words containing Noun with an emphasis on pronunciation. (Iman Ahmad Al-Nuri, 2010, 155)
The educational literature and research has monitored the causes of the spelling error, including:
Reasons for the student.
- Insufficiency of vision or myopia, and the emotional instability of the student such as incompatibility with the parents or a sense of insecurity, and a lack of feeling of belonging, or that the parents are very interested or weak in caring for the child’s success, or a sense of inferiority that it is not others), injustice or hostility to others or Shyness, guilt, a desire to challenge parents or fear of making a mistake ... etc. (Abisi Al-Taie, 2001,144)
Reasons for the teachers themselves
So, some teachers focus on teaching spelling on all kinds of hamzas, lengthy words and abnormal formulas not found in the student’s written dictionary, the lack of attention of teachers of different school subjects to students ’spelling mistakes that fall in the fascicles of these materials, isolating spelling from branches of the Arabic language and from different school subjects, and Neglecting the foundations of proper spelling that depends on the eye, ear, and hand, and the length of the spelling that sometimes reaches fifteen lines, which leads to fatigue and falling into the spelling error, also not correcting the students ’mistakes directly in the spelling classes, leaving the spelling sheets for the next portion, and the teacher contenting himself with placing Correct image above the error without the participation of the student. (Raji Al Asmar, 2001, 75)
The experts considered that the diagnosis of common spelling mistakes is one of the most important stages upon which the preparation and design of treatment programs are built.
Diagnose common spelling mistakes
where educational and psychological literature indicates the necessity of early diagnosis of common errors for the following reasons because the activities of therapeutic intervention are greatly diminished with the delay of diagnosis, and therefore treatment is a waste of time and effort, but may even produce negative results, because common mistakes in spelling that the student suffers, especially in the primary stage May deplete him of his mental and emotional energy and cause him emotional or consensual disturbances that leave their marks on the entirety of his personality, so he appears to him the manifestations of personal, emotional and social misalignment. (Mahmoud Al-Badawi, 2000, 44).
Early diagnosis of common spelling mistakes also contributes to preparing the scientific reasons for preparing treatment programs. Educational and therapeutic programs and activities differ according to the fact that the difficulties and disorders accompanying them are a cause or a result. The problem may be one, but the causes are multiple and for the diagnosis of errors multiple methods, the most important of which is diagnosis through personal interviews with the student In an atmosphere of freedom and diagnosis through oral and written tests (Rafiq Hassan Al-Halimi, 1996, 208)
There are many justifications for using interactive teaching, including:
Criticisms have been directed at the traditional approach to teaching, which is less related to the relationship between the edges of the educational process (teacher - learner - educational subject) in which the learner is passive and has no role in the educational and teaching process in the classroom, and then many trends have emerged that have attempted to overcome those criticisms.
The era in which we live is marked by a scientific revolution that has encompassed all life activities that have led to the accumulation and increase of human knowledge.
The great explosion of human knowledge and the simultaneous explosion of human expectations regarding education and advocacy for educators such as John Dion, Jean Bage and Jerome Bruner, the importance of the learner to participate effectively in the learning process, and the importance of the learner exerting a mental effort during the learning process through his learning activities.
Learning by indoctrination is the dominant method of learning in the Arab world, and the student is used to hesitation and memorization, and does not help in research and creativity.
The integrated vision of curricula and school activity to achieve common concepts between workers, students and society.
Attention to traditional methods of education, and in teaching the role of the teacher who plays it in transferring the subject matter, not the role of the learner.
Interactive teaching combines theoretical learning that the learner desires and the applied learning that benefits from him (Saleh Al Khazfi 2001, 114)
Mechanisms of how to achieve interactive teaching:
Clarity of focus on the objectives of the lesson
The clarity of the goals that we want to learn for students in each lesson is important for each teacher and for the students as well, because the clarity of the teacher is one of the most important factors affecting the results of the students, so the students must clearly announce the objectives of the lesson, the results and objectives to be learned from the lesson must be a challenge For students, compared to their capabilities and gains, it is necessary to define a number of goals to be learned in one lesson. (Abdel Moneim Sayed Abdel Aal, 2001, 113)
Also, one of the mechanisms for achieving educational practices in interactive teaching is:
• Teacher investment for class time from start to finish in what benefits the learner.
• Educational dealings of learners in an attempt to direct their behavior in and out of the classroom.
The teacher uses all available learning resources for all data and information.
• The new teacher should always introduce teaching methods and approaches.
• The role of the teacher is to guide learners’ thinking paths through effective discussion.
• That the teacher accepts the questions of the learners with a broad chest and be sincere in interacting with them.
• That the lesson includes achieving behavioral goals at their levels: cognitive, skilled, and emotional.
• The applied activities are characterized by innovation, excitement and suspense.
• The teacher looks at each learner as a single case of readiness, tendencies and interest.
The current research reached the following results:
1. The results of the research determined a list of common spelling mistakes among fifth-grade primary students (the research group) and were restricted to the following rules: (t-tied and open t, tide in wow, tide of letters that pronounce and do not write, link and cut-off, extreme hamzah, Tanween , Intermediate hamza, tide of thousand, letters that are written and not pronounced, soft thousand).
2. There is a statistically significant difference at the level (0.01), between the mean scores of the experimental research group students in the spelling test - as a whole - before and after, in favor of the higher average, which is for dimensional measurement. This result confirmed the validity of the first hypothesis.
3. There is a statistically significant difference at the level (0.01) between the average scores of students of the experimental research group in testing the spelling skills in the skill of (open, tied, and E), in favor of the higher average, which is for dimensional measurement.
4. There is a statistically significant difference at the level (0.01), between the mean scores of the experimental research group students in the spelling test, in the skill of (extension of all kinds) in favor of the higher average, which is for dimensional measurement.
5. There is a statistically significant difference at the level (0.01), between the mean scores of students of the experimental research group in the dictation skills test in (dragon skill), in favor of the higher average, which is for dimensional measurement.
6. There is a statistically significant difference at the level (0,01), between the mean scores of students of the experimental research group in testing the spelling skills in the pre- and post-pre-dictation skills (letters that are written, not spoken, and not written), in favor of the higher average, which is for post-measurement.
7. There is a statistically significant difference at the level (0.01) between the mean scores of students of the experimental research group in testing the spelling skills in soft (one thousand) skill, in favor of the higher average, which is for dimensional measurement.
Third - Research Recommendations:
In light of the results of the research, the researcher recommends the following:
1- Directing the attention of teachers, mentors and all those in charge of the educational process to the importance of using interactive teaching in the teaching and learning processes, especially in treating language errors in general; And spelling is special, due to its effectiveness.
2- The need to expedite the treatment of any deficiencies that appear in any of the Arabic language skills during the teaching and learning process; And treat it through the use of interactive teaching; As it has proven effective in stimulating the memory of students.
3- Expanding the use of interactive teaching strategies in teaching and learning Arabic language skills in general, and conducting training courses and workshops to train teachers to use them.
4- Designing a guide for activities and training for the teacher in each class to help him in identifying the types of language errors - general - and spelling - in particular - that students in each class fall into, and how to treat them during the teaching stages.
5- The necessity for the teacher’s guide to include an overview of the modern strategies and methods that contribute to treating common errors of all kinds to students in all different classrooms; Which is based on interactive teaching, the student’s effectiveness in the educational situation and makes him a focus for him, and develop his abilities and creativity.
Good information from the Ministry of Education and its departments on the Ministry’s curriculum site that carries good software; Prepared by the Ministry’s Technology Development Center for all curricula; As it can help the teacher in his mission.
7- Activating the role of the educational resources department in the Ministry and the various departments. where he can prepare some means and enrichment activities for each curriculum, and introduce teachers to them.
8- Training courses for teachers on how to prepare educational aids, and how to plan, use, and evaluate activities.
9- The necessity of cooperation between teachers of different subjects and school personnel such as librarian and social worker in providing educational activities, means and field visits that serve educational curricula.
10- Conducting more research about the effectiveness of the proposed strategy based on interactive teaching in treating other language errors.
11- Taking care of teacher preparation and qualification through the establishment of educational courses to provide them with the basics of teaching spelling, and educational brochures.
12- Taking care of developing the spelling skills that our need for Arabic language skill requires reading and writing.
13 - Seek to establish the spelling skills of the student and teacher by colleges of education, and other colleges that are concerned with preparing the teacher.
14- To improve the level of students ’performance in spelling by the school administration through:
o Tracking students ’health and social conditions, as weakness may be due to one of these reasons.
o Attention to encourage students, and instill a spirit of self-confidence.
o Using other treatment strategies to treat spelling mistakes common to students.
o Give teachers involved in the strategies and their implementation material rewards.
o Establishing competitions among students in spelling, and granting those who perform well, moral and material rewards.
Fourth: Suggestions for other research:
In light of the results of the research and its recommendations, it is possible to present a number of proposed research and studies as follows:
1- Preparing a training program based on interactive teaching to train Arabic language teachers on ways to treat spelling mistakes among their students.
2- Studying the effect of using the proposed strategy based on interactive teaching in treating poor grammar skills among primary school students.
3- The effectiveness of a program based on interactive teaching in developing writing skills for primary school students.
4- A proposed strategic effectiveness based on interactive teaching to develop some skills of the Arabic language (listening - speaking - reading - writing) in the different educational stages.
5- A suggested strategy based on interactive teaching to develop the teaching skills of Arabic language teachers at various educational levels, and to measure their impact on the achievement of their pupils