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ظواهر التركيب في مشاهد القيامة في القرآن الكريم :
أحمد، شيماء حسن محمد.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / شيماء حسن محمد أحمد
مشرف / وائل السيد البرعي
مناقش / السيد علي محمد خضر
مناقش / ابراهيم سند ابراهيم
اللغة العربية.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
مصدر الكتروني (280 صفحة) :
اللغة واللسانيات
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنصورة - كلية الآداب - قسم اللغة العربية
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

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Syntactic features of Resurrection scenes in The Holly Quran (Syntactic Semantic study) This is a title of research for obtaining a doctoral degree, and this research aims to reveal the structural phenomena in the scenes of the Resurrection in the Holy Qur’an, and analyze them grammatically and semantic, and it contains an introduction, an introduction, five chapters and a conclusion as follows: • Introduction: It included the following: • First: Defining the term structure phenomena. • Second: Definition of the scenes of the Resurrection. • Second: The nature of the relationship between grammar and significance. Chapter 1: It is entitled: “Introduction and Delays in the Scenes of the Resurrection”, as it is divided into two topics, namely: The first topic: introduction and delay in the nominal sentence. This topic seeks to identify some of the miracles in the Noble Qur’an specifically in the verses of the scenes of the Resurrection through a linguistic phenomenon, which is ”introduction and delay”, and to provide a linguistic description of this phenomenon, and to analyze a semantic grammatical analysis in order to reveal its semantic dimensions and its rhetorical secrets. This is done by applying to the verses of the scenes of the Resurrection that contain the absolute and restricted noun sentence, and it includes a graphical table to count the places of introduction and delay in the nominal sentence in the verses of the scenes of the resurrection. The second topic: introduction and delay in the actual sentence: This topic deals with the phenomenon of introduction and delay in the actual sentence, and the indication of the semantic dimensions of that phenomenon through application to the verses of the scenes of the Resurrection. , The neighbor and the accuser are the vice of the subject, the neighbor and the accusative are the object, and the adverb is the object. It includes a graph to count the places of introduction and delay in the actual sentence in the verses of the scenes of the Resurrection. Chapter II : It is entitled ”Deletion in the Scenes of the Resurrection”, and it includes four sections, as follows: The first topic: deletion in the nominative sentence: This study deals with the study of the phenomenon of deletion in the nominal sentence in the verses of the scenes of the Resurrection in the Noble Qur’an, and analyzes them in a semantic grammatical analysis in order to reveal its semantic dimensions and its rhetorical secrets. This is done by applying to the verses of the scenes of the Resurrection that contain the absolute and restricted noun sentence. It includes a graph to count the places of omission in the Resurrection Scenes verses. The second topic: deletion in the actual sentence: This section deals with the phenomenon of deletion in the verbal sentence, and deleting in this section is intended to delete any of the basic elements that make up the verbal sentence, which are: the verb or the subject if the action is necessary, and the verb or the subject or the object if the action is transgressive, and the deletion is represented in two matters: Deleting an obligation, and deleting is permissible. The third topic: Deletion in the conditional sentence: This chapter deals with the study of the phenomenon of “deletion” in the conditional sentence in the verses of the scenes of the Resurrection in the Holy Qur’an a semantic grammatical study. This deletion is represented in two forms: deleting the verb with the instrument, and deleting the response to the condition, and then standing on the rhetorical secrets of that phenomenon. The fourth topic: deletion in compact compounds: This study deals with the study of the phenomenon of ”deletion” in the compact compounds in the verses of the scenes of the Resurrection in the Holy Quran, a semantic study. Among the compact compounds in which one of its elements was omitted in the verses of the scenes of the Resurrection: (the descriptive compound, the present compound, the literal compound, and the additional compound), and a chart is attached to the end of the chapter to count the places of the omissions in the verses of the scenes of the Resurrection. Chapter Three: It is titled “The Matching in the Scenes of the Resurrection”, and it includes three sections, as follows: The first topic: Correspondence between the predicate and the subject to it: This study deals with the study of the phenomenon of matching between the two sides of the chain of transmission (the predicate and the subject to it), which is represented in the type of reminder and feminization, in the number of singularity, deuteronomy and plural, and in the definition and denial, this is in the subject and the report, as for the matching between the verb and the subject, it is limited to gender and number only. The second topic: the matching between the follower and the subordinate: This topic deals with the study of conformity in the subjects, and the matching was limited to four types, which are: the match between the participle and the participle, the matching between the affirmative and the affirmative, the matching between the affirmative and the affirmed, and the match between the substitute and the substitute thereof. The third topic: Correspondence between the pronoun and its reference: This study deals with the study of the phenomenon of matching the conscience and its reference in application to the verses of the scenes of the Resurrection, with an explanation of the aspects of the violation and the rhetorical secret behind that violation. Correspondence is represented in four types: the matching between the pronoun and its reference in the singular, the matching between the pronoun and its reference in the deuteronomy, the matching between the pronoun and its reference in the plural, the matching between the pronoun and its reference, and the matching between the subject pronoun and its reference. Chapter Four: It is titled “Inclusion in the Scenes of the Resurrection”, and it includes four sections, as follows: The first topic: the concept of inclusion and its types: It includes a theoretical introduction on the concept of inclusion in language and the terminology of rhetoricians and grammarians, focusing on the grammatical concept of inclusion that is the subject of study, mentioning its types and conditions, and its impact on understanding linguistic structures. The second topic: inclusion in names: It deals with the study of the phenomenon of inclusion in nouns, and then examines the effect of this phenomenon on the interpretation of the meaning of the Qur’anic verses and the understanding of the Qur’anic text. The third topic: inclusion in verbs: This section examines the phenomenon of inclusion in verbs in the verses of the scenes of the Resurrection, and its effect on understanding the Qur’an text. The fourth topic: Inclusion in the news and construction sentence: It deals with the inclusion in the news sentence and the structural sentence in the verses of the scenes of the Resurrection, so we find that the narrative sentence may include the meaning of the order sentence or vice versa, that the order includes the meaning of the news sentence, and the rhetorical purpose of this inclusion. Chapter Five: It is entitled ”Looking at the Scenes of the Resurrection”, and it includes four sections, as follows: The first topic: the concept of attention, its rhetoric and its secrets, It includes a theoretical introduction on the concept of inclusion in language and convention, and a study of the rhetorical secrets mentioned by linguists and rhetoric scholars for that phenomenon. Topic Two: Paying attention to verb tenses: This topic deals with the study of attention in verb formulas, and this type has images, including: moving from the present tense form to the past or vice versa by moving from the past to the present tense, and moving from the form of the building to the known to the passive or vice versa, with the rhetoric of attention in this type and the Quranic miracle. The third topic: Paying attention to the pronouns. This topic deals with the images of looking at the pronouns and applying to the verses of the scenes of the Resurrection, and standing on the rhetorical purposes of each of them.