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علاقة البراعة التنظيمية بالذكاء التنافسي :
سليمان، صافيناز السيد محمد.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / صافيناز السيد محمد سليمان
مشرف / صفاء أحمد الشربينى
مناقش / على يونس ابراهيم
مناقش / نوال محمود النادى
إدارة الأفراد - التنظيم والادارة. إدارة الأعمال - الأداء الوظيفى.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
مصدرالكترونى (132 صفحة) :
الأعمال والإدارة والمحاسبة (المتنوعة)
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنصورة - كلية التجارة - قسم إدارة الأعمال
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 132

from 132


Organizational Dexterity is a set of processes, procedures, and activities that an organization uses to manage, organize, and integrate separate exploitative and exploratory efforts and to allocate, reallocate, and merge resources and assets across various units. On the one hand, competitive intelligence is a strategic tool through which external information about competitors and the competitive environment can be collected, analyzed and processed through structured methods as part of the decision-making process. 1st: The Research’s Problem: The research problem is to answer the following two questions: 1- Is there a correlation between the dimensions of organizational dexterity and the dimensions of competitive intelligence in telecommunications companies in Egypt? Is there an effect of the dimensions of organizational dexterity on the dimensions of competitive intelligence in telecommunications companies in Egypt? 2nd: The Research’s Objectives: In the light of the research problem, the researcher seeks to achieve the following objectives: In light of the research problem, the researcher seeks to achieve the following main goals: 1- Determine the nature of the relationship between both organizational dexterity and competitive intelligence in the research community. 2- Knowing the significant impact of organizational dexterity on competitive intelligence. 3rd: The Research’s Hypotheses: Based on the research problem and to achieve its objectives, this research tests the validity of the following hypotheses: 1- There is no significant correlation between the dimensions of organizational dexterity and the dimensions of competitive intelligence in Telecom Egypt Company in Mansoura. 2- There is no significant impact of the dimensions of organizational dexterity on the dimensions of competitive intelligence in Telecom Egypt Company in Mansoura. 4th: The Importance of the Research: This research is considered to be important on both the scientific and practical levels as follows: The Scientific Importance: The absence of Arabic or foreign writings has been done in the field of studying the relationship between organizational dexterity and competitive intelligence within the limits of the researcher’s science, and therefore this research comes as a follow-up to recent trends in organizational and behavioral studies. Scientific rooting for the concept of organizational dexterity and identifying its dimensions, characteristics, importance and factors affecting it. b) The Applied Importance: Attempt to direct the attention of Telecom Egypt leaders to invest the available and new resources and opportunities. And adopt strategies that enable the collection, analysis and processing of information about external competitors because of their importance in achieving a competitive advantage for the company that enables them to survive and continue. The field of application is considered one of the vital companies in the field of communications, as it depends on the huge infrastructure that has many vital facilities in the country, and the importance of paying attention to it increases with the increase in competition between the current companies in the telecommunications sector. 5th: Research’s Framework: On the basis of the hypotheses of the research, it was divided to include the following topics: Chapter one: The researcher deals with (preamble, the conceptual framework of the research, the previous studies, the exploratory study, the research problem, the research objectives, the research assumptions, the research importance, the methodology of the research, the research framework). Chapter two: Theoretical framework of the research variables Chapter Three: The analytical research of the field research data. Chapter Four: Summary of findings and recommendations. References. Appendix. Abstracts. 6th: The Findings of the Research: The researcher reached a number of results: There is a significant correlation between the dimensions of organizational dexterity and the dimensions of competitive intelligence in Telecom Egypt Company in Mansoura. There is a significant impact of the dimensions of organizational dexterity on the dimensions of competitive intelligence in Telecom Egypt Company in Mansoura. There is a significant impact of organizational dexterity on commercial intelligence. There is a significant impact of organizational dexterity on technological intelligence. 7th: The Research’s Recommendations. The researcher offers a set of recommendations as follows: a. Recommendations for the management of Telecom Egypt Company in Mansoura: 1- The necessity of paying attention to optimizing the available opportunities and working to increase the company’s ability to improve activities to create value on the long level. 2- The need for attention and the company’s endeavor to continuously satisfy the needs of its customers by providing services with unique characteristics that distinguish them from competitors. 3- The necessity of focusing on developing the facility’s ability to innovate and develop organizational strategies and work to increase the company’s ability to allocate resources to achieve success in both exploitation and exploration. b. Recommendations for researchers in the field of human resources for future studies: 1- Study the role of organizational dexterity in achieving organizational excellence. 2- Study the relationship between organizational dexterity and quality of work life 3- Study the relationship between information technology and organizational dexterity. 4- Apply this study in other sectors.