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A histomorphometric meta- analysis of sinus elevation with various grafting materials/
Elbalka, Amr Elsayed.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / عمر السيد البلقا
مشرف / ابراهيم عبد الله محمد
مشرف / طارق ابراهيم الغريب
Sinus Elevation.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
106, {3} Leaves :
Oral Surgery
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة القاهرة - الفم والأسنان - Oral Surgery
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

from 118

from 118


Several grafting materials have been used in the sinus floor augmentation
procedures including autogenous bone(AB), Xenograft (Bio-Oss), inorganic bovine
bone (ABB), platelet rich fibrin (PRF) , plasma rich fibrin (PRF), hydroxy appatite
(HA), calcium sulfate and pegen P15 used AB as a comparator and the other six
materials as interventions. Up to now a subject of controversy in maxillofacial
surgery and dentistry is what is the most appropriate graft material for sinus floor
Purpose: The aim of the study is to provide a body of evidence-based data
regarding grafting materials in sinus floor elevation concerning the quality of bone
which measured by Histomorphometric analysis and the quantity of bone which
measured by Cone Beam Computed-Tomography (CBCT), through a metaanalysis
of the available literature.
Materials and Methods: The literature searches were performed using PubMed
search. The search covers only English, human and RCT literatures. For analyzing
the quality and quantity of bone. After search strategy on PubMed we found 336
articles then after applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria the remaining RCT
articles which met the criteria are 2 studies, which measures the bone quality only by
Histomorphometric and no included RCT paper using CBCT.
Results: In the remaining 2 articles the comparison occur between 2 materials
which are autogenous bone and Bio-Oss using Histomorphometric analysis on 48
patients, which gives result in the first study AB=37.7 ± 31.3%, Bio-Oss=41.7 ±
26.6% and in the second study AB=42.74 ± 2.10%, Bio-Oss=24.90 ± 5.76%.
Conclusion: The bone quality formed by Bio-Oss is less than autogenous bone by
17.1% so that the autogenous bone remains the gold standard grafting material.